  • The Liberators of the Spark (Book)
  • Book
  • Also known as liberators of light and several similar names this Banor sect is dedicated to the so-called 'liberation of the godly spark' from the unworthy. In theory they agree upon the doctrin of the Banor cut that each human and probably some of the non-human races are born with a part of divine essence in them. Whereas other cults are dedicated to make this spark flourish for the good of the individual or civilisation, the liberators argue that certain persons are not worthy of the godly spark and its better to set the divine essence free by killing them in honorary combat. Certain splintergroups of the liberartors go even further and claim that a person can claim the divine essence of those slain to strengthen their own. So this heresy lead to two equally dangerous and forbidden subsects of the banorcult. Whereas the original hereics only killed criminals after their foundation, the term 'unworthy' became more widely used soon. So they slew cowards and erveryone they considered weak. The so called 'new liberators' brought this heresy to another equaly mad degree. They argue that if you can claim the divine spark of others by killing them you should not target the weakbut the mighty. They 'honor' their victims in duells and admittedly more then one new liberator met his well deserved end at the swordtip of an opponent far superior to him. Still there IS a considerable number of new liberators around and doing their perverted work for their god. The curch of Banors in turn has outlawed both heresies and affiliation with on of those sects is punished with lifelong laborcamp or execution.
  • The liberators of the spark by Sericos
  • Sericos
  • The Liberators of the Spark
  • The Liberators of the Spark
  • One person's view of the group called "liberators of the spark."
  • Isle of the Kings Library