  • Zigoola
  • Zigoola
  • Zigoola was a planet located in Wild Space, near the Calamari sector. A Sith Temple was located on the barren world, and was used by the Order of the Sith Lords for hoarding Sith artifacts. The planet was strong with the dark side of the Force, which affected Obi-Wan Kenobi when he and Bail Organa were on it. Zigoola did not appear in the Jedi Archives and its location was kept secret by the Sith. During the Clone Wars, Bail Organa, and Obi-Wan Kenobi traveled to Zigoola and destroyed the Sith Temple but were unable to recover any of its artifacts for further study. They were rescued by Senator Padmé Amidala and a squad of clone troopers, who were sent after Kenobi telepathically contacted the Jedi Temple for help.
  • Zigoola era un planeta localizado en el Espacio Salvaje, cerca del Sector Calamari. Había un Templo Sith en el árido planeta, usado por la Orden de los Lores Sith para atesorar sus artefactos Sith. El planeta era poderoso en el Lado oscuro de la Fuerza, ya que afectó a Obi-Wan Kenobi cuando él y el senador Bail Organa estuvieron allí. Zigoola no aparecía en los Archivos Jedi, y su existencia era ocultada por los Sith. Durante las Guerras Clon Kenobi y Organa viajaron a Zigoola y destruyeron el Templo Sith, pero fueron incapaces de recuperar ninguno de los artefactos que allí se encontraban para estudiarlos más detenidamente. Finalmente fueron rescatados por la senadora Amidala y un grupo de soldados clon, quienes fueron enviados después de que Kenobi pidiese auxilio telepáticamente al Temp
  • U-6
  • U-6
  • Zigoola
  • Zigoola
  • Zigoola
  • Zigoola
  • Zigoola
  • Zigoola
  • Зигула
  • Зигула
  • Zigoola was a planet located in Wild Space, near the Calamari sector. A Sith Temple was located on the barren world, and was used by the Order of the Sith Lords for hoarding Sith artifacts. The planet was strong with the dark side of the Force, which affected Obi-Wan Kenobi when he and Bail Organa were on it. Zigoola did not appear in the Jedi Archives and its location was kept secret by the Sith. During the Clone Wars, Bail Organa, and Obi-Wan Kenobi traveled to Zigoola and destroyed the Sith Temple but were unable to recover any of its artifacts for further study. They were rescued by Senator Padmé Amidala and a squad of clone troopers, who were sent after Kenobi telepathically contacted the Jedi Temple for help.
  • Zigoola era un planeta localizado en el Espacio Salvaje, cerca del Sector Calamari. Había un Templo Sith en el árido planeta, usado por la Orden de los Lores Sith para atesorar sus artefactos Sith. El planeta era poderoso en el Lado oscuro de la Fuerza, ya que afectó a Obi-Wan Kenobi cuando él y el senador Bail Organa estuvieron allí. Zigoola no aparecía en los Archivos Jedi, y su existencia era ocultada por los Sith. Durante las Guerras Clon Kenobi y Organa viajaron a Zigoola y destruyeron el Templo Sith, pero fueron incapaces de recuperar ninguno de los artefactos que allí se encontraban para estudiarlos más detenidamente. Finalmente fueron rescatados por la senadora Amidala y un grupo de soldados clon, quienes fueron enviados después de que Kenobi pidiese auxilio telepáticamente al Templo Jedi.
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