  • Window
  • Window
  • A song written for Kasane Teto's Birthday 2013.
  • A window is
  • Example: Options Window.
  • The Window is part of the Windows furni line.
  • Window is the Chisu Star in Suikoden.
  • Windows let in light and fresh air. They can also reduce insulation and let in bugs or other pests. Windows can be open spaces in the walls or can be filled with glass panes, vinyl, fiberglass, aluminum or glass block. Windows can be decorated or adjusted to change the amount of light, air or pests that can get through. Newspapers can clean windows effectively.
  • When trying to determine what caused the blackboard in Marvin's classroom to shatter, it is suggested it could have been a sharp sound, but Wendy doubts this, due to the fact that the windows in the room did not shatter. In Wonder Woman's opinion, the curtains draping the windows at the Mole residence were "dreadful."
  • Window is the name of a painting, painted by Teddy Ortiz. It won the award for "Best Landscape" in P.S. 38's Student Art Show.
  • To prevent XSS attacks, properties of windows from one domain cannot be accessed by scripts from another. When the current scope contains a homonym of a Window property, the Window property is hidden. To avoid this, always reference Window properties (except <a href="/mediawiki/#window" title="">window</a> or <a href="/mediawiki/#self" title="">self</a>), for example <a href="/mediawiki/#alert" title="">alert</a>, as either window.alert or self.alert.
  • A glass block can be made stronger and more decorative by framing it in wooden sticks. Perfect for making windows.
  • The Window was an Environmental Execution in the beta version of Manhunt 2. The audio files for the execution still exist in the PC version. The window was to be used on the Project in the Sorority House.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • Windows may manifest as objects that would not typically be described as windows, such as mirrors or traffic light lenses. They are often glass surfaces but many exceptions occur such as the bodices, jacuzzi, the back of the trucks, and the occasional random magical portal as the result of a flying carousel.
  • A Window is a type of magical doorway that can lead to another world, or even another universe. They are constructed by mages using complex spells and can take a few hours to make. They are created by pure magical energy that are actually parts of the Old Ones and when the spell is in progress, these lights will come together slowly to form a window. Only one known person has been known to construct a window by moving these lights into position, Kernel Fleck.
  • The Window is a Seabase component intended to allow the player to view the outside world from within seabase modules. They are constructed with the Habitat Builder and lower the integrity value by one unit. They can be placed on the side-panels, end-panels, and the ceilings of all compatible modules. The Window's shape and size will vary depending on the specific seabase module it is attached to as well as where on the module it is placed. Windows can be placed on:
  • Anoche me encontraba en la computadora jugando a Skyrim. Disfrutaba de un pacífico tiempo a solas, pues nadie estaba en casa. Era alrededor de la una de la madrugada; me tomé un decanso del juego para dedicarme a leer algunas hitorias terrofíficas en línea. En ese momentos, mientras miraba por encima una historia, escuché algo. Era un toque, un arañazo en la parte izquierda de mi ventana, junto al ordenador. El primer segundo en el que lo oí, pegué un brinco mientras me recorrían los escalofríos. Conforme seguía, me empecé a sentir nervioso y me sudaban las manos.
  • In The Sims, windows would allow a room to be lit during daylight hours, which would improve its Room score. Starting with The Sims 2, windows provided more realistic lighting, with light being brighter near windows, and inside lighting shining out through them at night. In The Sims 2, Sims may spontaneously look out of a window, and with Seasons, they may look out of a window to react to the weather. Occasionally, very neat Sims may spontaneously clean a window. Sims cannot be told to do any of these things.
  • Wall
  • message
  • code , msDelay
  • interval
  • message , default
  • url , [name ], [features ], [replace ]
  • x , y
  • wokno
  • okno
  • 83997
  • 9.800000
  • Yes
  • okno
  • прозорец
  • прозорец
  • вікно
  • None
  • wokno
  • no
  • Windows
  • òkno
  • No
  • Glass
  • Window
  • None
  • N
  • yes
  • W-4033
  • W-4052
  • W-4087
  • W-4452
  • a
  • 2013-04-01
  • 20
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • Unborn
  • Yes
  • number
  • string
  • boolean
  • Fenster
  • Window
  • History
  • Location
  • Wall
  • Wall Furniture
  • Window
  • string
  • HTMLCollection
  • boolean
  • HTMLDocument
  • x160px
  • Ui-n-dou
  • Windows in The Sims 3.
  • No
  • Windows
  • 80
  • 2576
Voice Actor
  • None
  • 5
  • 2.300000
  • ???cm
  • Window
  • "window"
  • Builder
  • Окно
  • Slavocracy
  • okno
  • 15
  • Observatory window .
  • teto
  • Unknown
  • 600
  • La Fenêtre
  • Window
  • Window
  • Window.png
  • It can be used to open or close it.
  • Janela
  • 60
  • 560
  • 4033
  • 4052
  • 4087
  • 4452
  • Ventana
  • окно
  • Window
  • Step outside the eye if your mind...
  • You can see the Taj Mahal from here!
  • • Windowmaker
  • SY 434
  • ウィンドゥ
  • 2
  • Many buildings in Venore.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 30
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • 1
  • 2
  • No
  • 0
  • 3
  • 10
  • 0
  • prozor
hull integrity
  • -1
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • A song written for Kasane Teto's Birthday 2013.
  • A window is
  • Example: Options Window.
  • The Window is a Seabase component intended to allow the player to view the outside world from within seabase modules. They are constructed with the Habitat Builder and lower the integrity value by one unit. They can be placed on the side-panels, end-panels, and the ceilings of all compatible modules. The Window's shape and size will vary depending on the specific seabase module it is attached to as well as where on the module it is placed. Windows can be placed on: * All 8 walls in the Multipurpose Room * All 4 walls and on the ceiling of the Basic Compartment * All 6 walls in the Moonpool * 1 wall in the Scanner Room
  • In The Sims, windows would allow a room to be lit during daylight hours, which would improve its Room score. Starting with The Sims 2, windows provided more realistic lighting, with light being brighter near windows, and inside lighting shining out through them at night. In The Sims 2, Sims may spontaneously look out of a window, and with Seasons, they may look out of a window to react to the weather. Occasionally, very neat Sims may spontaneously clean a window. Sims cannot be told to do any of these things. In The Sims 3, Sims can look into windows if the player clicks the window and selects "Look Through Window". When a Sim is looking through a neighbor's windows, there is a chance that someone inside will catch the peeping Sim and shoo him or her home. This will also cause a drop in the two Sims' relationship. When looking through a neighbor's windows, the inside of the house can be seen as if the Sim was inside. Sims with the Insane and Neurotic traits may autonomously look through a window, but this has no effect. It simply shows that the Sim has one of those traits.
  • The Window is part of the Windows furni line.
  • Window is the Chisu Star in Suikoden.
  • Windows let in light and fresh air. They can also reduce insulation and let in bugs or other pests. Windows can be open spaces in the walls or can be filled with glass panes, vinyl, fiberglass, aluminum or glass block. Windows can be decorated or adjusted to change the amount of light, air or pests that can get through. Newspapers can clean windows effectively.
  • When trying to determine what caused the blackboard in Marvin's classroom to shatter, it is suggested it could have been a sharp sound, but Wendy doubts this, due to the fact that the windows in the room did not shatter. In Wonder Woman's opinion, the curtains draping the windows at the Mole residence were "dreadful."
  • Windows may manifest as objects that would not typically be described as windows, such as mirrors or traffic light lenses. They are often glass surfaces but many exceptions occur such as the bodices, jacuzzi, the back of the trucks, and the occasional random magical portal as the result of a flying carousel. It is important to note that windows primarily have these properties in the Problem Sleuth universe. In the Homestuck universe, most windows function the same way as in real life... possibly. However, Homestuck's fenestrated walls function in similar ways to windows, and Roxy Lalonde is the only one to have them in the Problem Sleuth style. The properties of Roxy's windows are a bit different, however; they redirect through the Furthest Ring instead of the imaginary universe, and do not seem to have any aspect-modifying properties. Roxy appears to have alchemized a gun that fires windows, which she uses to navigate the uneven surface of LOPAN.
