  • Supernatural
  • Supernatural
  • Supernatural
  • Supernatural
  • Supernatural
  • Supernatural
  • Supernatural
  • Categoría:Descripciones de comunidadesCategoría:Comunidades sin logo[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:TV
  • Supernatural means literally above nature. The term is used for supposed beings or events which involve more than physical processes and science as we know it. This is similar to Paranormal. Alleged magic and miracles are considered supernatural by people who believe they happen. Claims about finding things out through Extrasensory perception are also considered supernatural or paranormal.
  • Supernatural is a crew on the Cerulean Ocean.
  • The show features a glimpse at a much darker, grittier version of Oz than is depicted in the books, as lamented by the show's character Charlie Bradbury. It included references to the Oz books, the 1939 film, and to Wicked.
  • The term supernatural pertains to entities, events or powers regarded as beyond nature, in that they lack a clear scientific explanation. Religious miracles are typical of such supernatural claims, as are spells, curses, divination, the belief that there is an afterlife for the dead and innumerable others. Supernatural beliefs have existed in virtually all human cultures throughout recorded human history. Supernatural themes are often associated with paranormal and occult ideas.
  • You are a creature from the deepest imaginings of humanity, at the heart of our most well known myths: vampiric, angelic, demonic, or draconic. You have an incredibly diverse set of abilities, including excellent crowd control and strong damage. You can easily improve your regeneration abilities. The aspect you choose will determine the functionality of your supernatural powers.
  • Supernatural is a term often used as a noun to describe supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves, mages, wraiths, changelings, demons, and spirits.
  • Supernatural was a game designed and hosted by Impervious & Izzy based on own design (not related to the TV show). It began on February 03, 2009 and ended in a Game stopped after D1, (player inactivity). Revised game started as Supernatural 2
  • Many stories involving the mythos are overtly supernatural with elements such as magic. This may be horror or fantasy.
  • Das Supernatural Wiki sammelt alles Informationen rund um die Serie Supernatural. Das Wiki Besitzt mehr als 1700 Seiten(1783 genau(Stand 12. Mai 2017)). Dieses Wiki wurde im September 2016 vom Benutzer Castiel 41 adoptiert. Über neue Besucher, wird sich immer gefreut!!! 1. * WEITERLEITUNG
  • Supernatural is a term used to describe happenings that are of a spiritual nature, or above the natural or physical world. Supernatural events can be of either a positive or negative nature. Supernatural events can take many forms from magic, to superstition or mythological creatures.
  • Supernatural is an American television series by Eric Kripke. It is filmed in Vancouver, Canada, and debuted on September 13, 2005 on the WB, and is now part of The CW's lineup. The show follows brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, who travel across America in a black 1967 Chevy Impala investigating and combating paranormal events and other unexplained occurrences, many of them based on American urban legends and folklore as well as classic supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.
  • Erik Kripke hatte die bahnbrechnde Idee altbekannte Gruselgeschichten immer wieder neu aufzuwärmen und prompt daraus eine super schaurige Serie gemacht. Noch schnell zwei Emotional verkrüppelte Brüder hinzugefügt es Supernatural genannt und das Ganze auf die Zivilisation losgelassen und das alles ohne Waffenschein und doppelten Boden.
  • Supernatural (adjective) 1. the notion that we can use science to recreate the perfect, Edenic world described in The Bible before the fall of Adam and Eve Example: If science proves homosexuality is biological or genetic, we should use science to cure it as well. Supernatural was The Wørd for March 20, 2007.
  • The supernatural was something that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature. In some stories and folktales, more or less relating to Pirate Lore, the supernatural was whimsically associated with the paranormal and the occult; this differs from traditional concepts in some religions, such as Catholicism, where divine miracles were considered supernatural. Parts of the supernatural was something that is not of the usual and is somehow not natural, or has been altered by forces that are not understood fully if at all.
  • Supernatural is an American fantasy horror television series created by Eric Kripke. It was first broadcast on September 13, 2005, on The WB, and subsequently became part of successor The CW's lineup. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the two brothers as they hunt demons, ghosts, monsters, and other supernatural beings in the world.
  • The term supernatural (Latin: super "above" + natura "nature") pertains to entities, events or powers regarded as beyond nature, in that they cannot be explained by the laws of the natural world. Religious miracles are typical of such “supernatural” claims, as are spells and curses, divination, the belief that there is an afterlife for the dead, and innumerable others. Supernatural themes are often associated with magical and occult ideas.
