  • Jack of All Trades and a Thief
  • "This guy tried to steal our gold." A man says. "Really, kind of stupid I would say to steal from a group of bandits like us." A second man says. "Hey, are you guys going to let me out or just sit there like stupid........" "Hey!!!!! Shut the Fuck up, you think we are about to just let you out after you tried to steal our gold, hell no. Now shut up or I'll kill you." A bandit says banging the cage the prisoner was locked in. "(sigh), you guys must not know who I am considering everyone in the Land of Lightning knows who I am." "What did I just tell you!!!!???" the bandit said.
  • "This guy tried to steal our gold." A man says. "Really, kind of stupid I would say to steal from a group of bandits like us." A second man says. "Hey, are you guys going to let me out or just sit there like stupid........" "Hey!!!!! Shut the Fuck up, you think we are about to just let you out after you tried to steal our gold, hell no. Now shut up or I'll kill you." A bandit says banging the cage the prisoner was locked in. "(sigh), you guys must not know who I am considering everyone in the Land of Lightning knows who I am." "What did I just tell you!!!!???" the bandit said. "You know what, I'm tired of this, I thought you bandits were this extravagant group of thief's that were better than me, but I guess not. So I guess I will just complete my mission." "Complete your mission? What do you mean? Your nothing but a wannabe shinobi, who thinks he can steal from a group of thiefs like us." A bandit says. "Ehh, ok, whatever, I'm a shinobi from the Cloud, and you have till five to let me out." "Psst, please." "1" "The hell you gone do." "2" "I want to see you....." "5" Out of no where the prisoner breaks out of the cage looking to be covered in metal, he dashes towards the bandits and starts to fight them. Two minutes later, he was carrying a bag full of gold and dragging a caravan with all the bandits inside, all of them knocked out. This man was Jin Soga. "I gave them til 5" He says walking towards Kumo. "We want everything!" A man with the lower part of his face covered, and the upper as well, only revealing his eyes. The man walked over to the femal that stood left of the other three men. "Or we'll take you." The man stated grabbing her arm, and sniffing up it. The man in the middle sat on a nimbus of Sand and it was none forget then Shibuki, leader of Takigakure (Sigma). He laughed, "Bark." He stated, and the man on his right vanished instantly. And appeared behind the thug. Sigma chopped his neck right over under his head. The man dropped to his knees, eye balls white. "To Kumo! To see Mamoru!" He stated. As they continued he stopped. To his left, he could see a man. His hair orange, "Sigma? Nah, can't be, Sigma's dead." Jin could hear commotion coming from his right, he could hear the distinctive "We want everything!" and "To Kumo to see Mamoru." "Well, they must be having fun there." Jin thought to himself as he just kept on moving towards Kumo. "All I know is they bet not come here and try and take the stuff I just stole/was assigned to handle. They will be in for a beating." Jin says to himself glancing at the area. "Raido." Stated Shibuki. The man to his. Right again vanished, appearing infront of Jin, and tagging behind him, the other two. "Quite the load you're holding there." Shibuki stated, walking closer to Jin's bag. "Yeah it is, but I'm a need you to back up coming up to me like that." Jin said with a very serious look it his face. "Unless we have a problem here, I gonna have to ask to move the hell out of my way." Jin then says as he pulls out a kunai. Shibuki smilies, and pulls out a kunai of his own. Mentally, he signaled his nimbus to head towards Jin. In attempts to clash with Jin's. Raido looked at Ren, "Ren!" He shouted, nodding his head. "Right." She stated as veins began to grow from each side of her cheek, meeting her eyes. "Byakugan!" When Jin saw what Raido did by looking at Ren and saw her Byakugan, he activated his. Then Jin turns black as he took the property of the kunai he was holding, he then threw the kunai at the people in front of him and weaved a few hand signs. "He took the properties of the kunai. There is only one technique capable if such ability. Assimilation." Shibuki stated as all the kunai dropped that were previously thrown. From Ren, protecting her and Raido. "Raido, Ren. This is who I've been looking for. He Jin of the Theft Art. Going around stealing style of others. That's my specialty." Shibuki watched as his foe preformed hand seals. "I've laid out my strategy for this trip anyway." He stated awaiting Jin's next move. Hundreds of fist size rocks then start to float in the air around Jin and a few large rocks the size of a fill grown person as well. "So you've been looking for me huh?" Jin says as some of the small rocks start to fly towards the people in front of him. Ren began to create hand seals and smashed into the ground. "Don't help him. Or he'll be mad." Raido stated, and a wall of reinforced steel rose up protecting them from the rocks. However, Shibuki was still in danger. In his hand a sword of water formed and Shingi smashed through the rocks thrown at him. As the reinforced steel rose up, Ginjo dashed towards it and touched it, taking its property. He then slammed his hands on the ground and using the property of the steel, he transfers his chakra through the earth and cause steel spikes to come up towards the people in front of him. Shibuki's eye was able to catch Jin, as he would have to past by him to get to the wall. "Try to take the steel properties." Shibuki stated as he pulled his hand outward, and spread his fingers far apart. As Jin continued, just before we would touch the wall, Shibuki pulled back yanking Jin back and launching Jin back infront of himself. "Chakra Threads." Ren stated, surveying the entire area with her Byakugan. "Now were where we Jin?" "Gotcha." Ginjo says silently to himself as when he is yanked back he grabs on to the back of Shibuki's head and holds him tightly as he could for a few seconds. He could clearly see the chakra threads, he just predicted what Shibuki was going to do and capitalized on it. Then then lets go and does a spinning elbow aimed right at the front of Shibuki's face. Jin's capilization was good, but what he wasn't ready for, was what Shibuki had out in store. Jin used his elbow and brung it at Shibuki's face. "Clever boy indeed. However, nothing can rival my intellect." From the ground rose sand, and it created a wall of protection for Shibuki. Jin's elbow would collide with the wall instead. Shibuki placed his hand on the wall, pushing into it, and spikes would begin to come out with the intention of cutting Jin. What Shibuki was unawarr of was that when Jin grabbed his head, he used a technique called Theft Art: Ability Disablement . When Shibuki tried to create the wall of sand, nothing happened as Jin took and disabled Jin's ninjutsu ability. Then Jin uses Theft Art Storage and regains the properties of the kunai an d goes to hit shibuki. Again, a wall of sand would come up, protecting Shibuki once again. "I see what you tried to do...But you see, my sand does everything on its own. It isn't an ability, it's a Sand (tool)." Shibuki, as from behind the wall he took more steps back. His kunai was still in hand. "Let's continue. I haven't even began sparring with you yet. So the battle is far from over." "Hmmm, well then lets continue." Jin said as he touches the wall of sand and take it properties, he then slams his hands on the ground and his own wall of sand appears, but his wall shoots out sand bullets at Shibuki in an attempt to immobilize him with blunt force. He then makes 2 clones and awaits his opponents move. Shibuki stood there, and suddenly he opened his mouth, and the wall Shibuki created, as well as the bullets Jin created vanished into extinction. Shibuki smirked, and it showed every sign of deception. "Playing with clones?" Shibuki stated, as he pulled out another kunai know wielding two. "Looks like I might get a Sharingan today." Shibuki then threw the two at Jin's clones. Shibuki's wrist compartment dropped down, and he sent out a barrage of kunai at his foe. "Now..." "Well, Well, that looks like a useful skill I could use." Jin said to himself as he again takes the properties of a kunai and the kunai that hits him just bounce off. Jin's clones also do the same thing, the 3 rush towards Shibuki, one uses Earth Release: Rock Throw Technique, while Jin and the other clone sink into the ground.