  • CC-4713
  • CC-4713, nicknamed Joler, was an ARC clone marshal commander assigned to Senior Jedi General Zytiuk Meoi of the Grand Army of the Republic towards the end of the Clone Wars. He led, along with Zytiuk, the 42nd ARC Corps.
  • CC-4713, nicknamed Joler, was an ARC clone marshal commander assigned to Senior Jedi General Zytiuk Meoi of the Grand Army of the Republic towards the end of the Clone Wars. He led, along with Zytiuk, the 42nd ARC Corps. The 42nd ARC Corps was stationed on Bal'demnic with Traeh Habat, another Senior Jedi General, during the final days of the war, helping the Kon'me clean up the mess after the battle there. Zytiuk was talking to Joler when Palpatine issued Order 66. More loyal to the Republic than his friend, Zytiuk, Joler drew his weapon. However, he underestimated her lightsaber skill and was decapitated.