  • Loot Suggestion Contest
  • Here's what you've all been waiting for - the winners of the Mafia Wars Loot Suggestion Contest. Originally we said we'd only choose 10 winners, but after reviewing hundreds of thousands of your great entries, we expanded our list of winners to the following 19. These lucky winners will receive 501 of the items they suggested along with 50 reward points. Thank you all for participating and congratulations to the winners:
  • Here's what you've all been waiting for - the winners of the Mafia Wars Loot Suggestion Contest. Originally we said we'd only choose 10 winners, but after reviewing hundreds of thousands of your great entries, we expanded our list of winners to the following 19. These lucky winners will receive 501 of the items they suggested along with 50 reward points. Thank you all for participating and congratulations to the winners:
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