  • Behind the Veil
  • Behind The Veil is forum-based Old World of Darkness role-playing game, created in 2008 and set in Los Angeles. The Board allows Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, and Hunters. Due to the nature of the venue, dice rolls are not used, thus placing less of an emphasis on combat and more on the social aspects of the games. Since that time the board has grown, picking up more members while going through periods of inactivity. Despite the odds the board is still running, with a modest number of players controlling multiple characters. It can be found here.
  • Behind The Veil is forum-based Old World of Darkness role-playing game, created in 2008 and set in Los Angeles. The Board allows Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, and Hunters. Due to the nature of the venue, dice rolls are not used, thus placing less of an emphasis on combat and more on the social aspects of the games. The origins of the board starts over at another role playing forum, also set in LA. The board encompassed all Old World game lines and had a much broader range of species, but increasing interference from the sole admin began to alienate some players. After one particularly bad incident several players pooled their knowledge of the World of Darkness to create a new board, officially unveiling it on the first of August 2008. Since that time the board has grown, picking up more members while going through periods of inactivity. Despite the odds the board is still running, with a modest number of players controlling multiple characters. It can be found here.