  • Bullet Time
  • Bullet Time
  • Bullet time
  • Riippuu paljolti tulevaisuuden suunnitelmistasi kannattaako sinun kehittää se tai jättää se kehittämättä. Näin on, sillä jos tähtäät Gunslingeriksi (joka käyttää pyssyjä) kehität DEXisi suureksi mikä itsessään lisää tarkkuuttasi hirveästi joten et tarvitse siihen juurikaan lisäystä. Toinen vaihtoehto on tietysti, että tähtäät Infighteriksi kehität STR:ää etkä juurikaan DEX:iä on lisätarkkuus taas tarpeen. Luokka:Pirate Skillit
  • |-|KMS 1.2.268= File:Skill Bullet Time.png 퀵모션 * Class: Pirate * Type: Passive * Maximum Level: 10
  • Bullet Time is a latent skill awakened by Itagaki Manabu during his match with Hoshi Hiroyuki at Osaka. It requires extremely high reflexes and speed.
  • Bullet Time runs on a limited resource of "Adrenaline." The player can see how much they have left in the hourglass-shaped meter (or vertical bar in the third installment) in the bottom corner of the screen. When activated, Bullet Time instantly slows down effects in the world; character movement, sounds, debris and water effects, and most importantly bullets. The key feature of Bullet Time is allowing the player the opportunity to see incoming bullets and avoid them, as well as making precise shots even while targets are in motion.
  • 7
  • 3
  • Bullet Time
  • 250
  • Round 714
  • Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of by 0.10 seconds.
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Bullet Time runs on a limited resource of "Adrenaline." The player can see how much they have left in the hourglass-shaped meter (or vertical bar in the third installment) in the bottom corner of the screen. When activated, Bullet Time instantly slows down effects in the world; character movement, sounds, debris and water effects, and most importantly bullets. The key feature of Bullet Time is allowing the player the opportunity to see incoming bullets and avoid them, as well as making precise shots even while targets are in motion. In Max Payne, the only way to regenerate Bullet Time is through killing enemies. When Max takes out an enemy with a headshot, he will replenish a little more Bullet Time. In Max Payne 2, Bullet Time also regenerates slowly when it is not in use. Additionally, if Max takes out several enemies at once while in Bullet Time, the hourglass will turn yellow, causing Max to move faster while simultaneously making time flow even slower. This gives Max an even larger advantage over his enemies. In Max Payne 3, Bullet Time is charged through injuring and killing enemies, with more elaborate kills reaping greater rewards. Adrenaline is also gained when Max is attacked and takes damage, and it's even possible to slowly charge up Adrenaline when attacked while hiding behind cover. When Max enters Last Man Standing, he will automatically enter Bullet Time, giving him several seconds in real time to take out an enemy to prevent his death. If Max succeeds in killing the enemy who dealt the felling shot, Max will recover, but all of his Adrenaline will be taken as consequence.
  • Riippuu paljolti tulevaisuuden suunnitelmistasi kannattaako sinun kehittää se tai jättää se kehittämättä. Näin on, sillä jos tähtäät Gunslingeriksi (joka käyttää pyssyjä) kehität DEXisi suureksi mikä itsessään lisää tarkkuuttasi hirveästi joten et tarvitse siihen juurikaan lisäystä. Toinen vaihtoehto on tietysti, että tähtäät Infighteriksi kehität STR:ää etkä juurikaan DEX:iä on lisätarkkuus taas tarpeen. Luokka:Pirate Skillit
  • |-|KMS 1.2.268= File:Skill Bullet Time.png 퀵모션 * Class: Pirate * Type: Passive * Maximum Level: 10
  • Bullet Time is a latent skill awakened by Itagaki Manabu during his match with Hoshi Hiroyuki at Osaka. It requires extremely high reflexes and speed.