  • Macho Masochism
  • Want to prove you're not a pussy, or that you're really dedicated to whatever cause you're fighting for? Just injure yourself! Carve a rune into your own chest, chop off a limb or two, or just punch yourself in the face to show that you can handle it! This is one of The Oldest Ones in the Book, as well as a huge Truth in Television. See also, but don't confuse with, Testosterone Poisoning. Goes hand-in-hand with Major Injury Underreaction. Examples of Macho Masochism include:
  • Want to prove you're not a pussy, or that you're really dedicated to whatever cause you're fighting for? Just injure yourself! Carve a rune into your own chest, chop off a limb or two, or just punch yourself in the face to show that you can handle it! This is one of The Oldest Ones in the Book, as well as a huge Truth in Television. See also, but don't confuse with, Testosterone Poisoning. Goes hand-in-hand with Major Injury Underreaction. Examples of Macho Masochism include: