  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • The Rasengan is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in the palm of the user's hand.
  • The Rasengan is a powerful technique invented by Minato Namikaze, after three years of development and was never completed. The Rasengan was meant to be an example of nature manipulation as Minato meant to combine his chakra element with the Rasengan. However, he died before he could accomplish this. Despite this, the Rasengan is still a very useful and difficult jutsu to learn.
  • Rasengan, 4. Hokagenin, kuyruklu canavar bombasını gözlemleyerek ortaya çıkardığı A-Seviye güçlü bir jutsudur. Minato, Rasenganı 3 Yılda tamamlamasına rağmen amacı, chakra şekillendirmeyi en üst seviyede sağladıktan sonra chakranın doğa elementiyle birleştirerek mühür gerektirmeyen güçlü bir jutsu yapmaktı. Bunu başaramadan öldü, nihayetinde oğlu Uzumaki Naruto tekniği tamamlamıştır. Sadece chakra şekillendirilerek bile olsa rasengan kullanışlı, güçlü fakat öğrenmesi ve ustalaşması zor bir jutsudur. Kategori:Jutsular
  • is a jutsu where the user creates a ball of chakra and uses the speed of the chakra to grind into whatever it comes in contact with to inflict major damage.
  • Il Rasengan(letteralmente, Sfera Spiraleggiante) è un'arte magica di livello A inventata dal Quarto Hokage Minato Namikaze, basata sulla Teriosfera dei cercoteri. La tecnica consiste nella rotazione del chakra fatto fuoriuscire dalla mano, in modo da creare un vortice di energia in grado di uccidere sul colpo o provocare seri danni fisici a chi viene colpito. Il Rasengan occupa il secondo grado dei sei gradi di difficoltà delle tecniche, in quanto per apprenderlo bisogna superare un duro allenamento composto di tre fasi, ognuna più difficile della precedente.
  • Rasengan is high level technique, utilized by concentrating high amount of chakra into sphere and violently rotating it in many directions inside the sphere. Even that technique is incomplete, it has power to grind target and make crater in surface. It can be utilized by one hand, without using any hand seals.
  • thumb|Narutův RasenganRasengan je vemi silná technika třídy A vytvořená Čtvrtým Hokage. Ten strávil vývojem techniky celé tři roky. Chtěl dotáhnout manipulaci tvaru čakry na nejvyšší úroveň, zkombinovat ji s elementární podstatou a vytvořit tak techniku, ke které nejsou zapotřebí ruční pečetě. Zemřel sice dříve, než to mohl uskutečnit, ale i rasengan samotný je velmi silná technika.
  • A Rasengan egy erőteljes A-rangú technika, amit a Negyedik Hokage, Namikaze Minato teremtett a Bijuu Bomba alapján. Minato három évet töltött a Rasengan kifejlesztésével. A terve az volt, hogy a használó chakráját egy pontba összpontosítsa, majd kombinálni a saját chakra természetével, létrehozva egy technikát, amihez nem szükségesek kézjelek.
  • Das Rasengan (übersetzt: Spiralkugel) ist wie Chidori eine A- Rang Technik. Es ist die momentan stärkste Technik von Naruto Uzumaki, die vom 4. Hokage erfunden wurde. Bisher gibt es nur 4 Personen, die diese Technik beherschen, mehr dazu unten. Um das Rasengan aufzuführen, muss man keine Fingerzeichen formen, es besteht lediglich aus Chakra. Wird ein Gegner getroffen, dreht er sich mehrmals um sich selbst und wird danach weggeschleudert. Im Anime kommen vier verschiedene Formen des Rasengan vor. Allerdings kommen in den Filmen/Videospielen noch andere Versionen vor.
  • Rasengan (螺旋丸 "Spiraling Sphere") is Naruto's standard special move in Super Smash Flash 2. It is also known as Naruto's signature technique in both the manga and anime. Naruto summons a Shadow Clone who builds up a ball of spinning chakra in his hand and then hurls it forward in an energy ball that explodes if it hits the opponent. These energy balls on contact have two stages before its fully charged version (see below); one being weaker and smaller than the other. The attack deals a long range of damages; the more it is charged, the more damage it does. Aside from being fully charged, the attack deals anywhere from 23%-31% to the opponent if all the hits connect.
