  • Cicada
  • Cicada
  • File:Cicada-Kolins-Dig.gif Write the text of your article here! Cicada-MB.gif Cicada.gif
  • Since the cicada emerges from the ground to sing every summer, in Japan it is seen as a symbol of reincarnation and new beginnings. Of special importance is the fact that the cicada moults, leaving behind an empty shell. Furthermore, since the cicada only lives for the short period of time, long enough to attract a mate with its song and complete the process of fertilization, they are seen as a symbol of evanescence.
  • Cicada is Lucciola's older brother and Maestro Delphine's most skilled servant. He puts his formidable martial arts talents to use as her personal bodyguard and assassin. He prevents Alex Row from killing Delphine when the Guild boards the Silvana. However, Lucciola kills him in combat in front of Delphine after Claus, Alvis, and Dio escape from the Guild stronghold.
  • Actual name is Utsusemi (Imaginary Cicada). It is a drop shot similar to Tezuka Kunimitsu's Zero Shiki Drop. The ball rolls toward the returner after landing.
  • An insect. * Mentioned in the myth Immortality Lost * They received the gift of immortality from Nenarchara * They shed their skins and so live forever. Source: Entekosiad
  • HartfordCo began constucting the Cicada from their home planet of Bryant near Earth, the 'Mech went into limited production in 2840.
  • "Cicada" (蝉(せみ) Semi) is an anime-only archetype featured in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, used by Erazor. It is composed of Insect monsters based on the various stages of a cicada. In line with other Insect archetypes, their effects revolve around battle position changes.
  • Cicada were Rokugani insects which fed on sap. Their song could be heard in the spring nights.
  • The Axon Cicada is a vehicle that is found in Unreal Tournament 2004 and Unreal Tournament 3. It is an airborne vehicle that has rocket pods mounted on its side which can be shot from the air. It also can be held to hold up to 16 rockets in the pods and launch in a volley of rockets which can kill its target immediately (ground-deployed fighters).
  • W przeciwieństwie do Raptora, Cicada jest większa, masywniejsza, posiada miejsca dla dwóch pilotów i nie jest przystosowana do walki z innymi pojazdami latającymi. Stanowi za to doskonałe narzędzie do atakowania celów naziemnych. Pierwszy pilot steruje maszyną oraz obsługuje główną broń, niekierowane rakiety o sporej sile ognia. Sprawdzają się one dobrze przeciwko piechocie i większym pojazdom. Drugi tryb ataku powoduje "przyklejenie" celownika do miejsca, w którym pozostawał w chwili namierzania. Przytrzymanie PPM umożliwia załadowanie do 16 rakiet, które następnie zostaną wystrzelone w uprzednio namierzone przez celownik miejsce. Najlepsze zastosowanie tego trybu znajduje sie w atakach na Power Nodes i Power Core ze względu na bardzo dużą siłę obrażeń, okupioną jednak długotrwałym proces
  • During a thunderstorm sometime in the early twentieth century, David Hersch murdered his wife. Regretting what he had done, he sought to end his own life, only he was struck by lightning before he could carry it out, and he had a vision: He had been chosen to live forever, and he would bring his wife back as well. Hersch was able to transfer a person’s life force to himself to keep himself alive. Calling himself Cicada, he began accumulating followers, planning for the day when he would be able to resurrect his wife. Yet he and his followers faced a dilemma: to achieve his vision of immortality, he needed to sacrifice the lives of others. Cicada learned of the Flash, and saw in him a brother blessed by the lightning. And the Flash had been saving people’s lives. Here were people who, witho
  • Cicadas have prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced not by stridulation, but by vibrating drumlike tymbals rapidly. The earliest known fossil Cicadomorpha appeared in the Upper Permian period; extant species occur all around the world in temperate to tropical climates. They typically live in trees, feeding on sap, and laying their eggs in a slit in the bark. Most cicadas are cryptic, singing at night to avoid predators. The periodic cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years, most likely to reduce losses by satiating their predators.
  • 201.0
  • Cicada
Row 1 info
  • Backhand Drop Volley
Row 2 info
  • Topspin
Row 1 title
  • Shot Type
Row 2 title
  • Spin
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
  • CicadaUT2004v2.jpg
  • CicadaUT3.png
Row 3 info
  • Offensive
Row 3 title
  • Class
Box Title
  • Cicada
  • Armored Core: for Answer Original Soundtrack
  • Castling Lucciola
  • 31
Voiced by
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Dave Mallow
  • Naoki Makijima
  • Armored Core: For Answer
  • None
  • Cicada
  • Semi
  • 2
  • Cicada aboard the Silvana
  • Grand Stream
  • Immortality
  • Draining life forces from others
  • Wsparcie
  • Ofensywa,
  • 500
  • 600
Character Name
  • Cicada
  • 190
Real Name
  • David Hersch
  • AC4
aux1 name
  • Height
  • * Soul of the Duelist * Dark Revelation Volume 3 * Turbo Pack: Booster Seven
  • Male
  • G.D634
  • シカーダ
  • G.D665
oaux1 name
  • Japanese name
  • 2
  • Niekierowane rakiety,
  • Ładowanie do 16 rakiet
  • Cicadas have prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced not by stridulation, but by vibrating drumlike tymbals rapidly. The earliest known fossil Cicadomorpha appeared in the Upper Permian period; extant species occur all around the world in temperate to tropical climates. They typically live in trees, feeding on sap, and laying their eggs in a slit in the bark. Most cicadas are cryptic, singing at night to avoid predators. The periodic cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years, most likely to reduce losses by satiating their predators. Cicadas have been featured in literature since the time of Homer's Iliad, and as motifs in art from the Chinese Shang dynasty. They have been used in myths and folklore to represent carefree living and immortality. Cicadas are eaten in various countries, including China, where the nymphs are served deep-fried in Shandong cuisine.
