  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau 是科學考察隊的成員之一,亦是Robert的情人和Alex的母親。她在懷孕7個月時,跟隨一支考察隊去進行考察,但是在乘船途中卻遇上風暴而來到小島。後來在小島上她以為考察隊的其他成員都受到感染,於是便把他們全殺死,之後她更誕下了她的女兒Alex,但在Alex出生後不久便被Ben拐走。經過在小島上生活了16年後,她遇到Oceanic航空815航班的生還者,而透過生還者她與Alex重逢,並一起生活了數天。最後在第97天,當她與Alex和Karl前往神殿時,被傭兵隊槍殺。
  • Danielle Rousseau was the last remaining survivor of a science team that crashed onto the Island 16 years before Oceanic 815 crashed, 1988.
  • Danielle Rousseau é uma mulher misteriosa, presumidamente francesa, cuja embarcação acabou indo parar na Ilha, juntamente com sua equipe de expedição científica em 1988, 16 anos antes do acidente com o Vôo 815.
  • Danielle Rousseau ist die Mutter von Alex und Teil der Wissenschaftlichen Expedition, welche im Jahre 1988 vor der Insel Schiffbruch erleidet.
  • Danielle i Robert byli dwoma z sześciu naukowców, którzy wyruszyli w ekspedycję naukową po Pacyfiku. W tym czasie Danielle dostała od ukochanego pozytywkę. Kiedy ich statek Bésixdouze był trzy dni drogi od Tahiti sprzęt naukowców zaczął odbierać dziwne sygnały. Był to głos, który powtarzał w kółko te same liczby. Grupa naukowców postanowiła zmienić kurs i zlokalizować źródło sygnału. Niestety statek natrafił na sztorm i po jakimś czasie uderzył w skały i zatonął.
  • Danielle Rousseau was een Franse vrouw op het eiland kwam in het jaar 1988. Ze kwam op het eiland omdat ze deel nam van het wetenschappelijk team. Hun schip zonk in de storm en het team wist doormiddel van een reddingsboot te overleven. Tijdens de storm ontmoette ze Jin, die door de tijd reisde. Op het eiland werd het team aangevallen door het Monster en Jin verdween voor haar ogen. Toen ze op het eiland kwam was ze zeven maanden zwanger, van een dochter genaamd Alex. Vlak na de geboorte van Alex kwam Benjamin Linus en stal haar kind voor haar ogen en zei dat het kind alleen in leven zou blijven als ze uit de buurt van de Anderen zou blijven. Na 16 jaar op het eiland geleefd te hebben, geïsoleerd en op de vlucht, ontmoette ze de overlevenden van Oceanic 815. Uiteindelijk werd ze weer heren
  • Danielle Rousseau was a woman of French origin who was shipwrecked on the Island with an expedition in 1988, seven months pregnant with her daughter, Alex. It was during this time that her team rescued Jin, who, as a result of the Island's move, was traveling through time. Shortly after Danielle gave birth, her daughter was taken away by Benjamin Linus, an Other. Rousseau lived alone for sixteen years, and over time became slightly disturbed due to her isolation. Following the crashing of their plane, Rousseau met and eventually joined the Flight 815 survivors, and finally reunited with her daughter. On 27 December 2004, while she, Alex, and Karl were traveling to the Temple, they were ambushed by Keamy and his mercenary team. Both Rousseau and Karl were shot dead. Her body was discovered
  • Rousseau era un membro di una spedizione scientifica formata da sei persone attiva nel Pacifico, e viaggiava insieme al suo ragazzo Robert. I due erano molto innamorati, e Rousseau portava sempre con sé un carillon che Robert le aveva regalato. Quando la spedizione arriva sull'isola, Danielle è incinta di sette mesi. Prende il fucile e glielo punta contro, inseguendolo nella giungla, credendo fosse anche lui infetto, e uno degli "Altri". Jin viene salvato da un altro lampo che lo porta in un periodo di tempo sconosciuto. ("Questo posto è la morte")
  • Danielle Rousseau était une scientifique probablement d'origine française (ou allemande en version française) qui s'était échouée sur l'île à bord du bateau de son expédition. Selon elle, elle a été obligée de tuer ses collègues après qu'ils aient été contaminés par une mystérieuse maladie. Elle a ensuite accouché seule d'une fille qu'elle a nommé Alex, kidnappée par les Autres une semaine après sa naissance. Après 16 ans de solitude, Danielle rencontre enfin quelqu'un : Sayid, l'un des survivants du vol Oceanic 815. Elle finira par faire la connaissance des autres survivants de l'avion, à qui elle se manifestera à de rares occasions, la dernière étant de les accompagner jusqu'à la Tour radio pour qu'ils puissent entrer en contact avec le Kahana. Cette traversée de l'île lui permettra d'êt
