  • Katy Caterpillar
  • Katy first leaves her sisters' tree knowing that she is curious about discovering new areas after listening to Mother Nature elsewhere when Chester and Clyde taunted her. She meets up with new friends in the area such as Denise (a spider who talked about her web), Dafio and his chameleons who told her to be with the chameleons, some bees who are abused by their queen, a busy toad who runs the shop of curios, Gilbert (a mouse), and Goliath (a cat who threatens him). Gilbert helps her try to avoid Goliath and his henchmen by getting on Mr. Horse. The duo then crashes onto the house of an unnamed mouse. First, he was mean to them, then apologizing to the duo. He takes them to a bar (CHEESEOTEC) where a group of mice is having fun. The trio accidentally gets into the tomato cannery, tricking C
  • Katy first leaves her sisters' tree knowing that she is curious about discovering new areas after listening to Mother Nature elsewhere when Chester and Clyde taunted her. She meets up with new friends in the area such as Denise (a spider who talked about her web), Dafio and his chameleons who told her to be with the chameleons, some bees who are abused by their queen, a busy toad who runs the shop of curios, Gilbert (a mouse), and Goliath (a cat who threatens him). Gilbert helps her try to avoid Goliath and his henchmen by getting on Mr. Horse. The duo then crashes onto the house of an unnamed mouse. First, he was mean to them, then apologizing to the duo. He takes them to a bar (CHEESEOTEC) where a group of mice is having fun. The trio accidentally gets into the tomato cannery, tricking Chester, Clyde, and Goliath. After Goliath has escaped, Chester and Clyde despair to take Katy back to home. She talks to Mother Nature about being a butterfly. Talking to her, she gives her a book how to build it. Katy knits a cocoon and then starts to evolve. As the days go by, Katy is now a butterfly (called a flying flower).