  • Sorting Algorithm of Face Heel Turning
  • When a character is tempted to do a Face Heel Turn or a Heel Face Turn, it is often the result of much Character Development in their lives, forcing them to weigh their nature, goals, loves and even hates in balance. It is by no means a simple or trivial matter, so we here at TV Tropes have decided to make discovering the likelihood of such an event for a character simpler. But since we already have a All the Tropes Wiki Drinking Game, we decided to make it a sorting algorithm instead!
  • When a character is tempted to do a Face Heel Turn or a Heel Face Turn, it is often the result of much Character Development in their lives, forcing them to weigh their nature, goals, loves and even hates in balance. It is by no means a simple or trivial matter, so we here at TV Tropes have decided to make discovering the likelihood of such an event for a character simpler. But since we already have a All the Tropes Wiki Drinking Game, we decided to make it a sorting algorithm instead! To use the Algorithm, take each column's "Score", divide it by the number of applicable rows in the column, repeat for every column, and add the results together. Post your results in the WMG page for this article, where these tables have been copied for your convenience.