  • Instance
  • Instance
  • Instance
  • Instance
  • Instance
  • Instance
  • Instance
  • Instance is a term used to describe areas of a MMORPG that are generated when a player or small group of players enters into them. Many copies of an instance can be running at the same time. In DC Universe Online there are the following types of instance.
  • ***People you forgot about "Rescue Chang'er"
  • An instance is a special area, typically a quest area, that generates a new copy of the location for each player or group that enters the area. Players cannot see other players in instanced areas unless it's a group instanced area—in which case, the group cannot see any other groups. Instanced areas can take place in entirely new areas that cannot be accessed without the instance or in areas that are normally not instanced. Most non-quest boss instances will require the player to pay a specific sum of money or have an item in their inventory access the instance.
  • Ezen területek a játék legnehezebb, legtöbb jutalmat ígérő tartalmai közé tartoznak, mind az ellenségeket mind a tárgyakat, valamint a nehézségi szintet tekintve is. Ahhoz, hogy a játékosok végig tudjanak menni egy instance-en, jól felszerelt, jól összerakott csapatra van szükségük, ami felkészült a kihívásokat. Térképek, strtégák, lootok az instance-ek oldalain találhatóak.
  • Instance (tunnetaan myös nimellä "dungeon") on yleensä viiden pelaajan kanssa suoritettava eräänlainen oma pelialuuensa. Instanceissa olevilta vihollisilta saa useimmiten enemmän xp:tä kuin muualta. Lisäksi instoissa on monia Bosseja, joilta saa parempia tavaroita ja enemmän xp:tä kuin tavallisilta vihollisilta. Instanceja on monille leveleille ja niitä on ympäri pelimaailmaa.
  • An Instance is a level or map that only some people can enter. It may be PvP or PvE based. Typically, a particular instance may be a 10 vs 10 match, or a small squad versus the AI opponents. Also, the Base Raid mechanic allows for larger battles of 60 vs 60 to take place across several instances of the same map. Once, for example, a group enters an instance, they will usually be at least partially cut off from the game world they were in before they entered.
  • An instance is a special area, typically a quest area, that generates a new copy of the location for each player or group that enters the area. Players cannot see other players in instanced areas unless it a group instanced area - in which case the group cannot see any other groups. Instanced areas can take place in entirely new areas that cannot be accessed without the instance or in areas that are normally not instanced. Most non-quest boss instances will require the player to pay a specific sum of money or have an item in their inventory access the instance.
  • An instance is a copy of an area in an MMO, usually with restricted access to a small number of players. Instancing serves many beneficial purposes: * It saves server resources. Areas that are instanced don't even need to exist until they are needed. Uninstanced areas are up and running all the time. * It helps preserve the sense of significance of the player's actions. If the player is told that they are the only hope for defeating the villain, and then they see numerous other people all fighting and defeating said villain (or worse, standing in line to defeat the villain), it strains willing suspension of disbelief. * It alleviates player congestion. Uninstanced areas can have more players trying to use the area than it can support, leading to long waits; instanced areas can su
  • Las Instances o Mazmorras, son áreas especiales en donde se desarrolla parte de una historia relaciona con el mundo de Warcraft, en el que pueden participar grupos de jugadores divididos en Partys (5 jugadores) o Raids (varios grupos de 5 jugadores). Estos grupos, una vez dentro de la Instance pueden insteractuar sin interferencia de otros jugadores que no formen parte del grupo. Revisa la página individual de cada mazmorra donde encontrarás mapas, estrategias y listas de botín.
  • An Instance is a copy of a zone. While in the instance, you will only see other players that are within the same copy of the instance. There are many kinds of Instances: Public Zone: Not restricted to one person, group, or raid, all may be present in the zone at the same time. When more than 100 players are present in any public zone, an instance of the zone will fork. If you are zoning into a zone that has forked, you will get a box asking you which instance of the zone you wish to enter. Make sure everyone in your group goes to the same instance!
  • Scattered throughout Dragonica are sub-areas called instances (aka instance dungeons). These instances are special areas in Dragonica where your group or raid party is able to interact with a dungeon privately; that is, without interference from other parties. The term instance has been often conflated and interchanged with the term dungeon. Lower level instances can be soloed by a higher level character. While an interesting challenge, the drops will not be particularly useful anymore.
  • Instances are Aion's equivalent of dungeons. They are special zones and are named 'instances' because they have a separate copy for every group of players that enters these 'instanced zones'. Instances are generally PvE, though it should be noted that there are certain exceptions such as the arenas (PvP) or battlegrounds (PvPvE).
