  • Apelinq
  • A participant in the close of the Autobot/Decepticon wars, Apelinq turned to scientific research in Cybertron's new peacetime economy. But in due time, he was called by the Maximal government to lead the resurrection of Cybertron's legendary strike team, the Wreckers. Known for his genius battlefield tactics, Apelinq is a bot of ideas who would rather outwit his opponents than destroy them with brute force. His years in research have jaded him against more spiritual thinking. He doesn't trust mysticism. Apelinq tends to micromanage, to his detriment, and thanks to his solid confidence in his own abilities, can get in over his head.
  • A participant in the close of the Autobot/Decepticon wars, Apelinq turned to scientific research in Cybertron's new peacetime economy. But in due time, he was called by the Maximal government to lead the resurrection of Cybertron's legendary strike team, the Wreckers. Known for his genius battlefield tactics, Apelinq is a bot of ideas who would rather outwit his opponents than destroy them with brute force. His years in research have jaded him against more spiritual thinking. He doesn't trust mysticism. Apelinq tends to micromanage, to his detriment, and thanks to his solid confidence in his own abilities, can get in over his head. Apelinq's years in scientific research have armed him well. He carries two impact maces of his own design. He is most famous for his Transfer interlink, an invention that can download digital objects into reality. The limitations of this technology are not yet known, though he uses this ability to achieve his favorite mode of transportation—through the skies on his "virtual digiboard."