  • Knights of the Dinner Table/Characters
  • The eponymous gaming group. The Knights were first formed when the players were still young, and the charter has a long storied history. The original Game Master was Brian who at one point was running sessions for different subcharters of the group every night of the week (typically the same adventure but tweaked for each different group) until Brian suffered a nervous breakdown and handed the game over to Weird Pete. Eventually, Pete left and B.A. took over and after a couple of subsequent player rotations, the group ended up where it is today.
  • The eponymous gaming group. The Knights were first formed when the players were still young, and the charter has a long storied history. The original Game Master was Brian who at one point was running sessions for different subcharters of the group every night of the week (typically the same adventure but tweaked for each different group) until Brian suffered a nervous breakdown and handed the game over to Weird Pete. Eventually, Pete left and B.A. took over and after a couple of subsequent player rotations, the group ended up where it is today. The Knights are a respected "name level" gaming group in Muncie and regularly compete in tournaments with the larger Muncie gaming community. Like most of the other groups, they are very passionate about their game and take it seriously, having among them some of the area's best players. * Berserk Button: They're all prone to temper but when the players are pissed off with B.A., they tend to tie him up, blindfold him and suspend him upside down above the table. He still generally thinks whatever he did to deserve it was worth the consequences. * Slapstick: Obviously the violence at the game table is comically over the top. Although the creator has claimed he's had such fights at his table. * Flat Character: In the early installments. Each of the original Knights was whatever the strip called for, but once the series shifted from single episode strips to ongoing story arcs, the Knights each took on their familiar personalities.