  • USS Valiant (NCC-74210)
  • USS Valiant (NCC-74210)
  • USS Valiant (NCC-74210)
  • The USS Valiant (NCC-74210) was a Defiant Class ship in the late 24th century. It was on a training cruise when the Dominion War started. Most of the crew was killed and the only survivors were a group a cadets belonging to Red Squad. The Valiant was on a mission to gather information on a Dominion Battleship that was a threat to everything in a 50 Light Year Radius. It was destroyed trying to destroy the Dominion Battleship. Only 3 people made it out alive.
  • L' USS Valiant NCC-74210 était un vaisseau spatial de la Fédération de classe Defiant affilié à Starfleet, durant la 2ème moitié du 24ème siècle. Il fut le deuxième vaisseau de la Fédération à porter ce nom.
  • The USS Valiant (NCC-74210) was a 24th century Federation Defiant-class starship operated by Starfleet. The Valiant was launched from the Antares Ship Yards in 2387. It was assigned as a training ship for the elite cadet corps Red Squad under the command of Captain Ramirez. Since Captain Ramirez was killed in action, 22-year-old Tim Watters assumed command of the Valiant.
  • Das Schiff steht unter dem Kommando von Captain Ramirez. Neben dem Captain befinden sich sechs weitere Offiziere an Bord, die für die Ausbildung der 35 Kadetten verantwortlich sind. 2373 soll die Valiant in drei Monaten den Föderationsraum umfliegen, um so die Kadetten für den Schiffseinsatz zu trainieren. Zu der Zeit als die Valiant den Kepla-Sektor durchquert, bricht der Dominion-Krieg aus. Die Dominion-Flotte erobert den Sektor und die Valiant sitzt hinter den feindlichen Linien fest.
  • The USS Valiant (NCC-74210) was a Federation Defiant-class starship launched from the Antares Ship Yards in 2372. In 2373, the Valiant was assigned as the training vessel for the elite Red Squadron and sent on a three-month cruise to circumnavigate the Federation. During its cruise the Dominion War broke out and the ship quickly found itself behind enemy lines. While trying to return to Federation territory it was engaged by a Cardassian battle cruiser, the Valiant destroyed the battle cruiser though at the cost of the ship's officers, leaving the vessel under the command of Cadet Tim Watters.
  • The Valiant was assigned as a training ship for the elite cadet corps Red Squad. During the training cruise mission, the Dominion War broke out and the ship was trapped behind enemy lines. During the attempt to return to Federation territory, the Valiant was attacked by a Cardassian battle cruiser and all the regular officers, including Captain Ramirez, were killed or critically wounded, leaving the cadets in command. After collecting detailed intelligence concerning a previously unknown Jem'Hadar battleship, the crew attempted to destroy the vessel. The plan to attack a certain section of the Dominion ship failed to destroy the vessel, which launched its powerful weapons against the Valiant. Jake Sisko, Nog and Dorian Collins were able to escape the Valiant before it was destroyed. (DS9 e
  • In late-2373, the Valiant began a three month training cruise mission to circumnavigate the entire Federation before returning home. The plan was for the cadets to run the ship while the officers aboard observed and critiqued their performance. Out of a crew of 35 (plus Nog and Jake), only three survived the battle. (DS9: "Valiant")
  • 2374
  • NCC-74210
  • ;Registrierung:NCC-74210 ;Klasse:Defiant-Klasse ;Stapellauf:2372 ;Status:2374 zerstört
  • Destroyed
  • destroyed
  • 2370.0
  • Red Squad logo.png
  • NCC-74210
  • USS Valiant
  • Escort
  • NCC-74210
  • 2374
  • Defiant
  • USS Valiant
  • Valiant
  • File:USS Valiant NCC-74210.jpg type = fed
  • USS Valiant
  • USS Valiant.jpg
  • USS