  • Fantasy-17 * Magical Energy * Magical Attributes * Magical Correspondences * Subjective Magic * Theistic & Animistic Magic * Powers of the Mind * Glamour * Science excludes Magic * Science leaves room for magic * Science depends on magic * Magic excludes science * Mages in Black * Objective Good & Evil * Natural Magic * Alchemy * Enchantment * Runic Enchantment * Familiars & Fetishes * Holy Relics * Spirits * Gods * Angels * Demons * Evil Gods * Half-Mortals * Invisible Spirits * Visible Spirits
  • Supernatural er en serie om to supersexy menn som heter Dean og Sam Winchester. Winchester kommer av ordet Chest, som betyr brystkasse, og Win som er latinsk for sexy. Altså Sexy-brystkasse. Dean er storebroren til Sam, og noen ganger forteller han eventyr, som foreksempel " Unicorns.. They ride on silvermoonbeams and shoot rainbows out their asses." Dean var i helvete for fire måneder, når han kom opp derfra, var han enda hottere. Da han kom tilbake møtte han en Engel. Han het Castiel og er broren til Chuck Norris. Jobben til Sam og Dean er å sende stygge folk og monster ned til Lucifer. Sam syntest ikke Dean var sexy nok til å sende ned den styggeste kjerringa de noen gang hadde sett ( Lilith ) så Sam fikk hjelp av ei dame som het Ruby, til å drepe Lilith. Det viste seg at Ruby var ei fo
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Supernatural article. Take me to the Supernatural article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
  • Supernatural is a term that pertains to any type of phenomena or belief that cannot be proven by modern science or reason, into the realm of the unexplainable events and machinations often observed by superstition, and also some of the faith-based beliefs held by many religions or believers in the arts of magic.
  • This series is filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia and surrounding areas, and was in development for nearly ten years, as creator Kripke spent several years unsuccessfully pitching it. The pilot was viewed by an estimated 5.69 million viewers, and the ratings of the first four episodes prompted The WB to pick up the series for a full season. Originally, Kripke planned the series for three seasons, but later expanded it to five. The fifth season began airing on September 10, 2009, and concluded the series' main storyline; however, The CW officially renewed the show for a sixth season on February 16, 2010. On April 26, 2011, the show was renewed for a seventh season for the 2011–2012 season, which began on September 23, 2011. On May 3, 2012, Supernatural was renewed for an eighth season by
  • Her headaches Constant Increasing in pain with each passing day She can't even manage to stand on her own It's gotten so bad Now you think of saying There's no use in praying Still she bows her head so she can say, "Thank you for just one more day." Supernatural patience Graces her face And her voice never raises All because of a love Never let go of Never let go of He has every reason to throw up his fists In the face of his God who let his mother die Through all the prayer and tears She still passed in pain anyway He is teaching me What love really means He is teaching me What love truely means
  • το υπερφυσικο αποτελείται από 11 κυκλους αλλα αμφιβαλλεται αν ο 11ος θα είναι ο τελευταίος.Λογικα θα βγαλουν 30-35 κυκλους ακομα. ΠΡΩΤΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΕΣ: Ντιν:ο ντιν είναι ο μεγαλύτερος αδερφος του σαμ,κυνηγαει γκομενες λεφτα δαιμονες αγγελους μονοκερους νεραιδες λυκανθρωπους και τον θεο τον ιδιο όταν χρειαστεί.Συμφωνα με τον ντιν οι δαιμονες είναι σονς οφ α μπιτσις και οι αγγελοι είναι σιτς ο θεος νταζεντ κερ αμπαουτ δε χιουμανς .Είναι πολύ αγαπητος σε ολους αφου οι δαιμονες δινουν τα παντα για να τον παρουνε στην κολαση όπως και οι αγγελοι που κανουν τα παντα για αν τον βρουν και να τον σκοτωσουν.Ειναι ομορφος γυμνασμένος adorable και μπατμαν όπως λεει και ο ιδιος.
  • —Sam and Dean find out they have fans Supernatural is an American TV series featuring two brothers called Sam and Dean Winchester who drive around the U.S.A. in a Chevy Impala, killing off supernatural creatures by means of silver/iron bullets, rock salt, Latin exorcisms, and lighter fluid. Occasionally, they dig up graves. Minis from Supernatural are mini-hellhounds. They are not to be confused with Good Omens minis, which are mini-Hellhounds.
  • CAPITULO I Elena era una joven de 21 años que por lo general siempre se encontraba sola, sus padres habían fallecido hace 7 años en extrañas circunstancias. Un día, justo para el cumpleaños de Elena, sus padres preparaban una fiesta sorpresa, cuando la joven llego a su hogar subió a su habitación sin percatarse de nada extraño, pero luego comenzó a sentir olor a quemado bajo las escaleras, y se dio cuenta que la habitación de sus padres se incendiaba, comenzó a gritar llamando a sus padres, pero ninguno respondió, decidida entro a la habitación para verificar que ninguno yaciera en medio del fuego, no los vio, luego al llegar los bomberos la casa estaba totalmente consumida por las llamas, fueron los vecinos alertados por el humo quines los llamaron, cuando entraron encontraron a Elena des
  • Hi welcome to the guild Supernatural hope u have lot of happy days in this guild some rules: if place collector pick it be4 logging off no ganging not unless they gang u ( or prims fights or in dung ) no killing collector if people farming benefits: * good times * free crafts * lot of guild hunt and drop hunts :) * free leaching too How to get rank? and what you get from rank?. stay in guild give xp and do guild hunts treasure ( c x i ) the treasure is someone that make scroll 4 guild by using the collectors give 200000 to guild and is trusted by leader
  • lukeallmiighty
  • 17
nombre solicitado
  • es.supernatural
  • Aluminum
  • Old Hat, Aluminum
  • Brawler's Top, Captain's Hat, Scream Face, Serious Mask, Ugly Mask Viper
  • 5053799
  • radius BG_biancotraspVERT
  • 2009
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  • Supernatural
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  • Jason1992
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  • ?
  • None
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  • na
  • Aktiv
  • Logo-de-supernatural.png
  • solar
  • Cerulean
  • Inhuman
  • Phantom
  • Solonets
  • Te?a
  • no
  • This is the innate characteristic for supernatural.
  • na
  • 4
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  • ?
  • #000080
  • Sam Winchester approva.jpg
  • black
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  • Dean approva.gif
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  • # player #Reaymond #Twin Pop #SomeGuy #Lost in space #Zerep #Star_Tiger #Fox #Joe's Student #CrazyPainter #IDoNotExist #Social Darwin #Prince_Marth85 #Andromeda #Frozen_in_Fire #Frost
  • 5
  • 300
  • Supernatural Wiki es la comunidad sobre la serie de televisión Supernatural , emitida por el canal CW.
  • 2009-02-03
  • 6
  • A floating teacup.
  • The spirit of a deceased peasant. Floats around in the sewer.
  • -
  • Autocratic
  • Cidon
  • Shack
  • Sewer
  • 5
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  • After being hit
  • Typically at random
  • Abandonada
  • y
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  • Supernatural Wiki
  • yes
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  • Supernatural
  • Ad-dri
  • de.supernatural
  • ...premi play e continua la lettura ►
  • 3
  • red
  • border-radius: 1em; font-size: 120%; line-height: 3em;
  • Categoría:Descripciones de comunidadesCategoría:Comunidades sin logo[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:TV
  • Supernatural is a term that pertains to any type of phenomena or belief that cannot be proven by modern science or reason, into the realm of the unexplainable events and machinations often observed by superstition, and also some of the faith-based beliefs held by many religions or believers in the arts of magic. While supernatural phenomena often remain unexplained, as science expands, many events and manifestations formerly associated with magic, superstition and the supernatural could be explained by a greater understanding of natural possibility, thus bringing them into the realm of natural science. A Human, Arthur C. Clarke, was often quoted as saying that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", with the explanation of the technology being what would determine whether or not the results were supernatural or ordinary in origination. (TOS novelization: Star Trek; ST - Myriad Universes novel: Seeds of Dissent) Because there was little documentation as to the full extent of the Vulcan civilization's use of various powers of telepathy and telekinesis, these abilities were regarded as mysticism by members of other species, such as Humans. In particular, Commander of Starfleet Harry Morrow was skeptical of issuing orders based on evidence of mind-melds transferring consciousness. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Search for Spock)
  • Her headaches Constant Increasing in pain with each passing day She can't even manage to stand on her own It's gotten so bad Now you think of saying There's no use in praying Still she bows her head so she can say, "Thank you for just one more day." Supernatural patience Graces her face And her voice never raises All because of a love Never let go of Never let go of He has every reason to throw up his fists In the face of his God who let his mother die Through all the prayer and tears She still passed in pain anyway Now you think of saying There's no use in praying Still he bows head so he can say, "Thank you for ending her pain." Supernatural patience Graces his face And his voice never raises It's all because of a love Never let go of Never let go of He is teaching me What love really means Supernatural patience Graces his face And his voice never raises It's all because of a love Never let go of Yes it's supernatural patience Graces his face And his voice never raises All because of a love Never let go of Never let go of He is teaching me What love truely means
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Supernatural article. Take me to the Supernatural article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Supernatural link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Supernatural means literally above nature. The term is used for supposed beings or events which involve more than physical processes and science as we know it. This is similar to Paranormal. Alleged magic and miracles are considered supernatural by people who believe they happen. Claims about finding things out through Extrasensory perception are also considered supernatural or paranormal.
