  • Eldar Gods (Warhammer 40,000) (deleted 26 Jul 2008 at 18:17)
  • In the fictional universe of Warhammer 40,000, the Eldar] are a race of elf-like humanoids. The following is a list and brief history of their dieties, many who are now dead. Only Khaine and the Laughing God are still alive, and the Eldar are hoping to create a third, Y'nnead. In Eldar Mythology, they are set against the Chaos Gods and battled with them.
  • In the fictional universe of Warhammer 40,000, the Eldar] are a race of elf-like humanoids. The following is a list and brief history of their dieties, many who are now dead. Only Khaine and the Laughing God are still alive, and the Eldar are hoping to create a third, Y'nnead. In Eldar Mythology, they are set against the Chaos Gods and battled with them.