  • Peer
  • Peer
  • Peer
  • Peer
  • Peer – postać, występująca w Gothic 3. Jest to złodziej mieszkający na farmie Josha.
  • Peer (ペール Pēru?) is a member of the Scout Regiment.
  • Peer is een soort Fruit.
  • A 'Peer' (or Peer of the Realm) is a player who has been granted a Noble Title via the college of heraldry. Note that these differ from the in-game Titles that can be purchased for tokens.
  • The Peer (貴族 Kizoku, lit. Aristocrat) is a non-playable class that is first introduced in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. Assumed by Elbert in The Blazing Blade and Fado in The Sacred Stones, the Peer class is aptly named after their positions as members of the aristocracy existing in the titles that they respectively appear in. Although not a playable class, the Peer class does possess unused combat data in The Blazing Blade.
  • A peer is one instance of a BitTorrent client running on a computer on the Internet to which other clients connect and transfer data. Usually a peer does not have the complete file, but only parts of it. However, in the colloquial definition, "peer" can be used to refer to any participant in the swarm (in this case, it is synonymous with "client").
  • [verbe du deuxième groupe] [peˈeɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du deuxième groupe 1. * vesser, péter, émettre des flatulences
  • If the mage needs a quick overview of the current surroundings, this spell is just the right thing. It shows an overhead view of the area around the mage in the form of a magical map. This helps wise spellcasters to properly orient themselves if lost in the wilderness or deep within a dungeon. However, it doesn't warn the caster of any nearby enemies. For this, the Wizard Eye spell should be employed.
  • Needless to say Peer is fairly unpopular among IRC users, but because of his power, no one speaks out against him. However sometimes Peer can be very helpful. An example: 1 w1ll h4x0r j00! yeah k whatever press that little 'X' in the upper right of your screen to find out * h4x0rj4ck Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) In this example, Peer just saved naive DiverDan from a potential hacking attempt by an experienced hacker. Good work Peer!
  • 1
  • ?
  • N/A
Posiadana Broń
  • Złodziej
  • N/A
  • Peer
  • Peer .png
  • ...
Kod na przywołanie
  • Peer
Posiadana Zbroja
Miejsce zamieszkania
  • ?
  • 230841
  • 2005-10-23
  • N/A
  • Alive
  • Ultima V
  • Ultima IV
  • The lands that we now call Britannia in honor of the wise and just influence of Lord British are vast in scope and hold many uncharted regions. Although cartographers have traveled all the circumference of the main continent, many internal tracts have yet to be accurately recorded, while there are numerous islands rumored to exist to the southeast with nary a chart to show their location. Here the practitioner of the mystic arts has a great advantage over the wanderer or seafarer in that the View spell may be woven when the need arises. The View incantation is of middling difficulty and involves the use of hallucinatory Nightshade and powerful Mandrake Root. Mandrake lends power to the enchantment while Nightshade provides a mystic overview of all the land within the range of a simple Blink spell. Simply blend the reagents and speak out the name of the region through which you travel.
  • Travelers in Britannia tell of magical gems that transport the vision of one gazing into their depths to a viewpoint thousands of feet above the land, like that of an eagle suspended in flight. It is illusion and reality. The change of viewpoint is illusion, but the knowledge provided is real. Powerful mages can replicate these miraculous effects through magic. In Quas Wis requires only two ingredients to create its illusion. Only the most powerful mandrake root will work for this spell; and only the most convoluted stems of nightshade. Mix the two in the dark of night with seven drops of cold spring water. Let the moisture evaporate, then place the shimmering powder in a cloth sack. When intoning In Quas Wis, cast the powder high to view the world about as if from the air. If cast within a towne, building or dungeon, all the detail of that level is revealed.
  • Pēru
Debut episode
  • Fruit
Voice Actor
  • Daichi Endō
  • Philip Weber
  • ペール
  • Human
  • Peer
  • 1
  • Soldier
  • 2329
  • Male
  • Book of Lore
  • The Book of Mystic Wisdom
  • Peer – postać, występująca w Gothic 3. Jest to złodziej mieszkający na farmie Josha.
  • Peer (ペール Pēru?) is a member of the Scout Regiment.
  • Peer is een soort Fruit.
  • Needless to say Peer is fairly unpopular among IRC users, but because of his power, no one speaks out against him. However sometimes Peer can be very helpful. An example: 1 w1ll h4x0r j00! yeah k whatever press that little 'X' in the upper right of your screen to find out * h4x0rj4ck Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) In this example, Peer just saved naive DiverDan from a potential hacking attempt by an experienced hacker. Good work Peer! While he may appear to disconnect users indiscriminately, he is just doing his job. So please remember to admire and respect Peer, and stand clear while he bans abusers from the internet.
  • A 'Peer' (or Peer of the Realm) is a player who has been granted a Noble Title via the college of heraldry. Note that these differ from the in-game Titles that can be purchased for tokens.
  • The Peer (貴族 Kizoku, lit. Aristocrat) is a non-playable class that is first introduced in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. Assumed by Elbert in The Blazing Blade and Fado in The Sacred Stones, the Peer class is aptly named after their positions as members of the aristocracy existing in the titles that they respectively appear in. Although not a playable class, the Peer class does possess unused combat data in The Blazing Blade.
  • A peer is one instance of a BitTorrent client running on a computer on the Internet to which other clients connect and transfer data. Usually a peer does not have the complete file, but only parts of it. However, in the colloquial definition, "peer" can be used to refer to any participant in the swarm (in this case, it is synonymous with "client").
  • [verbe du deuxième groupe] [peˈeɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du deuxième groupe 1. * vesser, péter, émettre des flatulences
  • If the mage needs a quick overview of the current surroundings, this spell is just the right thing. It shows an overhead view of the area around the mage in the form of a magical map. This helps wise spellcasters to properly orient themselves if lost in the wilderness or deep within a dungeon. However, it doesn't warn the caster of any nearby enemies. For this, the Wizard Eye spell should be employed.
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