  • Supernatural is a crew on the Cerulean Ocean.
  • The show features a glimpse at a much darker, grittier version of Oz than is depicted in the books, as lamented by the show's character Charlie Bradbury. It included references to the Oz books, the 1939 film, and to Wicked.
  • The term supernatural pertains to entities, events or powers regarded as beyond nature, in that they lack a clear scientific explanation. Religious miracles are typical of such supernatural claims, as are spells, curses, divination, the belief that there is an afterlife for the dead and innumerable others. Supernatural beliefs have existed in virtually all human cultures throughout recorded human history. Supernatural themes are often associated with paranormal and occult ideas.
  • το υπερφυσικο αποτελείται από 11 κυκλους αλλα αμφιβαλλεται αν ο 11ος θα είναι ο τελευταίος.Λογικα θα βγαλουν 30-35 κυκλους ακομα. ΠΡΩΤΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΕΣ: Ντιν:ο ντιν είναι ο μεγαλύτερος αδερφος του σαμ,κυνηγαει γκομενες λεφτα δαιμονες αγγελους μονοκερους νεραιδες λυκανθρωπους και τον θεο τον ιδιο όταν χρειαστεί.Συμφωνα με τον ντιν οι δαιμονες είναι σονς οφ α μπιτσις και οι αγγελοι είναι σιτς ο θεος νταζεντ κερ αμπαουτ δε χιουμανς .Είναι πολύ αγαπητος σε ολους αφου οι δαιμονες δινουν τα παντα για να τον παρουνε στην κολαση όπως και οι αγγελοι που κανουν τα παντα για αν τον βρουν και να τον σκοτωσουν.Ειναι ομορφος γυμνασμένος adorable και μπατμαν όπως λεει και ο ιδιος. Σαμ:ο μικρος αδερφος του ντιν.Αφου επιασε η γκομενα του φωτια αποφασισε να κυνηγαει και αυτος νεραιδες όπως ο ντιν.Χαρη στην ιδιοφυια του και στην εξυπναδα του καταφερε να ξεκινησει την αποκαλυψη και να φερει τον διαβολο στην γη.Απ ότι μπορούμε να καταλάβουμε βλέποντας την σειρα ο σαμ πρεπει να χει ψυχολογικα τραυματα με τα κομμωτήρια αφου σε λιγο καιρο προκειται να εχει περισσοτερα μαλλια και απ την ραπουνζελ. Καστιελ: ο Καστιελ επρωτοεμφανιστηκε στον τεταρτο κυκλο και εβγαλε το καθικι τον ντιν απ την κολαση.Ο Ντιν τον αντιπαθουσε στην αρχη αλλα όταν ο Καστιελ εδωσε τα παντα επαναστατησε εναντιον του παραδεισου και εχασε καποιες απ τις δυναμεις του για τα 2 αδερφια ε εκει ο Ντιν λυγισε και τον συμπαθησε καπως .Σαν φυσιολογικο πλασμα που είναι Δεν τρωει δεν κοιμαται δεν νιωθει δεν διψαει δεν κουράζεται και φοβαται τα γυναικεια βυζια. season 1:ο ντιν και ο σαμ ψαχνουν έναν δαιμονα season 2:ο ντιν και ο σαμ βρισκουν τον δαιμονα season 3:ο ντιν παει στην κολαση season 4:οπως είναι φυσιολογικο επιστρεφει season 5:o σαμ παγιδευεται απ τον εξαποδω season 6:και φυσικα επιστρεφει season 7: o σαμ και ο ντιν κυνηγάνε κατι ζωα του βυθου season 8:ο σαμ αντιμετωπιζει ερωτικα προβλήματα ο ντιν αρνειται να σκοτωσει ένα βαμπιρ και ο κας ηθελε να μεινει σε ένα μερος με νεκρους season 9: Οι Άγγελοι έχουν την τιμητική τους, εμφανίζεται ένας κινέζος προφήτης και ο βασιλιάς της κολάσεως έχει γιο. season 10:ο ντιν επειτα από εγκαυμα αποκτα μια πληγη στο χερι και ολοι ανησυχουν season 11:ο ντιν και ο σαμ και ο Κας τσακωνονται με το σκοταδι
  • You are a creature from the deepest imaginings of humanity, at the heart of our most well known myths: vampiric, angelic, demonic, or draconic. You have an incredibly diverse set of abilities, including excellent crowd control and strong damage. You can easily improve your regeneration abilities. The aspect you choose will determine the functionality of your supernatural powers.