  • Das Rasengan ist eine A-Rang-Technik und daher extrem schwierig. Diese Technik wurde vom Yondaime Hokage erfunden und wurde drei Jahre lang von ihm perfektioniert. Da man für diese Technik eine sehr gute Chakrakontrolle braucht, beherrschen nur sehr wenige das Rasengan. Um genau zu sein, wird/wurde das Rasengan nur von sechs“sieben“Spoiler Leuten beherrscht (mehr dazu unten). Das Rasengan ist eine besondere Technik, da man keine Fingerzeichen benötigt, um das Rasengan zu erschaffen. Außerdem vervielfältigt das Rasengan seine Kraft, sobald man es geschaffen hat, ohne dass man weiterhin Chakra hinzu geben muss. Das „normale“ Rasengan ist an sich eine unvollständige Technik. Minato Namikaze hatte geplant, mit dem Rasengan sowohl die Kraft des normalen Chakras als auch die Kraft des Naturchakr
  • While the Rasengan is a one-handed technique; in Part I, Naruto has to use three or more hands to use it (Although in episode 112, he is able to create a Rasengan with only one hand, but fails due to Jirobo draining his chakra) , mostly due to his poor chakra control. He requires to use of his one hand to create the shell, and a shadow clone's hands to spin the chakra. Hakushoku Uchiha learned the Rasengan by copying it from Kyūka Namikaze and created from it his own variant.
  • Categoría:Jutsu Rasengan (螺旋丸, Rasengan) es un ninjutsu de Rango A que fue creado originalmente por el Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze, quien se demoró tres años para desarrollarlo. El Rasengan toma como base el jutsu Bola Bestia con Cola, que es el ataque definitivo de las Bestias con Cola.
  • Rasengan (螺旋丸, Rasengan) es un ninjutsu de Rango A que fue creado originalmente por el Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze, quien se demoró tres años para desarrollarlo. El Rasengan toma como base el jutsu Bola Bestia con Cola, que es el ataque definitivo de las Bestias con Cola.
derived jutsu
Row 9 info
  • *Dairiku Shashimako *Noai Uchiha *Retsu Kazahana *Kyosuke Misuhi
Row 8 info
  • *Water Release: Rasengan *Water Release: Great Ball Rasengan *Ice Release: Rasengan *Great Dragon Rasengan *Nova Rasengan *Seven-Colored Rasengan *Chaos Rasengan *Enzeru Rasengan *Avatar Mode: Rasengan
Row 4 info
  • Ninjutsu
  • 4
debut shippuden
  • Yes
  • No
ova debut
  • Finally a clash! Jōnin vs. Genin!! Indiscriminate Grand Melee Tournament Meeting!!
Row 7 title
  • Range
literal english
  • Spiralling Sphere
jutsu rank
  • A
jutsu classification
  • Ninjutsu
  • Rasengan
  • Offensivo
Row 1 info
  • 螺旋丸
  • No
Debut Manga
  • 150
  • Esfera Giratoria o Esfera Espiral
  • Esfera Giratoria o Esfera Espiral
  • 螺旋丸
unnamed jutsu
  • No
Row 8 title
  • Derived Jutsu
  • 5
  • Kakashi Hatake, Jiraiya, Minato Namikaze, Konohamaru Sarutobi, Naruto Uzumaki, Ashura Ootsutsuki, Hiruko , Boruto Uzumaki
Row 4 title
  • Classification
Row 9 title
  • Users
game names
  • Power Strike
jutsu range
  • Short
Similar Techniques
viz manga
  • Rasengan
  • A-Sınıfı
Novel Debut
  • Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie
related jutsu
  • Tailed Beast Ball
  • Amenomihashira, Tailed Beast Ball
Debut Anime
  • 86
english tv
  • Rasengan
Row 2 info
  • Rasengan
Movie debut
  • Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow
  • Saldırı
Row 6 info
  • Offensive
  • Kısa
  • 0
  • Manga, Anime, Películas, Videojuegos y OVAs
  • Manga, Anime, Películas, Videojuegos y OVAs
jutsu class type
  • Offensive
  • Offensive, Supplementary
Row 1 title
  • Kanji
Game Debut