  • Danielle Rousseau is a scientist that came to the Island with a sole purpose to investigate how traumatic events such as getting your baby stolen, murdering three people and being stranded on an Island effect a person's accent, mainly the transfer from French to Yugoslavian accent in the following languages: English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Her experiment worked very fine, even making people in France believe her French to be German. Though sadly she had to give up work to raise her daughter Alex once her "so-called" ex Ben gave Alex back to Danielle. Shortly after she thought she could survive a rain of bullets fired by a group of mercenaries, though it turned out she thought wrong. If she hadn't died, she planned on resuming with her project and making her accent more Easter
  • exp
  • Character appearances#RousseauS6
  • France
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Kobieta
  • Rousseau2.jpg
  • Naukowiec
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Scientist
  • Danielle
  • 2004
  • Rousseau
  • Décédée
  • 2004-12-27
  • 23
  • Alex - Córka
  • Robert - Narzeczony
  • Mira Furlan
  • Alexandra Rousseau - Fille
  • Robert - Compagnon
  • Francia
  • Wissenschaftlerin
  • Frankreich
  • porque era parte de una expedición científica que naufragó allí
  • Alexandra Rousseau † - Tochter
  • Robert † - Freund
  • Shot by the mercenary team
  • 1
  • 2004
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Alexandra, hija
  • Robert, exnovio
  • 44
  • 1.262304E9
  • 死亡
  • Nie żyje
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • Alt_Danielle_Portal.png
  • Danielle_Shallow_Grave.jpg
  • Iseealex.jpg
  • PasMaBaby.jpg
  • Uhoh.jpg
  • Europa
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • 250
  • 1960
  • Ja
  • Alexandra - Figlia
  • Robert - Ragazzo
Powód Wyspa
  • Rozbiła się na Wyspie jako członkini francuskiej ekspedycji naukowej
Miejsce śmierci
  • 200
  • Mitglied der Wissenschaftlichen Expedition
Data śmierci
  • --12-29
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Rousseau2.jpg
  • left
  • right
  • The French woman
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Scientist
  • Scientifique
  • Wetenschapper
  • 科學家
  • 3
Miejsce urodzenia
  • Francja
  • Robert
  • Alex Rousseau
  • Alex Rousseau - Daughter
  • Alexandra - dochter
  • Estranged Daughter - Alexandra Linus
  • Lover - Robert
  • Robert - Lover
  • Robert - geliefde
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • France
  • Frans
  • Female
  • 女性人類
  • Images of Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Danielle Rousseau
  • Foto's van Danielle Rousseau
  • 2004-12-27
  • Científica
  • 22
  • 26
  • 1960
  • Alex crouches down behind a tree after Karl and Danielle have been shot.
  • Danielle is discovered by Miles in her shallow grave.
  • Rousseau tells Claire she did not find what she was looking for at the Staff.
  • A young Danielle speaks to an awakening Jin.
  • Ben warns Danielle of an impending attack.
  • Jack and Juliet reveal their allegiance with Rousseau.
  • Danielle and Alex reunite after 16 years.
  • Danielle holds Robert at gunpoint.
  • Danielle holds a panicking Hurley at gunpoint.
  • Danielle returns Aaron to Charlie and Sayid.
  • Danielle sees Alex for the first time in 16 years.
  • Danielle watches Ben kidnap Alex.
  • Danielle, Alex and Karl come under attack.
  • Rousseau is the 20th candidate.
  • Danielle Rousseau in the flash sideways, living in L.A.
  • Rousseau shoots Henry Gale, who attempts to escape.
  • Danielle shares her traumatic Island history with Sayid.
  • Rousseau is recruited by Kate to help her rescue Jack.