  • Supernatural is a term often used as a noun to describe supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves, mages, wraiths, changelings, demons, and spirits.
  • Hi welcome to the guild Supernatural hope u have lot of happy days in this guild some rules: if place collector pick it be4 logging off no ganging not unless they gang u ( or prims fights or in dung ) no killing collector if people farming benefits: * good times * free crafts * lot of guild hunt and drop hunts :) * free leaching too How to get rank? and what you get from rank?. stay in guild give xp and do guild hunts treasure ( c x i ) the treasure is someone that make scroll 4 guild by using the collectors give 200000 to guild and is trusted by leader protector (c x i ) give over 150000 xp to guild craftsman ( i x ) do free craft for guild servart ( i x ) xp to guild 100000 guard (x i) xp to guild 50000 scout (x) xp to guild 12000 spy (x) xp to guild 5000 diplomat(x) this is are when you in guild frist rank u have mascot ( ) this is alt account key x = control own xp i =invite ppl only p2p and active ppl c= collector/ perceptor right to place and collect
  • Supernatural was a game designed and hosted by Impervious & Izzy based on own design (not related to the TV show). It began on February 03, 2009 and ended in a Game stopped after D1, (player inactivity). Revised game started as Supernatural 2
  • Many stories involving the mythos are overtly supernatural with elements such as magic. This may be horror or fantasy.
  • Das Supernatural Wiki sammelt alles Informationen rund um die Serie Supernatural. Das Wiki Besitzt mehr als 1700 Seiten(1783 genau(Stand 12. Mai 2017)). Dieses Wiki wurde im September 2016 vom Benutzer Castiel 41 adoptiert. Über neue Besucher, wird sich immer gefreut!!! 1. * WEITERLEITUNG
  • Supernatural is a term used to describe happenings that are of a spiritual nature, or above the natural or physical world. Supernatural events can be of either a positive or negative nature. Supernatural events can take many forms from magic, to superstition or mythological creatures.
  • Supernatural is an American television series by Eric Kripke. It is filmed in Vancouver, Canada, and debuted on September 13, 2005 on the WB, and is now part of The CW's lineup. The show follows brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, who travel across America in a black 1967 Chevy Impala investigating and combating paranormal events and other unexplained occurrences, many of them based on American urban legends and folklore as well as classic supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.
  • CAPITULO I Elena era una joven de 21 años que por lo general siempre se encontraba sola, sus padres habían fallecido hace 7 años en extrañas circunstancias. Un día, justo para el cumpleaños de Elena, sus padres preparaban una fiesta sorpresa, cuando la joven llego a su hogar subió a su habitación sin percatarse de nada extraño, pero luego comenzó a sentir olor a quemado bajo las escaleras, y se dio cuenta que la habitación de sus padres se incendiaba, comenzó a gritar llamando a sus padres, pero ninguno respondió, decidida entro a la habitación para verificar que ninguno yaciera en medio del fuego, no los vio, luego al llegar los bomberos la casa estaba totalmente consumida por las llamas, fueron los vecinos alertados por el humo quines los llamaron, cuando entraron encontraron a Elena desmayada en el piso de la sala, todo a sus alrededor quemado, pero ella sin ningún rasguño, nadie se explico porque, sus padres nunca fueron encontrados, muchos pensaron que la joven en un acto de rebeldía podría haber atentado contra ellos, y haberlos sepultado en algún lugar y luego haber incendiado la casa, nunca nada pudo comprobarse. Elena estuvo inconciente más de un mes, ningún doctor puedo explicar la causa, cuando por fin logro despertar, se encontró totalmente sola, sus padres nunca le hablaron de algún familiar, ni nadie cercano, debido a su edad Elena tubo que tener un tutor, que