  • Brinner Finok
  • Brinner Finok
  • Brinner Finok
  • Fähnrich Brinner Finok ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte. Ende 2374 ist Rinok auf der USS Destiny stationiert. Zunächst fühlt sich Ezri Tigan, die ebenfalls auf der Destiny dient, zu dem jungen Mann hingezogen, doch nachdem sie mit dem Dax-Symbionten vereinigt wird, ändern sich ihre Gefühle, da er sie zu sehr an Gran, den Sohn von Audrid Dax erinnert. (DS9: )
  • Il Guardiamarina Brinner Finok era un ufficiale della Flotta Stellare che servì a bordo della USS Destiny sotto il comando del capitano Raymer nel 2374-75. Brinner era un individuo per il quale Ezri Tigan aveva sviluppato un certo interesse mentre si trovava ancora a bordo della Destiny. Dopo esser stata unita al simbionte Dax, Ezri parlò con Brinner, rendendosi conto che, ormai, non erano più fatti l'uno per l'altra. Infatti, egli le ricordava molto il suo ospite precedente, il figlio di Audrid Dax, Gran, cosa che le rendeva difficile l'avere una relazione con lui. (DS9: "Figliol prodigo")
  • Brinner Finok was an unjoined Trill male in Starfleet in the 2370s. In 2374, he served as an Ensign aboard the USS Destiny under Captain Raymer. He was one of only two Trill aboard the ship, the other being Ensign Ezri Tigan, with whom he formed a romantic relationship.
  • Ensign Brinner Finok was a Starfleet officer that served aboard the USS Destiny under the command of Captain Raymer in 2374-75. Brinner was an individual Ezri Tigan had taken interest in when she was still serving aboard the Destiny. After being joined with the Dax symbiont, Ezri did talk to Brinner once but decided that they were not right for each other anymore. He reminded her too much of Gran, the son of her former host, Audrid Dax, which made it a little uncomfortable for her to be around him. (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter")
  • Fähnrich Brinner Finok ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte. Ende 2374 ist Rinok auf der USS Destiny stationiert. Zunächst fühlt sich Ezri Tigan, die ebenfalls auf der Destiny dient, zu dem jungen Mann hingezogen, doch nachdem sie mit dem Dax-Symbionten vereinigt wird, ändern sich ihre Gefühle, da er sie zu sehr an Gran, den Sohn von Audrid Dax erinnert. (DS9: )
  • Brinner Finok was an unjoined Trill male in Starfleet in the 2370s. In 2374, he served as an Ensign aboard the USS Destiny under Captain Raymer. He was one of only two Trill aboard the ship, the other being Ensign Ezri Tigan, with whom he formed a romantic relationship. When the Dax symbiont was brought aboard the Destiny for transport to Trill, Finok was ordered to stand by in sickbay, in the event that an emergency joining procedure had to be performed prior to their arrival. While there, however, he was incapacitated by a Changeling and placed into medical stasis. Once the infiltrator was discovered, Finok was presumed to be dead, and so when complications did arise, Dax was joined with Tigan instead. The romantic relationship between the two ended shortly thereafter. (DS9 episode: "Prodigal Daughter", DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Second Star to the Right...", "... and straight on 'til morning")
  • Ensign Brinner Finok was a Starfleet officer that served aboard the USS Destiny under the command of Captain Raymer in 2374-75. Brinner was an individual Ezri Tigan had taken interest in when she was still serving aboard the Destiny. After being joined with the Dax symbiont, Ezri did talk to Brinner once but decided that they were not right for each other anymore. He reminded her too much of Gran, the son of her former host, Audrid Dax, which made it a little uncomfortable for her to be around him. (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter") This character was only mentioned in dialogue. While Brinner Finok's species is not known, it may be assumed that he is not a Trill because Ezri was the only Trill on board, as established in "Shadows and Symbols" . In the non-canon stories written by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens in The Lives of Dax anthology, Finok is a Trill and was prevented from being joined with Dax after being rendered unconscious by a Changeling who had infiltrated the Destiny.
  • Il Guardiamarina Brinner Finok era un ufficiale della Flotta Stellare che servì a bordo della USS Destiny sotto il comando del capitano Raymer nel 2374-75. Brinner era un individuo per il quale Ezri Tigan aveva sviluppato un certo interesse mentre si trovava ancora a bordo della Destiny. Dopo esser stata unita al simbionte Dax, Ezri parlò con Brinner, rendendosi conto che, ormai, non erano più fatti l'uno per l'altra. Infatti, egli le ricordava molto il suo ospite precedente, il figlio di Audrid Dax, Gran, cosa che le rendeva difficile l'avere una relazione con lui. (DS9: "Figliol prodigo") Informazioni di retroscenaSebbene non si sappia a quale specie appartenga Brinner Finok, sappiamo che non è un Trill perché Ezri era l'unica Trill a bordo della nave, come viene detto in "Ombre e simboli". È interessante notare che, nelle storie non canon scritte da Judith e Garfield Reeves-Stevens, facenti parte dell'antologia The Lives of Dax, Finok è un Trill al quale era stato impedito di unirsi a Dax dopo che un Mutaforma gli aveva fatto perdere conoscienza.
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