  • Window is the name of a painting, painted by Teddy Ortiz. It won the award for "Best Landscape" in P.S. 38's Student Art Show.
  • To prevent XSS attacks, properties of windows from one domain cannot be accessed by scripts from another. When the current scope contains a homonym of a Window property, the Window property is hidden. To avoid this, always reference Window properties (except <a href="/mediawiki/#window" title="">window</a> or <a href="/mediawiki/#self" title="">self</a>), for example <a href="/mediawiki/#alert" title="">alert</a>, as either window.alert or self.alert.
  • A glass block can be made stronger and more decorative by framing it in wooden sticks. Perfect for making windows.
  • Anoche me encontraba en la computadora jugando a Skyrim. Disfrutaba de un pacífico tiempo a solas, pues nadie estaba en casa. Era alrededor de la una de la madrugada; me tomé un decanso del juego para dedicarme a leer algunas hitorias terrofíficas en línea. En ese momentos, mientras miraba por encima una historia, escuché algo. Era un toque, un arañazo en la parte izquierda de mi ventana, junto al ordenador. El primer segundo en el que lo oí, pegué un brinco mientras me recorrían los escalofríos. Conforme seguía, me empecé a sentir nervioso y me sudaban las manos. -¿Qué demonios fue ese ruido?-pensé, mientras intentaba encontrar el origen de tal sonido.-Oh, bien, han de ser algunas polillas que por ver la luz de mi equipo a través de las persianas de la ventana, son atraídas y chocan con él. Maldición, debería dejar esas historias del demonio e irme a acostar; me empiezo a poner paranoico. Me reí un poco de mí mismo, y para cuando el reloj dio las cuatro finalmente fui a la cama. Tuve una pesadilla esa noche... Soñé que en la ventana en la que escuché el rasguño había una rostro azul con los ojos chorreantes de un profundo color negro. Su barbilla era anormalmente larga y puntiagudas; esta vez no habían persianas que bloquearan su mirada. Esta pasaba a través del cristal para llegar a mí. No, no había una sonrisa demoníaca o similar en aquel sueño. Si bien lo pienso, ni siquiera creo que ese ser me mirara directamente a mí. Solo tenía una expresión extraña. Me levanté a mediodía del día siguiente. Sentí la necesidad de subir las persianas y echar un vistazo para deshacerme de mi miedo, pero solo lo aumenté. Me levanté con las manos temblorosas y lentamente quité la persianas de mi vista; había arañazos en el cristal. -No podía haber sido una polilla, no; quizá aquel mapache que había estado comiendo la comida de mi gato...-Me quedé en silencio por unos momentos, hasta notar algo.-Espera... No. Los arañazos parecían tener forma. Un texto corto y descuidado, que decía así: -No era un sueño. Categoría:Sueños/Dormir
  • A Window is a type of magical doorway that can lead to another world, or even another universe. They are constructed by mages using complex spells and can take a few hours to make. They are created by pure magical energy that are actually parts of the Old Ones and when the spell is in progress, these lights will come together slowly to form a window. Only one known person has been known to construct a window by moving these lights into position, Kernel Fleck. When a Window opens, it manifests as a panel of light which varies in colour and was described twice in "Demon Thief" as having jagged edges. Windows are the only way of moving from world to world in the Demonata universe. They can be constructed anywhere there and even in the Human universe. Anyone can step through them, human or Demonata, and if a Window opens between the Demonata universe and the Human universe, magical energy will seep through into the Human universe.
  • The Window was an Environmental Execution in the beta version of Manhunt 2. The audio files for the execution still exist in the PC version. The window was to be used on the Project in the Sorority House.
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