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2
Row 5 info
  • A-Rank
jutsu media
  • Anime, Manga, Game, Movie
  • Anime, Manga, Novel, Game, Movie, Movie canon
  • 4
Row 2 title
  • Romaji
boruto anime
  • No
Moc elementarna
  • Powietrze, Woda
sınıflandırma (ne tür bir teknik)
Row 6 title
  • Class
  • 5
Row 5 title
  • Rank
Row 3 info
  • Spiraling Sphere
Row 3 title
  • Literal English
  • Corto
  • Corto
  • white
Row 7 info
  • Short range
  • Jiraiya
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Konohamaru Sarutobi
  • Minato Namikaze
  • Oruraiyu Uchiha, Kintaro Uchiha, Nozomi Uchiha, Sakiko Uchiha, Saito Uchiha, Kimio Uchiha, Otohime Watatsumi, Baru Hyuga, Fumiko Senju, Jiro Uchiha, Sarada Uchiha , Randy Uzumaki, Ryu Uzumaki , Keiku Uchiha, Shiro Wushazaki, Sageru Uzumaki,Koshaji,Makao Akimichi,Jule Sarutobi, Tadashimura, Yui Uchiha , Kaihime Uzumaki, Yasuki Hatake, Minato Namikaze , Jiraiya, Kakashi Hatake, Koga Tensei, Sanjo Hiruzen, Ryoji Saeba, Jozoun Gremachi, Sojourn Gremachi, Taichi Uzumaki,Hira Uchiha,Jared Kai, Kazesou, Tafun Uchiha, Kajō Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki , Tairā, Kagemoto Uzumaki, Ninigi Senju, Isuka Mikakami, Hayazumo,Miraku Minabi, Sayuri Senju, Shingi, Uzume Arashi, Amaya Ōtsutsuki, Comato Uchiha , Ryūho Hyūga, Sigma Ōtsutsuki, Shiroyasha Uchiha, Amaya Uzumaki, Sayuri Uchiha, Ishihara Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake , Obito Hatake, Kannazuki, Kazuma Aburame, Yumi Senju, Waia Uchiha, Seigetsu Uchiha, Ikari Uzumaki, Toramaru Uzumaki, Densetsu, Senjō, Menma Uzumaki , Javier Uchiha, Tobi Jinsui, Hikaru Ōtsutsuki, Isamu Nara, Setsuna Sarutobi, Hai Uchiha
  • Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya, Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, Konohamaru Sarutobi, Boruto Uzumaki, Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki~movie canon,
  • green
  • Low,Mid and Long Range
Box Title
  • Rasengan
  • right|18x18px|Este artículo fue elegido como el primer jutsu destacado de la comunidad (noviembre de 2011).|link=
  • right|18x18px|Este artículo fue elegido como el primer jutsu destacado de la comunidad (noviembre de 2011).|link=
  • Naruto
  • Based on the user Sonic Level
  • W Użyciu
  • Ofensivo
  • Ofensivo
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • A
  • Wiatrak, Pocisk
  • Rövid hatótávú
anime feltűnt
  • 86
  • Spirál Gömb
manga feltűnt
  • 150
  • Wiederspricht den Richtlinien für Inhalte.
  • Jutsu
  • Angriff
  • Kula
  • white
  • 螺旋丸
  • 螺旋 丸
  • 螺旋丸
  • 螺旋丸
  • Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • 2
  • Rasengan.png
  • TRon69-SAO
  • 60
  • 15
  • Image Gallery
  • Introduction
  • Rasengan.jpg
  • Anime=300px
  • Anime=300px
  • Kiba, Naruto, Kakashi
  • Spiralisierende Kugel
  • Yuki's Biological Family
  • Rasengan.png
i̇lk görünüm
  • Manga: 17.Cilt, 150.Bölüm Anime: Naruto 86.Bölüm
  • Rasengan
  • Támadó
destructive capacity
  • Building Level Mountain level
  • Corto raggio
Derived Techniques
  • N/A
technique type
  • Offensive
  • The Rasengan is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in the palm of the user's hand.
  • The Rasengan is a powerful technique invented by Minato Namikaze, after three years of development and was never completed. The Rasengan was meant to be an example of nature manipulation as Minato meant to combine his chakra element with the Rasengan. However, he died before he could accomplish this. Despite this, the Rasengan is still a very useful and difficult jutsu to learn.