  • An instance is a special area, typically a quest area, that generates a new copy of the location for each player or group that enters the area. Players cannot see other players in instanced areas unless it a group instanced area - in which case the group cannot see any other groups. Instanced areas can take place in entirely new areas that cannot be accessed without the instance or in areas that are normally not instanced. Most non-quest boss instances will require the player to pay a specific sum of money or have an item in their inventory to access the instance.
  • An instance is a special area within Star Wars Galaxies where those inside are able to interact privately. Instances tend to feature difficult and unique content with special rewards, and require a group to complete. At this time the Kashyyyk instances have not been upgraded to the heroic code, and so still have varying lockout timers.
  • In most other MMORPGs, all characters populate the same game world, meaning players will often encounter other human players while playing. Unfortunately, certain players exhibit "griefing" behavior, such as purposely preying on weaker players, stealing kills, etc. To avoid this, ArenaNet designed Guild Wars differently. For PvP (human players fighting other human players) there are designated areas called arenas. The rest of the world is strictly for PvE (cooperative play). To ensure this, a new instance—a separate, parallel copy—of the area is created each time a party enters an explorable area, with each such instance containing the same NPCs and mobs, but no other human players besides the party that spawned in that instance.
  • Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are elite, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. Instances feature multiple bosses, all with special abilities and immunities. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge.
  • Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are elite, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. Instances feature multiple bosses, all with special abilities and immunities. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge.
  • Instances are areas inhabited by either a single party or a limited number of players. On a server, main map areas such as Protector's Enclave contain multiple instances each with a limited number of players; however, the Zone chat for the main areas are connected among instances, so talking in Zone chat on one instance in Protector's Enclave talks to all instances.
  • --05-02
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  • --08-23
  • by Bashiok, 09 Nov 2013 22:00 GMT
  • by Bashiok, Nov 9, 2013 2:00 PM PST
  • bnetwowus
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  • bnetwoweu
  • newwoweu
  •|desc=Catching Up to 5.3
  •|desc=Catching Up to 5.3
  •|desc=Warlords of Draenor: Dungeons and Raids
  •|desc=Warlords of Draenor: Dungeons and Raids
  •|desc=Dungeons & Raids
  •|desc=Dungeons & Raids
  •|desc=Legion Dungeons and Raids Schedule
  •|desc=Legion Dungeons and Raids Schedule
  • Instance is a term used to describe areas of a MMORPG that are generated when a player or small group of players enters into them. Many copies of an instance can be running at the same time. In DC Universe Online there are the following types of instance.
  • Instances are areas inhabited by either a single party or a limited number of players. On a server, main map areas such as Protector's Enclave contain multiple instances each with a limited number of players; however, the Zone chat for the main areas are connected among instances, so talking in Zone chat on one instance in Protector's Enclave talks to all instances. Other instances, such as Dungeons, are created and inhabited by a single party for the purpose of completing a Quest or clearing the dungeon's boss. Instances allow a map area to not be overwhelmed by players competing for resources.
  • An instance is a special area, typically a quest area, that generates a new copy of the location for each player or group that enters the area. Players cannot see other players in instanced areas unless it a group instanced area - in which case the group cannot see any other groups. Instanced areas can take place in entirely new areas that cannot be accessed without the instance or in areas that are normally not instanced. Most non-quest boss instances will require the player to pay a specific sum of money or have an item in their inventory access the instance. Examples of instanced areas include: * Boss areas: * Nomad * Queen Black Dragon * Pest Queen * Legiones * The Ritual site during the battles of Ritual of the Mahjarrat * The Handelmort mansion front garden while battling the Wild jade vine in Back to my Roots * Many quest areas: * The lower levels of the Elemental workshop * Nomad's temple * Varrock during Defender of Varrock * Dream World * Floors in Dungeoneering * Some after-quest bosses: Bork, Skeletal Horror, Phoenix Lair * Some past tutorials: Learning the Ropes and Unstable Foundations
  • Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are elite, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. Instances feature multiple bosses, all with special abilities and immunities. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge. Lower level instances can be soloed by a higher level character. While an interesting challenge, most drops will not be particularly useful anymore. However if wearing a tabard, a great deal of reputation can still be earned, as can the achievements for passing the instance. Keep in mind that soloing an instance usually requires a player to be about 25-30 levels higher than the minimum requirement, with high-quality equipment.
  • Instances are Aion's equivalent of dungeons. They are special zones and are named 'instances' because they have a separate copy for every group of players that enters these 'instanced zones'. Instances are generally PvE, though it should be noted that there are certain exceptions such as the arenas (PvP) or battlegrounds (PvPvE). There are a wide variety of instances in Aion, each serving different purposes: some are great for farming experience or gear, whereas others provide valuable materials and yet others need to be completed in order to proceed with main quest or level up a legion. Most instances are available to anyone who meets the minimum level requirement, although some may require the completion of a certain 'entry quest' first or require the player to have a particular item on them to enter. There are restrictions on the amount of times players can enter a selected instance per day/week, which is based on that instance's entry count.
