  • Pop-Tart
  • Pop-Tarts were a foodstuff enjoyed by the Eleventh Doctor, apparently for breakfast. (PROSE: The Coming of the Terraphiles)
  • Pop-Tarts are a deadly weapon that tastes delicious. Nobody knows that Pop-Tarts make you die happy, though. They are sometimes filled with nasty meat. Luigi likes to collect Pop-Tarts, which have been involved in the plots of some shames. Some people eat them for breakfast so they are big rivals of toast, cereal and Toads. Pop tarts come in many flavours such as strawberry, chocolate, poison, ninja, toast, dinner, cookie, pie and George W Bush's super secret yummy flavour ( now banned in 84 different countries ). Supposedly, when politicians die, they turn into Pop-Tarts.
  • Pop-Tarts were a foodstuff enjoyed by the Eleventh Doctor, apparently for breakfast. (PROSE: The Coming of the Terraphiles)
  • Pop-Tarts are a deadly weapon that tastes delicious. Nobody knows that Pop-Tarts make you die happy, though. They are sometimes filled with nasty meat. Luigi likes to collect Pop-Tarts, which have been involved in the plots of some shames. Some people eat them for breakfast so they are big rivals of toast, cereal and Toads. Pop tarts come in many flavours such as strawberry, chocolate, poison, ninja, toast, dinner, cookie, pie and George W Bush's super secret yummy flavour ( now banned in 84 different countries ). Supposedly, when politicians die, they turn into Pop-Tarts. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN!