  • Billionaire Camp
  • The Billionaire Camp is a campsite that billionaires like Mr. Burns, Rich Texan, Mark Cuban, Ted Turner and Mark Zuckerberg attend. It is right next to the Millionaire Camp and is separated by a fence. It is considered dishonorable to be demoted down to that camp. You are only allowed in this camp if you have over $1,000,000,000.
First Appearance
  • "The Burns and the Bees"
  • Billionaire Camp
  • Campsite for Billionaires
  • The Billionaire Camp is a campsite that billionaires like Mr. Burns, Rich Texan, Mark Cuban, Ted Turner and Mark Zuckerberg attend. It is right next to the Millionaire Camp and is separated by a fence. It is considered dishonorable to be demoted down to that camp. You are only allowed in this camp if you have over $1,000,000,000. There are many activities in this camp, like food fight, roasting diamonds, archery on famous paintings (Mona Lisa, Whistler's Mother and The Scream), playing Quidditch, playing poker about money (and people), telling horror stories, etc. Billionaires live in cottages with a big dsplay showing how much money they have in the moment.