se hiciera cargo de sus bienes y sus bienestar, en esa actividad, llego un hombre alegando ser su tío, y para demostrarlo entrego fotos de el con los padres de Elena. El hombre durante 3 años se hizo cargo de la joven hasta que cumpliera su mayoría de edad y así emanciparse. Aunque era su tutor generalmente estaba más de viaje que con Elena, por lo que gran parte debió vivirlo ella sola. Un día al pueblo llego un auto en el cual viajaban Sam y Dean Winchester, hermanos y cazadores de seres sobrenaturales, habían pasado tantas cosas, que a pesar de vencer el destino, y Sam lograr vencer el pacto y destinos de Dean, habían decidido continuar, con la casería, aun existían muchas cosas que debían ser cazadas y enviados al inframundo. Dean había tenido unos sueños, y a pesar de que era Sam quien tenia las premoniciones cada vez eran más y más frecuentes para Dean, a pesar de ello nada le había comentado a Sam. Una vez en el pueblo y ya descansados decidieron averiguar si en el había algo extraño o por lo menos asegurarse que todo estuviera bien. Al indagar acerca de la historia del lugar pudieron percatarse de lo que alguna vez al igual que a ellos les ocurrió, hubo un incendio algo misterioso, decididos a averiguar más acerca de ello, fueron a la mayor fuente, ELENA. Cuando Sam y Dean al fin dieron con el lugar donde vivía la joven tocaron a la puerta, expectantes, de que alguien abriera, ya eran las seis de la tarde y por lo menos alguien debía estar ahí. Elena realmente estaba en la casa, pero estaba dormida, ya que su turno de noche en la cafetería la dejaba agotada, cuando Dean y Sam se decidieron a llamar por ultima vez, comenzaron a escuchar gritos, era de una mujer, entonces trataron de abrir la puerta y al ver que esta no cedía, subieron por un balcón, y entraron por una ventana, esta era del baño, y al entrar, ambos, siguieron los llantos de una joven que pedía que por favor la dejaran tranquila, al llegar a la puerta de donde salían esos llantos, se prepararon para atacar, pensando que encontrarían a alguien en ese lugar, al abrir la puerta grande fue su sorpresa, una joven dormía en una cama y en un sueño que parecía profundo se quejaba, y pedía que la ayudaran, Dean al tratar de acercarse a la cama para despertarla de aquel sueño recibió un descarga eléctrica, era como si estuviera protegida por algún campo, magnético, no podían explicar tal situación, que sucedía, porque esa chica tenia tal poder. Cuando Sam se acerco a Dean y alcanzo a rozar el campo, resulto ileso, era como si pudiese entrar en él sin ningún tipo de descarga, era extraño, porque Dean la había recibido y Sam no. Cuando logro cruzar esa barrera, se acerco a la joven, y se sentó sobre la cama, al mirarla se percato que la joven ahora solo dormía y ya no pedía ayuda, entonces, comenzó a despertarla suavemente, para que no se asustara, de todos, modos, la joven al abrir sus ojos, miro a Sam, sin ningún tipo de miedo, y luego a Dean, y dijo – ustedes…. Nos conoces _ dijo Sam Y que rayos fue esa descarga _ dijo Dean tratando de recobrarse de ella. Los siento_ dijo la joven __ a veces suceden cosas sin que las pueda controlar. Que cosas __ pregunto Sam. Un momento__ dijo Elena __ que hacen aquí!! Hey no nos mires así, veníamos a hablar contigo y escuchamos gritos, al ver que eran pesadillas, nos acercamos y casi me electrocutas __ replico Dean. ¿Por qué están aquí, que sucede?__ pregunto nuevamente la chica. Tu eres Elena? __ pregunto Dean Si __ respondió la joven Queríamos hablar sobre lo ocurrido hace 7 años__ dijo Dean nuevamente Y porque nos conoces de donde? _ dijo Sam. Un momento __ dijo la Joven __ creo que ya he dicho bastantes veces lo que ocurrió ese día, y además para que quieren saberlo Nos dedicamos a investigar acerca de incendios paranormales – dijo Dean. Guau! – Dijo la chica – es la primera vez que no dicen que desean saber si realmente fui yo la que lo provoco ---- al decir esto guardo silencio por un momento --- y… y la que mato a mis padre. Tus padres están muertos – pregunto Sam. Si __ dijo Elena. Pero como puedes saberlo si nadie lo volvió a ver, no estarás ocultando algo __ dijo Dean. En realidad porque vinieron a verme, no es porque les interesa el incendio, que buscan – pregunta esta vez Elena. Esta bien te lo diremos si tú nos cuentas todo, con detalles aun por ridículos o falsos que parezcan – dijo Sam. Esta bien – replico Elena. Hace 7 años el 3 de octubre yo cumpliría 15 años, yo vivía con mi padres, hija única, iba como cualquier chica normal a la secundaria, antes de ese día comenzaron a suceder cosas extrañas. ¿Qué cosas?