  • Rasengan, 4. Hokagenin, kuyruklu canavar bombasını gözlemleyerek ortaya çıkardığı A-Seviye güçlü bir jutsudur. Minato, Rasenganı 3 Yılda tamamlamasına rağmen amacı, chakra şekillendirmeyi en üst seviyede sağladıktan sonra chakranın doğa elementiyle birleştirerek mühür gerektirmeyen güçlü bir jutsu yapmaktı. Bunu başaramadan öldü, nihayetinde oğlu Uzumaki Naruto tekniği tamamlamıştır. Sadece chakra şekillendirilerek bile olsa rasengan kullanışlı, güçlü fakat öğrenmesi ve ustalaşması zor bir jutsudur. Kategori:Jutsular
  • While the Rasengan is a one-handed technique; in Part I, Naruto has to use three or more hands to use it (Although in episode 112, he is able to create a Rasengan with only one hand, but fails due to Jirobo draining his chakra) , mostly due to his poor chakra control. He requires to use of his one hand to create the shell, and a shadow clone's hands to spin the chakra. While in training, Naruto improved the Rasengan with the Great Ball Rasengan. Later, Naruto mixed his Wind natured chakra to create the Wind Release: Rasengan as it was originally intended. Seireitou Hyuga also succedded in adding fire chakra to his rasengan making it the Katon: Hidama Rasengan. Another variation of Rasengan, is Suiton: Rasentsunami which will create a tsunami when contact is made that is strong enough to brake bones. Hakushoku Uchiha learned the Rasengan by copying it from Kyūka Namikaze and created from it his own variant. Itakue yamaki also learned how to use the rasengan after training with the man that saved his life from the fire that destroyed his house and family with further training he learned how to add his earth element to it creating the earth style:crumbling rasengan which would cause stone pillars to jet from the ground and crush the opponent that it hit.
  • is a jutsu where the user creates a ball of chakra and uses the speed of the chakra to grind into whatever it comes in contact with to inflict major damage.
  • Das Rasengan ist eine A-Rang-Technik und daher extrem schwierig. Diese Technik wurde vom Yondaime Hokage erfunden und wurde drei Jahre lang von ihm perfektioniert. Da man für diese Technik eine sehr gute Chakrakontrolle braucht, beherrschen nur sehr wenige das Rasengan. Um genau zu sein, wird/wurde das Rasengan nur von sechs“sieben“Spoiler Leuten beherrscht (mehr dazu unten). Das Rasengan ist eine besondere Technik, da man keine Fingerzeichen benötigt, um das Rasengan zu erschaffen. Außerdem vervielfältigt das Rasengan seine Kraft, sobald man es geschaffen hat, ohne dass man weiterhin Chakra hinzu geben muss. Das „normale“ Rasengan ist an sich eine unvollständige Technik. Minato Namikaze hatte geplant, mit dem Rasengan sowohl die Kraft des normalen Chakras als auch die Kraft des Naturchakras bis ans Maximum zu treiben und zu kombinieren. Dies gelang ihm jedoch nur mit dem normalen Chakra, da er nicht in der Lage war, die beiden Chakraarten miteinander zu kombinieren. Rasengan bedeutet soviel wie "Spiralkugel". In Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles wird das Rasengan als "Power Strike" oder "Power Schlag" bezeichnet. Scheinbar ließ sich Minato Namikaze von Bijuu Dama für das Rasengan inspirieren.
  • Il Rasengan(letteralmente, Sfera Spiraleggiante) è un'arte magica di livello A inventata dal Quarto Hokage Minato Namikaze, basata sulla Teriosfera dei cercoteri. La tecnica consiste nella rotazione del chakra fatto fuoriuscire dalla mano, in modo da creare un vortice di energia in grado di uccidere sul colpo o provocare seri danni fisici a chi viene colpito. Il Rasengan occupa il secondo grado dei sei gradi di difficoltà delle tecniche, in quanto per apprenderlo bisogna superare un duro allenamento composto di tre fasi, ognuna più difficile della precedente.
  • Rasengan is high level technique, utilized by concentrating high amount of chakra into sphere and violently rotating it in many directions inside the sphere. Even that technique is incomplete, it has power to grind target and make crater in surface. It can be utilized by one hand, without using any hand seals.
