  • Lightside View
  • The user can utilize this ability to force a being to face their inner good, either in a mental struggle or bring the victim's light side into the world as a physical being. When a light is faced, they're arguably more powerful than the evil half of the being. They're basically a physical manifestation of the being's past right doing, or current doing. They know the being like they know themselves, and that's a (for evil at least) frightening thought. Victims are either given pause or outright redeemed by the sensation of this ability.
Row 1 info
  • Force target to see the good of their own soul.
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
Box Title
  • Lightside View
  • Kal-El is affected with Black Kryptonite and forced to face the lighter aspects of his personality, Clark.
  • 380
  • darkblue
  • The user can utilize this ability to force a being to face their inner good, either in a mental struggle or bring the victim's light side into the world as a physical being. When a light is faced, they're arguably more powerful than the evil half of the being. They're basically a physical manifestation of the being's past right doing, or current doing. They know the being like they know themselves, and that's a (for evil at least) frightening thought. Victims are either given pause or outright redeemed by the sensation of this ability.