  • The USS Valiant (NCC-74210) was a Federation Defiant-class starship launched from the Antares Ship Yards in 2372. In 2373, the Valiant was assigned as the training vessel for the elite Red Squadron and sent on a three-month cruise to circumnavigate the Federation. During its cruise the Dominion War broke out and the ship quickly found itself behind enemy lines. While trying to return to Federation territory it was engaged by a Cardassian battle cruiser, the Valiant destroyed the battle cruiser though at the cost of the ship's officers, leaving the vessel under the command of Cadet Tim Watters. Watters then undertook the captain's secret orders to track and collect data on the new Jem'Hadar battleship. After several months the Valiant managed to fulfill its mission, Watters then decided to attempt to destroy the battleship by shooting a modified torpedo at the antimatter storage system's primary support braces. During the engagement the Valiant was destroyed, only three people onboard managed to escape alive. (DS9: "Valiant")
  • The Valiant was assigned as a training ship for the elite cadet corps Red Squad. During the training cruise mission, the Dominion War broke out and the ship was trapped behind enemy lines. During the attempt to return to Federation territory, the Valiant was attacked by a Cardassian battle cruiser and all the regular officers, including Captain Ramirez, were killed or critically wounded, leaving the cadets in command. After collecting detailed intelligence concerning a previously unknown Jem'Hadar battleship, the crew attempted to destroy the vessel. The plan to attack a certain section of the Dominion ship failed to destroy the vessel, which launched its powerful weapons against the Valiant. Jake Sisko, Nog and Dorian Collins were able to escape the Valiant before it was destroyed. (DS9 episode: "Valiant") Dorian Collins, the only member of Red Squad to survive, spent some time thinking about her experiences aboard the Valiant. (DS9 short story: "Dorian's Diary") Starfleet Academy later established the Valiant commendation, an award named for the Valiant and its crew. (ST reference: Celebrations)
  • The USS Valiant (NCC-74210) was a Defiant Class ship in the late 24th century. It was on a training cruise when the Dominion War started. Most of the crew was killed and the only survivors were a group a cadets belonging to Red Squad. The Valiant was on a mission to gather information on a Dominion Battleship that was a threat to everything in a 50 Light Year Radius. It was destroyed trying to destroy the Dominion Battleship. Only 3 people made it out alive.
  • L' USS Valiant NCC-74210 était un vaisseau spatial de la Fédération de classe Defiant affilié à Starfleet, durant la 2ème moitié du 24ème siècle. Il fut le deuxième vaisseau de la Fédération à porter ce nom.
  • Das Schiff steht unter dem Kommando von Captain Ramirez. Neben dem Captain befinden sich sechs weitere Offiziere an Bord, die für die Ausbildung der 35 Kadetten verantwortlich sind. 2373 soll die Valiant in drei Monaten den Föderationsraum umfliegen, um so die Kadetten für den Schiffseinsatz zu trainieren. Zu der Zeit als die Valiant den Kepla-Sektor durchquert, bricht der Dominion-Krieg aus. Die Dominion-Flotte erobert den Sektor und die Valiant sitzt hinter den feindlichen Linien fest. Als die Valiant in den Föderationsraum zurückkehren will, trifft das Schiff in der Nähe von El-Gatark auf einen cardassianischen Schlachtkreuzer. Es kommt zum Kampf zwischen den beiden Schiffen. Schon nach den ersten 15 Minuten kommen vier der ausbildenden Offiziere ums Leben. Die anderen drei, darunter auch Captain Ramirez, werden schwer verletzt. Ramirez gelingt es, den Schlachtkreuzer mit der Valiant schwer zu beschädigen, aber auch die Valiant wird bei den Gefecht stark demoliert. Der schwerverletzte Captain leitet die Reparaturen und nach weniger als drei Stunden funktionieren die Waffen und der Impulsantrieb der Valiant wieder. Die Valiant kann den Schlachtkreuzer vernichten. thumb|left|Die Valiant feuert. Am nächsten Tag erliegt der Captain seinen Verletzungen. Kurz bevor er stirbt, ernennt er den Kadett Tim Watters zum Captain über die Valiant. Um die Kommandostruktur aufrecht zu erhalten befördert Watters die anderen Kadetten und teilt sie für ihre Posten ein. Aber Tim Watters kommt nur schwer mit der Bürde des Kommandos zurecht. Um sich fit zu halten nimmt er Cordafin-Aufputschmittel. In der Zwischenzeit wird die Valiant von der Föderation als vermisst erklärt. Nach acht Monaten hinter feindlichen Linien rettet die Crew der Valiant 2374 Jake Sisko und Nog deren Runabout USS Shenandoah vom Dominion