  • Categoría:Jutsu Rasengan (螺旋丸, Rasengan) es un ninjutsu de Rango A que fue creado originalmente por el Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze, quien se demoró tres años para desarrollarlo. El Rasengan toma como base el jutsu Bola Bestia con Cola, que es el ataque definitivo de las Bestias con Cola. Es una poderosa técnica que se basa principalmente en la Manipulación de la Forma la cual lleva "hasta el punto más alto posible" en donde el usuario hace girar el chakra a una alta velocidad haciendo que se comprima en forma de esfera. Este jutsu se considera incompleto debido a que fue creado principalmente para después combinarlo con la naturaleza del chakra, cosa que no pudo hacer Minato antes de morir, pero aún así dio origen a una técnica que no requiere sellos de manos. A pesar de que Minato no pudo completarla, Naruto adoptó esta técnica y la domino con la ayuda de su maestro Jiraiya y la convirtió en suya, no solamente eso además pudo completarla creando un versión más destructiva llamada "Elemento Viento: Rasen Shuriken".
  • Rasengan (螺旋丸, Rasengan) es un ninjutsu de Rango A que fue creado originalmente por el Cuarto Hokage, Minato Namikaze, quien se demoró tres años para desarrollarlo. El Rasengan toma como base el jutsu Bola Bestia con Cola, que es el ataque definitivo de las Bestias con Cola. Es una poderosa técnica que se basa principalmente en la Manipulación de la Forma la cual lleva "hasta el punto más alto posible" en donde el usuario hace girar el chakra a una alta velocidad haciendo que se comprima en forma de esfera. Este jutsu se considera incompleto debido a que fue creado principalmente para después combinarlo con la naturaleza del chakra, cosa que no pudo hacer Minato antes de morir, pero aún así dio origen a una técnica que no requiere sellos de manos. A pesar de que Minato no pudo completarla, Naruto adoptó esta técnica y la domino con la ayuda de su maestro Jiraiya y la convirtió en suya, no solamente eso además pudo completarla creando un versión más destructiva llamada "Elemento Viento: Rasen Shuriken".
  • thumb|Narutův RasenganRasengan je vemi silná technika třídy A vytvořená Čtvrtým Hokage. Ten strávil vývojem techniky celé tři roky. Chtěl dotáhnout manipulaci tvaru čakry na nejvyšší úroveň, zkombinovat ji s elementární podstatou a vytvořit tak techniku, ke které nejsou zapotřebí ruční pečetě. Zemřel sice dříve, než to mohl uskutečnit, ale i rasengan samotný je velmi silná technika.
  • A Rasengan egy erőteljes A-rangú technika, amit a Negyedik Hokage, Namikaze Minato teremtett a Bijuu Bomba alapján. Minato három évet töltött a Rasengan kifejlesztésével. A terve az volt, hogy a használó chakráját egy pontba összpontosítsa, majd kombinálni a saját chakra természetével, létrehozva egy technikát, amihez nem szükségesek kézjelek.
  • Das Rasengan (übersetzt: Spiralkugel) ist wie Chidori eine A- Rang Technik. Es ist die momentan stärkste Technik von Naruto Uzumaki, die vom 4. Hokage erfunden wurde. Bisher gibt es nur 4 Personen, die diese Technik beherschen, mehr dazu unten. Um das Rasengan aufzuführen, muss man keine Fingerzeichen formen, es besteht lediglich aus Chakra. Wird ein Gegner getroffen, dreht er sich mehrmals um sich selbst und wird danach weggeschleudert. Im Anime kommen vier verschiedene Formen des Rasengan vor. Allerdings kommen in den Filmen/Videospielen noch andere Versionen vor.
  • Rasengan (螺旋丸 "Spiraling Sphere") is Naruto's standard special move in Super Smash Flash 2. It is also known as Naruto's signature technique in both the manga and anime. Naruto summons a Shadow Clone who builds up a ball of spinning chakra in his hand and then hurls it forward in an energy ball that explodes if it hits the opponent. These energy balls on contact have two stages before its fully charged version (see below); one being weaker and smaller than the other. The attack deals a long range of damages; the more it is charged, the more damage it does. Aside from being fully charged, the attack deals anywhere from 23%-31% to the opponent if all the hits connect.
is Row 8 info of
is Tecniche of
is parent jutsu of
is Row 10 info of
is Jutsuinicial of
is Jutsus of
is Row of
is Jutsu of
is Jutsusderiv of
is Jutsu inicial of