  • ***People you forgot about "Rescue Chang'er"
  • An instance is a special area, typically a quest area, that generates a new copy of the location for each player or group that enters the area. Players cannot see other players in instanced areas unless it's a group instanced area—in which case, the group cannot see any other groups. Instanced areas can take place in entirely new areas that cannot be accessed without the instance or in areas that are normally not instanced. Most non-quest boss instances will require the player to pay a specific sum of money or have an item in their inventory access the instance.
  • An instance is a special area within Star Wars Galaxies where those inside are able to interact privately. Instances tend to feature difficult and unique content with special rewards, and require a group to complete. Players can view which instances they are flagged for by typing /showInstanceInformation or /showi in the chat command line. The Mustafar instances have now been upgraded to the Heroic code meaning they can be only attempted once a day, rather than the large variance in lockout timers there was before. However, one advantage is that this allows you to re-enter an instance if you have cloned, which was not previously possible. At this time the Kashyyyk instances have not been upgraded to the heroic code, and so still have varying lockout timers.
  • Ezen területek a játék legnehezebb, legtöbb jutalmat ígérő tartalmai közé tartoznak, mind az ellenségeket mind a tárgyakat, valamint a nehézségi szintet tekintve is. Ahhoz, hogy a játékosok végig tudjanak menni egy instance-en, jól felszerelt, jól összerakott csapatra van szükségük, ami felkészült a kihívásokat. Térképek, strtégák, lootok az instance-ek oldalain találhatóak.
  • Scattered throughout Dragonica are sub-areas called instances (aka instance dungeons). These instances are special areas in Dragonica where your group or raid party is able to interact with a dungeon privately; that is, without interference from other parties. The term instance has been often conflated and interchanged with the term dungeon. Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are harder than their field map counterparts, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. At the end of each Instance is a boss with special abilities and attacks. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge. Lower level instances can be soloed by a higher level character. While an interesting challenge, the drops will not be particularly useful anymore. Each instance has multiple difficulties or "star levels" ranging from 1 star to 4 stars. The more stars, the longer and harder the instance. Each star represents the number of stages that will need to be completed (all mobs killed) before confronting the boss.
  • An instance is a copy of an area in an MMO, usually with restricted access to a small number of players. Instancing serves many beneficial purposes: * It saves server resources. Areas that are instanced don't even need to exist until they are needed. Uninstanced areas are up and running all the time. * It helps preserve the sense of significance of the player's actions. If the player is told that they are the only hope for defeating the villain, and then they see numerous other people all fighting and defeating said villain (or worse, standing in line to defeat the villain), it strains willing suspension of disbelief. * It alleviates player congestion. Uninstanced areas can have more players trying to use the area than it can support, leading to long waits; instanced areas can support player activity up to the limits of the server, which is higher than the mere limits of the area. * Alleviating congestion also helps prevent strife between players, as some players will try and jump in ahead of the players who have been patiently waiting. This leads to anger and retribution. * Alleviating congestion allows an MMORPG to include more solo and small group content, broadening its appeal. The one down side to instancing that is often mentioned is that excessive or otherwise inappropriate use of instancing can lead to a world that feels 'empty' and barren of other players. This can be avoided with careful game design.
  • Las Instances o Mazmorras, son áreas especiales en donde se desarrolla parte de una historia relaciona con el mundo de Warcraft, en el que pueden participar grupos de jugadores divididos en Partys (5 jugadores) o Raids (varios grupos de 5 jugadores). Estos grupos, una vez dentro de la Instance pueden insteractuar sin interferencia de otros jugadores que no formen parte del grupo. Las Instancces tienden a ofrecer un contenido más completo y difícil que el que ofrecen las misiones normales del juego, y por lo tanto contienen enemigos más complicados y objetos más valiosos. Completar una Instance requiere un grupo bien entrenado y equilibrado de jugadores de un nivel apropiado. Revisa la página individual de cada mazmorra donde encontrarás mapas, estrategias y listas de botín.
  • Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are elite, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. Instances feature multiple bosses, all with special abilities and immunities. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge. Lower level instances can be soloed by a higher level character. While an interesting challenge, the drops will not be particularly useful anymore.