angegriffen wird. Die Valiant hat zu dieser Zeit mit den gleichen technischen Problemen zu kämpfen wie die USS Defiant zu Beginn ihrer Stationierung bei Deep Space 9 – erst als Nog die gleichen Modifikationen am EPS-Gitter und am Warpantrieb wie Chief O'Brien vornimmt, ist es der Valiant möglich schneller als Warp 3,2 zu fliegen. Watters ist von Nogs Leistung begeistert, befördert ihn zum Lieutenant Commander und ernennt ihn zum Chefingenieur. thumb|Die Vernichtung der Valiant Das Schiff macht sich dann auf den Weg, um Daten über einen neuen Prototypen eines verbesserten Schlachtschiffes des Dominions zu sammeln, was ihr nicht zuletzt dank der Verbesserungen an den Schiffssystemen auch gelingt. Nach einer überhasteten Analyse der Daten entschließt sich die übermüdete Crew den Prototypen anzugreifen, um dessen vermeintliche Schwachstelle zu nutzen und ihn so zu zerstören. Der Plan misslingt jedoch und der voll bestückte Prototyp zerstört schließlich die Valiant und viele ihrer Rettungskapseln. Es gibt nur drei Überlebende: Nog, Jake und die Kadettin Dorian Collins können das Schiff in Rettungskapseln verlassen ohne getroffen zu werden und werden schließlich von der Defiant gerettet. (DS9: )
  • In late-2373, the Valiant began a three month training cruise mission to circumnavigate the entire Federation before returning home. The plan was for the cadets to run the ship while the officers aboard observed and critiqued their performance. The ship was transiting the Kepla sector when the Dominion War began, and subsequently trapped behind enemy lines after a Dominion fleet conquered that sector on the first day. In attempting to return to Federation territory, the Valiant encountered a Cardassian battle cruiser near El-Gatark. In the first fifteen minutes, all seven of the regular officers were killed or critically wounded, including the captain. The Valiant lost main power and was adrift; fortunately the Cardassian cruiser was no better off. The cadets got weapons and impulse engines back on-line within three hours, and were able to destroy that cruiser. The next day, just before Ramirez died, he appointed Cadet Tim Watters to the command. Early in the war, Starfleet ordered the Valiant to track and collect technical data on a previously unidentified Jem'Hadar battleship that was believed to be operating in the area. However, because the Valiant was operating under complete radio silence and limited to a speed of warp 3.2, Starfleet was unaware that the ship's officers were dead, and Watters decided to undertake the mission. Around Stardate 51825, the Valiant rescued Jake Sisko and Ensign Nog from the runabout Shenandoah, which was fleeing from a Jem'Hadar attack on Starbase 257. Nog assisted the Valiant's crew in repairing their warp drive, and the ship finally managed to catch up to the Dominion battleship and obtain detailed intelligence concerning the enemy's capabilities. Captain Watters' overconfidence, however, proved to be the Valiant's undoing. Rather than returning the valuable information to Starfleet, Watters decided to attempt to destroy the battleship by exploiting a perceived flaw in her construction. Vastly outgunned, the Valiant was quickly devastated after an unsuccessful attempt to destroy the enemy's antimatter storage system primary support braces. With Captain Watters and most of the bridge crew killed, Nog gave the order to abandon ship. Two of the four escape pods launched were destroyed by the Jem'Hadar ship, while a third was destroyed when it was unable to clear the exploding Valiant. The remaining pod was able to flee the battle area and was eventually recovered by the Valiant's sister ship, the USS Defiant. Out of a crew of 35 (plus Nog and Jake), only three survived the battle. (DS9: "Valiant")
  • The USS Valiant (NCC-74210) was a 24th century Federation Defiant-class starship operated by Starfleet. The Valiant was launched from the Antares Ship Yards in 2387. It was assigned as a training ship for the elite cadet corps Red Squad under the command of Captain Ramirez. Since Captain Ramirez was killed in action, 22-year-old Tim Watters assumed command of the Valiant.
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