  • Hexatriol
  • In 2152, E'Lis, a medic at a deuterium mining camp, took a package of hexatriol from Enterprise NX-01's sickbay as part of an agreement between the miners and the Enterprise crew. (ENT: "Marauders")
  • Hexatriol was a medication used to treat serious plasma burns. In 2152, E'lis, a medic at a deuterium mining camp, took a package of hexatriol from the Enterprise's sickbay, as part of an agreement between the miners and the Enterprise crew. (ENT: "Marauders") Ketracel-white contaminated with hexatriol could turn Jem'Hadar into zombies. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Off Coverage")
  • In 2152, E'Lis, a medic at a deuterium mining camp, took a package of hexatriol from Enterprise NX-01's sickbay as part of an agreement between the miners and the Enterprise crew. (ENT: "Marauders")
  • Hexatriol was a medication used to treat serious plasma burns. In 2152, E'lis, a medic at a deuterium mining camp, took a package of hexatriol from the Enterprise's sickbay, as part of an agreement between the miners and the Enterprise crew. (ENT: "Marauders") Ketracel-white contaminated with hexatriol could turn Jem'Hadar into zombies. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Off Coverage")