  • During a thunderstorm sometime in the early twentieth century, David Hersch murdered his wife. Regretting what he had done, he sought to end his own life, only he was struck by lightning before he could carry it out, and he had a vision: He had been chosen to live forever, and he would bring his wife back as well. Hersch was able to transfer a person’s life force to himself to keep himself alive. Calling himself Cicada, he began accumulating followers, planning for the day when he would be able to resurrect his wife. Yet he and his followers faced a dilemma: to achieve his vision of immortality, he needed to sacrifice the lives of others. Cicada learned of the Flash, and saw in him a brother blessed by the lightning. And the Flash had been saving people’s lives. Here were people who, without the Flash’s interference, would have died anyway, and in Cicada’s mind, he could take their lives with a clear conscience. As the appointed day approached, Cicada sent his followers out through Keystone City, armed with daggers that collected life energy, killing those whom the Flash had saved. The killings overwhelmed the police, and the Flash was kept busy dealing with Magenta, who finally captured him and brought him their sanctum to witness the resurrection. Cicada succeeded, briefly, in bringing his wife back, only to have her reveal the truth of his original crime. The Flash broke free, and in the ensuing fight Cicada drained the life from all his followers. Cicada now resides in Iron Heights, living a simple life of contemplation and prayer. Of course, he may have a way out: During the battle, he slashed Detective Morillo with his dagger, granting the detective healing powers and establishing some sort of hold over him.
  • File:Cicada-Kolins-Dig.gif Write the text of your article here! Cicada-MB.gif Cicada.gif
  • Since the cicada emerges from the ground to sing every summer, in Japan it is seen as a symbol of reincarnation and new beginnings. Of special importance is the fact that the cicada moults, leaving behind an empty shell. Furthermore, since the cicada only lives for the short period of time, long enough to attract a mate with its song and complete the process of fertilization, they are seen as a symbol of evanescence.
  • Cicada is Lucciola's older brother and Maestro Delphine's most skilled servant. He puts his formidable martial arts talents to use as her personal bodyguard and assassin. He prevents Alex Row from killing Delphine when the Guild boards the Silvana. However, Lucciola kills him in combat in front of Delphine after Claus, Alvis, and Dio escape from the Guild stronghold.
  • Actual name is Utsusemi (Imaginary Cicada). It is a drop shot similar to Tezuka Kunimitsu's Zero Shiki Drop. The ball rolls toward the returner after landing.
  • An insect. * Mentioned in the myth Immortality Lost * They received the gift of immortality from Nenarchara * They shed their skins and so live forever. Source: Entekosiad
  • HartfordCo began constucting the Cicada from their home planet of Bryant near Earth, the 'Mech went into limited production in 2840.
  • W przeciwieństwie do Raptora, Cicada jest większa, masywniejsza, posiada miejsca dla dwóch pilotów i nie jest przystosowana do walki z innymi pojazdami latającymi. Stanowi za to doskonałe narzędzie do atakowania celów naziemnych. Pierwszy pilot steruje maszyną oraz obsługuje główną broń, niekierowane rakiety o sporej sile ognia. Sprawdzają się one dobrze przeciwko piechocie i większym pojazdom. Drugi tryb ataku powoduje "przyklejenie" celownika do miejsca, w którym pozostawał w chwili namierzania. Przytrzymanie PPM umożliwia załadowanie do 16 rakiet, które następnie zostaną wystrzelone w uprzednio namierzone przez celownik miejsce. Najlepsze zastosowanie tego trybu znajduje sie w atakach na Power Nodes i Power Core ze względu na bardzo dużą siłę obrażeń, okupioną jednak długotrwałym procesem ładowania. Kolejny pilot ma do dyspozycji działko punktowe przeciw małym celom. Alternatywny tryb ognia (PPM) stanowi wystrzelenie wabików przeciwko kierowanym pociskom wroga. W pełnym składzie, umiejętnie pilotowana Cicada jest bardzo poważnym narzędziem ataku na kluczowe punkty na mapie oraz pojazdów wroga. Jej rozsądne użycie często przesądza o wyniku meczu.
  • "Cicada" (蝉(せみ) Semi) is an anime-only archetype featured in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, used by Erazor. It is composed of Insect monsters based on the various stages of a cicada. In line with other Insect archetypes, their effects revolve around battle position changes.
  • Cicada were Rokugani insects which fed on sap. Their song could be heard in the spring nights.
  • The Axon Cicada is a vehicle that is found in Unreal Tournament 2004 and Unreal Tournament 3. It is an airborne vehicle that has rocket pods mounted on its side which can be shot from the air. It also can be held to hold up to 16 rockets in the pods and launch in a volley of rockets which can kill its target immediately (ground-deployed fighters).
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