  • Trixian bubble juice
  • In 2369, Tetrarch Varis Sul of the Paqu ordered a glass of Trixian bubble juice during negotiations with the Navot. When Quark called her a "little lady", she threw the drink in his face. (DS9: "The Storyteller") Trixian bubble juice was also Nog's favorite drink. His father Rom "borrowed" a case of the pink beverage from his brother in 2371. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
  • Trixian bubble juice was a pink-colored juice beverage, often considered as appropriate for children, that was available at Quark's on Deep Space 9's Promenade. (DS9 episodes: "The Storyteller", "Prophet Motive"; ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook) In 2369, Quark served Trixian bubble juice to Varis Sul, who took exception to his description of her as being a "little lady". Varis threw the drink in Quark's face and stormed out of the room. Quark planned to still charge her for the drink. (DS9 episode: "The Storyteller")
  • In 2369, Tetrarch Varis Sul of the Paqu ordered a glass of Trixian bubble juice during negotiations with the Navot. When Quark called her a "little lady", she threw the drink in his face. (DS9: "The Storyteller") Trixian bubble juice was also Nog's favorite drink. His father Rom "borrowed" a case of the pink beverage from his brother in 2371. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
  • Trixian bubble juice was a pink-colored juice beverage, often considered as appropriate for children, that was available at Quark's on Deep Space 9's Promenade. (DS9 episodes: "The Storyteller", "Prophet Motive"; ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook) In 2369, Quark served Trixian bubble juice to Varis Sul, who took exception to his description of her as being a "little lady". Varis threw the drink in Quark's face and stormed out of the room. Quark planned to still charge her for the drink. (DS9 episode: "The Storyteller") Nog was fond of Trixian bubble juice. In 2371, Quark found several bottles of Trixian bubble juice from his storeroom in Nog and Rom's quarters. (DS9 episode: "Prophet Motive") In 2374, a bottle of Trixian bubble juice was broken when the infant Q bounced around a room. (TNG novel: Q-Space) Quark served a glass of Trixian bubble juice to Cenn Desca in 2383. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night)