  • An instance is a special area, typically a quest area, that generates a new copy of the location for each player or group that enters the area. Players cannot see other players in instanced areas unless it a group instanced area - in which case the group cannot see any other groups. Instanced areas can take place in entirely new areas that cannot be accessed without the instance or in areas that are normally not instanced. Most non-quest boss instances will require the player to pay a specific sum of money or have an item in their inventory to access the instance. Examples of instanced areas include: * Boss areas: * Nomad * Queen Black Dragon * Pest Queen * Legiones * The Ritual site during the battles of Ritual of the Mahjarrat * The Handelmort mansion front garden while battling the Wild jade vine in Back to my Roots * Many quest areas: * The lower levels of the Elemental workshop * Nomad's temple * Varrock during Defender of Varrock * Dream World * Floors in Dungeoneering * Some after-quest bosses: Bork, Skeletal Horror, Phoenix Lair * Some past tutorials: Learning the Ropes and Unstable Foundations
  • An Instance is a level or map that only some people can enter. It may be PvP or PvE based. Typically, a particular instance may be a 10 vs 10 match, or a small squad versus the AI opponents. Also, the Base Raid mechanic allows for larger battles of 60 vs 60 to take place across several instances of the same map. Once, for example, a group enters an instance, they will usually be at least partially cut off from the game world they were in before they entered. The reason why massively multiplayer online games (MMO´s) use instanced missions or levels is simple: to maximize performance of the game client. For example, if 10 players enter an instanced mission together, they will only have to send data to eachother and the main server during the mission, as compared to potentially hundreds of other players. This reduces bandwith and allows a smoother game experience. The amount of instancing used in MMO´s varies. Multiplayer games that do not rely on turn- or timer-based game mechanics (ie, a MMORPG-FPS like Global Agenda) usually use more instancing, because they require more bandwith and the game experience suffers more with higher connection latencies.
  • In most other MMORPGs, all characters populate the same game world, meaning players will often encounter other human players while playing. Unfortunately, certain players exhibit "griefing" behavior, such as purposely preying on weaker players, stealing kills, etc. To avoid this, ArenaNet designed Guild Wars differently. For PvP (human players fighting other human players) there are designated areas called arenas. The rest of the world is strictly for PvE (cooperative play). To ensure this, a new instance—a separate, parallel copy—of the area is created each time a party enters an explorable area, with each such instance containing the same NPCs and mobs, but no other human players besides the party that spawned in that instance. Exceptions to the above are staging areas such as towns and outposts. At these places, you can group, trade and socialize with other human players in the same district.
  • An Instance is a copy of a zone. While in the instance, you will only see other players that are within the same copy of the instance. There are many kinds of Instances: Public Zone: Not restricted to one person, group, or raid, all may be present in the zone at the same time. When more than 100 players are present in any public zone, an instance of the zone will fork. If you are zoning into a zone that has forked, you will get a box asking you which instance of the zone you wish to enter. Make sure everyone in your group goes to the same instance! City/Village Zone: Same as a Public zone except that they will not fork a new instance no matter how many players are present in the zone. : An Inn Room or House is also an instance. It is Public, but there are restrictions possible on who may enter which are set by the owner. : A zone where only crafting occurs. The tradeskill instances in Qeynos share the same general layout while those in Freeport share a different layout. No other zones have instance specifically designed just for tradeskills. Dungeon Zone Instance: Most dungeon zones are Instanced. This means that when you and your group or raid enters, you all zone in together and face a pristine copy of the zone. No mobs will be missing, all named are present and noone else can camp your mobs. In some instances the mobs you have killed will respawn so you can adventure endlessly within the instance. Most instanced zones, however, do not re-populate (re-pop). There are 6 possible dungeon zone instance styles: * Solo: The zone may or may not allow more than 1 player to enter, but it is designed for 1 player to complete. * Solo-Group: These zones give a choice to enter a Solo version or a Group (Heroic) version. * Group: The zone is designed to 3-6 players. It might not allow you to enter with fewer than 3 players. * Group-Raid: These zones give a choice to enter a Group (Heroic) version or a Raid (Epic) version. * Raid: Depending on the specific quest, 6-12, 12-18 or 18-24 raid members will usually be REQUIRED to enter the zone. At the very least you should be sure to HAVE that many before attempting this zone. * Public Raid: very rare, there are only a few of these in the whole game. Often called Contested, these are Raid zones that behave like a Public zone. Mobs re-pop, your raid is not the only group possible, and disputes over camps can arise.
  • Instance (tunnetaan myös nimellä "dungeon") on yleensä viiden pelaajan kanssa suoritettava eräänlainen oma pelialuuensa. Instanceissa olevilta vihollisilta saa useimmiten enemmän xp:tä kuin muualta. Lisäksi instoissa on monia Bosseja, joilta saa parempia tavaroita ja enemmän xp:tä kuin tavallisilta vihollisilta. Instanceja on monille leveleille ja niitä on ympäri pelimaailmaa.