  • Community of Practice Dynamics (deleted 28 Apr 2008 at 12:56)
  • A Community of Practice (CoP) is a difficult thing to define. Much like art, a CoP is not easily described, but people seem to know it when they see it. One of the key characteristics of a CoP is that it is composed of members who share a meaningful relationship, and expound their collective knowledge on a topic through the sharing of experiences. As with any relationship, there are dynamics that can be observed such as fluidity, and rate of growth.
  • A Community of Practice (CoP) is a difficult thing to define. Much like art, a CoP is not easily described, but people seem to know it when they see it. One of the key characteristics of a CoP is that it is composed of members who share a meaningful relationship, and expound their collective knowledge on a topic through the sharing of experiences. As with any relationship, there are dynamics that can be observed such as fluidity, and rate of growth.