__ pregunto Dean. Sueños – contesto ¿Sueños? __ murmuro Sam. No eran normales – prosiguió Elena – en ellos veía a un hombre, que decía mi nombre, es… es como si me hubiera estado llamando, luego sonreía y decía que la hora estaba por llegar… ¿Cómo era ese hombre? __ pregunto Dean Siempre bestia de negro, y sus ojos también lo eran, parecía…. __ se detuvo Prosigue – dijo Sam Elena lo miro y dijo __ parecía… un demonio___Siempre volvía a soñar con él, y cada vez mis sueños parecían tan reales… Luego de un tiempo, se me hizo habitual en lo sueños, y eran normales, pensé que eran pesadillas, pero no… __ dijo la joven __ todo era tan real. El día de mi cumpleaños me quede dormida en clases, y soñé con él esta vez el estaba en mi casa con mis padres, les decía que nada ni nadie podría detenerlo, y que mi destino ya estaba sellado, no se realmente de lo que hablaba. Luego el se paraba en la mitad de la sala, y comenzaba a arder en fuego mis padres intentaban huir, pero no podían moverse, era como si el controlara sus cuerpos… luego el en medio de las llamas, me llamaba, y volvía a repetir que faltaba poco…__ la joven se detuvo. vi.… vi como … como mis padres eran consumidos por las llamas… Sam y Dean se miraron en complicidad, porque un demonio perseguía a esa chica… tal vez era el mismo maldito que asesino a su madre y a Jessica, pero el ya estaba en el infierno….. ¿Qué sucedía?... Eso es lo que sucedió cuando regresaste a tu casa ese día __ pregunto Dean No lo sé __ respondió ella. Ese día solo ví que mi casa se quemaba entre a la habitación de mis padres y no recuerdo nada más… No se si lo que vi en mis sueños fuera real o no, no se si mis padres realmente murieron… Oh dios solo se que quiero estar tranquila, dormir sin pensar en ello cada maldita noche… Elena agacho su rostro acongojada por la nostalgia. No te preocupes te ayudaremos __ dijo Dean Sam lo miro algo extrañado, el nunca decía ese tipo de cosas, más bien era el objetivo del grupo… Gracias __ respondió la chica. Bueno y ustedes que hacen realmente __ pregunta esta vez la joven. Bueno nosotros somos…. Trataba de responder Dean cuando Sam dijo __Nos dedicamos a cazar__ Oye --- replico Dean__ vas a asustarla, creerá que estamos locos--- Cazan demonios --- pregunto Elena, sin ninguna emoción en el rostro. Sí, pero como lo sabes – pregunto Sam. Intuición__ replico ella Bueno y porque vinieron a verme, creen que yo soy un demonio, que tengo pacto con uno, o que podría ser __ Ambos se miraron sorprendidos __ como es que sabes tanto ___ pregunto Dean. Mi tío me enseño____ Tú tío? __ pregunto Sam __ pensé que te habías ido a un hogar, luego del incendio… No, inesperadamente apareció un sujeto haciéndose pasar por mi tío __ en realidad no lo era, pero lo llegue a querer como tal.
  • Erik Kripke hatte die bahnbrechnde Idee altbekannte Gruselgeschichten immer wieder neu aufzuwärmen und prompt daraus eine super schaurige Serie gemacht. Noch schnell zwei Emotional verkrüppelte Brüder hinzugefügt es Supernatural genannt und das Ganze auf die Zivilisation losgelassen und das alles ohne Waffenschein und doppelten Boden.
  • Supernatural (adjective) 1. the notion that we can use science to recreate the perfect, Edenic world described in The Bible before the fall of Adam and Eve Example: If science proves homosexuality is biological or genetic, we should use science to cure it as well. Supernatural was The Wørd for March 20, 2007.
