  • Vagaig
  • Vagaig stood 6’7” and was strong of build. Called handsome by others even with battle scars, he vainly agreed. He was pleasantly imposing by being gregarious, bolstered by a dry wit and dedicated sense of humor. His men found him likable.Vagaig favored clothing of a deep green hue and equipped a "greenish" chain mail and green sword. He scoffed at too frequent a use of a warrior's protective covering as the weight and heat botherered him.
  • Vagaig stood 6’7” and was strong of build. Called handsome by others even with battle scars, he vainly agreed. He was pleasantly imposing by being gregarious, bolstered by a dry wit and dedicated sense of humor. His men found him likable.Vagaig favored clothing of a deep green hue and equipped a "greenish" chain mail and green sword. He scoffed at too frequent a use of a warrior's protective covering as the weight and heat botherered him.