  • Special Snowflake
  • Special snowflake
  • A popular may-may for internet tough-guys to parrot while being no fucking Chuck Palahniuk themselves. It's also factually incorrect because no two people other than twins have the same genome so yes we goddamn well are all special fucking snowflakes whether you bastards like it or not. In the programme Doctor Who, this is frequently conflated with being the most important companion since the previous most important companion.
  • A special snowflake is someone who believes having a fragile emotional state affords them special protection from criticism on the Internet. They are quite readily prone to being butt hurt and usually want some type of special dispensation so as not to have to address legit criticisms against their positions.
  • A special snowflake is someone who believes having a fragile emotional state affords them special protection from criticism on the Internet. They are quite readily prone to being butt hurt and usually want some type of special dispensation so as not to have to address legit criticisms against their positions. The phrase is commonly applied to feminists and social justice warriors who have shown particularly hostile resistance to any of their views being challenged, however it should be noted that special snowflakes are widely represented among all creeds. Our own Clown Car Posse, for example, is full of them.
  • A popular may-may for internet tough-guys to parrot while being no fucking Chuck Palahniuk themselves. It's also factually incorrect because no two people other than twins have the same genome so yes we goddamn well are all special fucking snowflakes whether you bastards like it or not. In the programme Doctor Who, this is frequently conflated with being the most important companion since the previous most important companion.