  • Mecha-Zelda
  • Mecha-Zelda is a monster-robot-creature created by Bowser and Ganon because they wanted a weapon. Bowser and Ganon both won the coin toss, so they made a robot to look like Zelda. It is designed to destroy Zelda. It was going to destroy Mario too, but Bowser and Ganon rebuilt Mecha-Zelda. Now Mecha-Zelda has exactly 5,761,172 different weapons, but many of them are explosive, and accidentally blew her up. She was rebuilt, and kept shooting stuff.
  • Mecha-Zelda is a monster-robot-creature created by Bowser and Ganon because they wanted a weapon. Bowser and Ganon both won the coin toss, so they made a robot to look like Zelda. It is designed to destroy Zelda. It was going to destroy Mario too, but Bowser and Ganon rebuilt Mecha-Zelda. Now Mecha-Zelda has exactly 5,761,172 different weapons, but many of them are explosive, and accidentally blew her up. She was rebuilt, and kept shooting stuff. Mecha-Zelda is a boss in The Legend of Zelda 5, but was never seen due to the fact that she is just a silhouette in this shame. She used her energy gun to try to kill Link, but accidentally shoots herself. Bowser and Ganon think she is stupid, and they are right, but don't tell her I said that. Mecha-Zelda is also a robot. Did you know that? I bet you didn't. Now, I think I'm going to go kill Mecha-Zelda. Wait, that's too hard, I'll just go kill Robotnik Jr.