  • Scienziata
  • Mira Furlan
  • --12-27
  • part of a scientific expedition which crashed there
  • Während einer Expedition gestrandet
  • Was lid van het wetenschappelijk team toen dit op het eiland crashte
  • Character appearances#RousseauS4
Powód śmierci
  • Zabita przez najemników z frachtowca
  • Roberta Paladini
  • ...partecipava ad una spedizione scientifica la quale si è arenata sull'isola
  • Véronique Augereau
  • Character appearances#RousseauS2
  • Danielle Rousseau 是科學考察隊的成員之一,亦是Robert的情人和Alex的母親。她在懷孕7個月時,跟隨一支考察隊去進行考察,但是在乘船途中卻遇上風暴而來到小島。後來在小島上她以為考察隊的其他成員都受到感染,於是便把他們全殺死,之後她更誕下了她的女兒Alex,但在Alex出生後不久便被Ben拐走。經過在小島上生活了16年後,她遇到Oceanic航空815航班的生還者,而透過生還者她與Alex重逢,並一起生活了數天。最後在第97天,當她與Alex和Karl前往神殿時,被傭兵隊槍殺。
  • Danielle Rousseau was a woman of French origin who was shipwrecked on the Island with an expedition in 1988, seven months pregnant with her daughter, Alex. It was during this time that her team rescued Jin, who, as a result of the Island's move, was traveling through time. Shortly after Danielle gave birth, her daughter was taken away by Benjamin Linus, an Other. Rousseau lived alone for sixteen years, and over time became slightly disturbed due to her isolation. Following the crashing of their plane, Rousseau met and eventually joined the Flight 815 survivors, and finally reunited with her daughter. On 27 December 2004, while she, Alex, and Karl were traveling to the Temple, they were ambushed by Keamy and his mercenary team. Both Rousseau and Karl were shot dead. Her body was discovered by Miles as he, Sawyer, and Claire were going back to the beach. In the afterlife, Danielle shared a happy, normal life with Alexandra, away from the Island. She eventually met Ben, who was now Alex's history teacher, and moved him by saying he was the closest thing to a father Alex ever had.
  • Danielle Rousseau était une scientifique probablement d'origine française (ou allemande en version française) qui s'était échouée sur l'île à bord du bateau de son expédition. Selon elle, elle a été obligée de tuer ses collègues après qu'ils aient été contaminés par une mystérieuse maladie. Elle a ensuite accouché seule d'une fille qu'elle a nommé Alex, kidnappée par les Autres une semaine après sa naissance. Après 16 ans de solitude, Danielle rencontre enfin quelqu'un : Sayid, l'un des survivants du vol Oceanic 815. Elle finira par faire la connaissance des autres survivants de l'avion, à qui elle se manifestera à de rares occasions, la dernière étant de les accompagner jusqu'à la Tour radio pour qu'ils puissent entrer en contact avec le Kahana. Cette traversée de l'île lui permettra d'être enfin réunie avec sa fille et de faire connaissance avec Karl, son petit copain. Danielle, Alex et Karl choisissent plus tard de suivre le groupe de Locke aux Baraquements, afin de fuir la menace de l'équipage du cargo. Un soir, Ben leur conseille de se rendre au Temple, le dernier endroit sûr de l'île, pour y trouver refuge. Cependant, Danielle et Karl sont tués en chemin par les mercenaires du cargo.
  • Danielle Rousseau was the last remaining survivor of a science team that crashed onto the Island 16 years before Oceanic 815 crashed, 1988.
  • Rousseau era un membro di una spedizione scientifica formata da sei persone attiva nel Pacifico, e viaggiava insieme al suo ragazzo Robert. I due erano molto innamorati, e Rousseau portava sempre con sé un carillon che Robert le aveva regalato. Quando la spedizione arriva sull'isola, Danielle è incinta di sette mesi. La nave era a tre giorni di viaggio da Tahiti, quando captò un segnale radio durante la notte. Era una voce che ripeteva i Numeri e decisero di cambiare rotta per indagare. La strumentazione era rovinata, e si era appena verificata una tempesta con degli strani suoni. Durante la notte del 17 Novembre, la nave si scagliò contro le rocce - lo scafo era ormai irriparabile. Appena l'equipaggio si diresse verso riva con una zattera di emergenza, videro un uomo man, che a malapena galleggiava su alcuni detriti in acqua. Fecero salire l'uomo sulla zattera e guidarono verso un posto sicuro per costruire un rifugio. ("Il piccolo principe") Il giorno dopo, la squadra esce dal rifugio per cercare il segnale captato, seguita da Jin. Non molto dopo, Nadine viene uccisa da un attacco improvviso del Mostro, che afferra le gambe di Montand e cerca di tirarlo in un buco a terra sotto le rovine del Tempio. Jin e gli altri lo afferrano al braccio per cercare di tirarlo fuori, ma il fumo ha una forza tale da riuscire comunque a portarlo nel buco staccandogli il braccio che rimane in superficie. Montand scompare nel buco. Immediatamente, il poveretto inizia ad urlare dalla profondità, così Robert, Brennan e Lacombe entrano nel buco per