  • Bargudeen Disaster
  • The Bargudeen Disaster occurred roughly three hundred years before the Battle of Yavin on Innik, a world in the Unknown Regions. Bargudeen was a highly populated region on one of Innik's largest continents. Two Toork countries were at war, and one sought to eliminate the other and gain access to its natural resources by poisoning the enemy city's underground water supply. The toxins administered worked, but too well; due to the interconnectedness of Innik's underground caverns, the poisons spread over most of Bargudeen, killing off the target society and the country which did the poisoning, wiping out several small states which had been neutral in the conflict, causing massive casualties in nearby nations, and causing widespread crop desolation on the surface.
  • The Bargudeen Disaster occurred roughly three hundred years before the Battle of Yavin on Innik, a world in the Unknown Regions. Bargudeen was a highly populated region on one of Innik's largest continents. Two Toork countries were at war, and one sought to eliminate the other and gain access to its natural resources by poisoning the enemy city's underground water supply. The toxins administered worked, but too well; due to the interconnectedness of Innik's underground caverns, the poisons spread over most of Bargudeen, killing off the target society and the country which did the poisoning, wiping out several small states which had been neutral in the conflict, causing massive casualties in nearby nations, and causing widespread crop desolation on the surface. Tens of millions of beings died as a result of what became known as the Bargudeen Disaster. The Toorks states of Innik all signed an international agreement banning the use of chemical or biological weapons, on pain of death for all involved. By the time Innik joined the Golden Empire centuries later, Bargudeen had still not recovered.