  • N. New Jersey Street
  • N. New Jersey Street was a street in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Earth. The radio company Arc Radio Laboratories was located at 3334 N. New Jersey Street. This street's name was mentioned in an advertisement for Arc Radio Laboratories. This ad was in the materials Data was reading in early 2364 to become more prepared for a Dixon Hill adventure. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye" ) This street was only mentioned in writing. This ad was from the instruction manual for the 1983 video game The Witness. Pages from this manual appeared in the graphics for the episode.
  • N. New Jersey Street was a street in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Earth. The radio company Arc Radio Laboratories was located at 3334 N. New Jersey Street. This street's name was mentioned in an advertisement for Arc Radio Laboratories. This ad was in the materials Data was reading in early 2364 to become more prepared for a Dixon Hill adventure. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye" ) This street was only mentioned in writing. This ad was from the instruction manual for the 1983 video game The Witness. Pages from this manual appeared in the graphics for the episode.