  • Marino's Fish Store
  • A fish store in Old Town, Marino's Fish Store was owned and named after it's proprietor, Maxie Marino, who had been in the fish trade since the late 1980's. The business suffered a decline in the early 2000's, when it was taken over by Tattaglia Family, who were attempting to make a move on Old Town. The move failed, yet Marino's Fish Store stayed under their control, although Maxie was not trusted enough to be given a racket. By 2010, Marino had become sick of the Tattaglias and was delighted when Charlie Trapani took over and forced him instead.
  • A fish store in Old Town, Marino's Fish Store was owned and named after it's proprietor, Maxie Marino, who had been in the fish trade since the late 1980's. The business suffered a decline in the early 2000's, when it was taken over by Tattaglia Family, who were attempting to make a move on Old Town. The move failed, yet Marino's Fish Store stayed under their control, although Maxie was not trusted enough to be given a racket. By 2010, Marino had become sick of the Tattaglias and was delighted when Charlie Trapani took over and forced him instead.