  • Academic Bowl
  • To answer a question, the participate must "buzz in" with the hand-held device. Each team has their own strategy, but most go for the douchebag approach. “Academic and aristocratic people live in such an uncommon atmosphere that common sense can rarely reach them. ” ~ Samuel Butler .
  • To answer a question, the participate must "buzz in" with the hand-held device. Each team has their own strategy, but most go for the douchebag approach. “Academic and aristocratic people live in such an uncommon atmosphere that common sense can rarely reach them. ” ~ Samuel Butler . Academic bowl was started in ancient Rome to give the really smart kids a way to show how much better they really were than the little gladiators that got laid by girls who weren't seventy year-old prostitutes. Over the ages, it has kept the same basic reason for existence: to give geeks a place where they can do better than the jocks who are twice their height and get all the girls to sleep with them. While the jocks shag and bag one girl after another, Academic bowl participants have been known to practice their buzzer skills with their penises. Contrary to popular belief, the terms "Academic Bowl" and "Beauty Pageant" are not synonymous. There are several key differences. It's very rare to find people at academic bowl tournaments that are easy on the eyes. However the talent portions are similar across both activities. In "Beauty Pageants" woman show off their perky boobs that they are proud of and in "Academic Bowl" they show off their versed knowledge that they are proud of.