  • —Sam and Dean find out they have fans Supernatural is an American TV series featuring two brothers called Sam and Dean Winchester who drive around the U.S.A. in a Chevy Impala, killing off supernatural creatures by means of silver/iron bullets, rock salt, Latin exorcisms, and lighter fluid. Occasionally, they dig up graves. They also spent most of their lives trying to find and kill a demon that burned their mother up after pinning her to the ceiling. (This happened when Sam was six months and Dean was four years old.) Their father brought them up hunting the supernatural, which has given rise to a whole host of abusive!John stories. Minis from Supernatural are mini-hellhounds. They are not to be confused with Good Omens minis, which are mini-Hellhounds.
  • The supernatural was something that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature. In some stories and folktales, more or less relating to Pirate Lore, the supernatural was whimsically associated with the paranormal and the occult; this differs from traditional concepts in some religions, such as Catholicism, where divine miracles were considered supernatural. Parts of the supernatural was something that is not of the usual and is somehow not natural, or has been altered by forces that are not understood fully if at all.
  • Supernatural er en serie om to supersexy menn som heter Dean og Sam Winchester. Winchester kommer av ordet Chest, som betyr brystkasse, og Win som er latinsk for sexy. Altså Sexy-brystkasse. Dean er storebroren til Sam, og noen ganger forteller han eventyr, som foreksempel " Unicorns.. They ride on silvermoonbeams and shoot rainbows out their asses." Dean var i helvete for fire måneder, når han kom opp derfra, var han enda hottere. Da han kom tilbake møtte han en Engel. Han het Castiel og er broren til Chuck Norris. Jobben til Sam og Dean er å sende stygge folk og monster ned til Lucifer. Sam syntest ikke Dean var sexy nok til å sende ned den styggeste kjerringa de noen gang hadde sett ( Lilith ) så Sam fikk hjelp av ei dame som het Ruby, til å drepe Lilith. Det viste seg at Ruby var ei forskrudd kjerring som egentlig var fette stygg og som søkte mer stygghet. Så etter Lilith døde fikk Ruby all styggheten, da måtte hun drepes. Dean og Sam slo henne ihjel med en fluesmekker, og da ble helvete så fullt av stygghet, at Lucifer måtte komme opp på jorda. Når Lucifer kom opp sa Dean "Dude, you are fugly" Sam var ikke helt enig, men da svarte Dean "I m the oldes, which means I'm always right" Hver gang noe rart skjer, noe som ofte skjer, sier Dean "Like dingo ate my baby crazy?"
  • This series is filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia and surrounding areas, and was in development for nearly ten years, as creator Kripke spent several years unsuccessfully pitching it. The pilot was viewed by an estimated 5.69 million viewers, and the ratings of the first four episodes prompted The WB to pick up the series for a full season. Originally, Kripke planned the series for three seasons, but later expanded it to five. The fifth season began airing on September 10, 2009, and concluded the series' main storyline; however, The CW officially renewed the show for a sixth season on February 16, 2010. On April 26, 2011, the show was renewed for a seventh season for the 2011–2012 season, which began on September 23, 2011. On May 3, 2012, Supernatural was renewed for an eighth season by The CW with Jeremy Carver replacing Sera Gamble as co-showrunner with Robert Singer.On February 11, 2013, The CW renewed the series for a ninth season. It premiered on October 8, 2013. On July 22, 2013 The CW announced there was a spin-off of Supernaturalin the works, with the 20th episode of season nine serving as a back-door pilot. On January 29, 2014, it was revealed that the spin-off will be titled Supernatural: Bloodlines. On February 13, 2014, The CW renewed the series for a tenth season.
  • Supernatural is an American fantasy horror television series created by Eric Kripke. It was first broadcast on September 13, 2005, on The WB, and subsequently became part of successor The CW's lineup. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the two brothers as they hunt demons, ghosts, monsters, and other supernatural beings in the world.
  • The term supernatural (Latin: super "above" + natura "nature") pertains to entities, events or powers regarded as beyond nature, in that they cannot be explained by the laws of the natural world. Religious miracles are typical of such “supernatural” claims, as are spells and curses, divination, the belief that there is an afterlife for the dead, and innumerable others. Supernatural themes are often associated with magical and occult ideas.
  • Fantasy-17 * Magical Energy * Magical Attributes * Magical Correspondences * Subjective Magic * Theistic & Animistic Magic * Powers of the Mind * Glamour * Science excludes Magic * Science leaves room for magic * Science depends on magic * Magic excludes science * Mages in Black * Objective Good & Evil * Natural Magic * Alchemy * Enchantment * Runic Enchantment * Familiars & Fetishes * Holy Relics * Spirits * Gods * Angels * Demons * Evil Gods * Half-Mortals * Invisible Spirits * Visible Spirits
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