cercarlo. L'ultima cosa che Jin fa, prima di saltare nel tempo, è quella di bloccare Danielle dall'entrare nel buco, ricordandole che è incinta. ("Questo posto è la morte") Due mesi dopo, Danielle aveva sparato ai due suoi colleghi Brennan e Lacombe, che risalgono dal buco, in qualche modo "cambiati". Jin riemerge dalla luce bianca appena in tempo per vedere Robert e Danielle puntarsi il fucile l'un l'altra in uno stallo, dopo che Robert realizza troppo tardi che la donna aveva tolto i proiettili dal suo fucile perchè tenta di spararle, Danielle gli pianta una pallottola tra gli occhi. ("Solitudine") Lei riconosce Jin dal primo giorno sull'Isola; dal suo punto di vista lui era semplicemente "scomparso" davanti ai suoi occhi. Prende il fucile e glielo punta contro, inseguendolo nella giungla, credendo fosse anche lui infetto, e uno degli "Altri". Jin viene salvato da un altro lampo che lo porta in un periodo di tempo sconosciuto. ("Questo posto è la morte") Nel 1989, Alex nasce e vive in una tenda sulla spiaggia con sua madre. Tuttavia, Benjamin Linus, sotto gli ordini di Charles Widmore, arriva una notte per uccidere Danielle. Prende la sua pistola, ma si ferma vedendo sua figlia. Ben invece prende la bambina con se, decidendo di risparmiare la vita di Danielle e le dice che se avesse mai sentito dei sussurri, avrebbe dovuto correre nella direzione opposta. ("Ciò che è morto è morto")
  • Danielle Rousseau was een Franse vrouw op het eiland kwam in het jaar 1988. Ze kwam op het eiland omdat ze deel nam van het wetenschappelijk team. Hun schip zonk in de storm en het team wist doormiddel van een reddingsboot te overleven. Tijdens de storm ontmoette ze Jin, die door de tijd reisde. Op het eiland werd het team aangevallen door het Monster en Jin verdween voor haar ogen. Toen ze op het eiland kwam was ze zeven maanden zwanger, van een dochter genaamd Alex. Vlak na de geboorte van Alex kwam Benjamin Linus en stal haar kind voor haar ogen en zei dat het kind alleen in leven zou blijven als ze uit de buurt van de Anderen zou blijven. Na 16 jaar op het eiland geleefd te hebben, geïsoleerd en op de vlucht, ontmoette ze de overlevenden van Oceanic 815. Uiteindelijk werd ze weer herenigd met haar dochter, en reisde mee met de groep van John naar de Barakken. Ben vertelde Alex, Danielle en Karl om te vluchten naar de Tempel wat ze deden maar Danielle werd onderweg vermoord door de huurlingen onder leiding van Martin Keamy. Haar lichaam werd ontdekt door Miles.
  • Danielle Rousseau é uma mulher misteriosa, presumidamente francesa, cuja embarcação acabou indo parar na Ilha, juntamente com sua equipe de expedição científica em 1988, 16 anos antes do acidente com o Vôo 815.
  • Danielle Rousseau is a scientist that came to the Island with a sole purpose to investigate how traumatic events such as getting your baby stolen, murdering three people and being stranded on an Island effect a person's accent, mainly the transfer from French to Yugoslavian accent in the following languages: English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Her experiment worked very fine, even making people in France believe her French to be German. Though sadly she had to give up work to raise her daughter Alex once her "so-called" ex Ben gave Alex back to Danielle. Shortly after she thought she could survive a rain of bullets fired by a group of mercenaries, though it turned out she thought wrong. If she hadn't died, she planned on resuming with her project and making her accent more Eastern than it was, with a goal of making her French sound Mandarin to people in Turkey.
  • Danielle Rousseau ist die Mutter von Alex und Teil der Wissenschaftlichen Expedition, welche im Jahre 1988 vor der Insel Schiffbruch erleidet.
  • Danielle i Robert byli dwoma z sześciu naukowców, którzy wyruszyli w ekspedycję naukową po Pacyfiku. W tym czasie Danielle dostała od ukochanego pozytywkę. Kiedy ich statek Bésixdouze był trzy dni drogi od Tahiti sprzęt naukowców zaczął odbierać dziwne sygnały. Był to głos, który powtarzał w kółko te same liczby. Grupa naukowców postanowiła zmienić kurs i zlokalizować źródło sygnału. Niestety statek natrafił na sztorm i po jakimś czasie uderzył w skały i zatonął.
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is Possessore of
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is Fait of
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is Guests of
is Role of
is Guest of
is Other of
is Spouse of
is Par of
is Finder of
is Postacie of
is Trouvé of
is discovered of
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is used of
is Chef of
is Family of
is Constructed of
is wikipage disambiguates of
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is Znalezione przez of