  • Erich Hartmann
  • Erich Hartmann
  • Erich Hartmann
  • Biographical information - please feel to amend or correct it.
  • Erich Hartmann (1922-1993) was a fighter pilot who served under Germany during World War II. Hartmann is the most successful fighter ace in history, credited with some 352 Allied air kills.
  • Erich Hartmann (エーリッヒ・ハルトマン Ērihhi Harutoman?) is a fictional character appearing in Mobile Suit Gundam: Big Picture Book of Strategy and Tactics - One Year's War Complete Record.
  • Erich Alfred "Bubi" Hartmann was een Duitse oorlogsvlieger uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Erich Hartmann is de meest succesvolle gevechtspiloot aller tijden. Tijdens zijn carrière schoot Hartmann 352 gevechtsvliegtuigen neer, een ongeëvenaard record.
  • Erich Alfred Hartmann (19 April 1922 – 20 September 1993), nicknamed "Bubi" by his comrades and "The Black Devil" by his Soviet adversaries, was a German fighter pilot during World War II and is the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare. He flew 1,404 combat missions and participated in aerial combat on 825 separate occasions. He claimed, and was credited with, shooting down 352 Allied aircraft—the destruction of each termed an "aerial victory"—while serving with the Luftwaffe. During the course of his career, Hartmann was forced to crash-land his damaged fighter 14 times due to damage received from parts of enemy aircraft he had just shot down or mechanical failure. Hartmann was never shot down or forced to land due to enemy fire.
  • Erich Hartmann nasce in Germania saudita nel 1922. Già in tenera età le sue doti erano note a tutti gli abitanti della sua città, infatti il piccolo Erich il giorno del suo terzo compleanno abbatté un velivolo civile russo in volo sopra Rostov con un fuoco d'artificio illegale regalatogli dal padre. Venne anche bandito da tutti i luna park della Germania perché durante un giro sulla giostra degli aereoplani, prese il volo, mitragliò tutti gli altri velivoli della giostra ed eseguì un loop da manuale passando tra le travi della ruota panoramica. All'età di dodici anni viene mandato a studiare nell'accademia di Hogwarts in Inghilterra, li si guadagerà l'appellativo di Draco Malfoy datogli da i suoi compagni della classe di latino. Si dilettò anche nello sport del Quidditch, dove totalizzò du
  • Universal Century
  • JG 52, JG 53 and JG 71
unnamed character
  • No
  • 1940
  • 1956
Birth Date
  • 1922-04-19
  • I./JG 52 and JG 71
  • 18
  • Erich Hartmann is de meest succesvolle gevechtspiloot aller tijden.
death place
  • Mobile Suit Gundam: Big Picture Book of Strategy and Tactics - One Year's War Complete Record.
  • Killed in Action
  • Principality of Zeon
  • Bubi & "de zwarte duivel"
  • Bubi
  • The Black Devil
  • The Black Devil of the South
  • The Blond Knight
  • Erich Hartmann
  • Erich Alfred Hartmann
  • then-Leutnant Erich Hartmann
  • 1993-09-20
  • Hauptmann Erich Hartmann
  • Silver Wolf of the Sea
Birth Place
  • Weissach, Württemberg
  • Human
  • Commander of Jagdgeschwader 71 Richthofen
death date
  • 1993-09-20
  • 0079-12-13
  • none
  • --01-19
  • A black and white photograph of a smiling young man wearing a military uniform, peaked cap, various military decorations including a neck order in shape of an Iron Cross.
  • Oberst Günther Josten
  • Civilian Flight instructor
  • Captain
  • Male
  • Weissach bij Stuttgart
  • 1922-04-19
  • Biographical information - please feel to amend or correct it.
  • Erich Hartmann nasce in Germania saudita nel 1922. Già in tenera età le sue doti erano note a tutti gli abitanti della sua città, infatti il piccolo Erich il giorno del suo terzo compleanno abbatté un velivolo civile russo in volo sopra Rostov con un fuoco d'artificio illegale regalatogli dal padre. Venne anche bandito da tutti i luna park della Germania perché durante un giro sulla giostra degli aereoplani, prese il volo, mitragliò tutti gli altri velivoli della giostra ed eseguì un loop da manuale passando tra le travi della ruota panoramica. All'età di dodici anni viene mandato a studiare nell'accademia di Hogwarts in Inghilterra, li si guadagerà l'appellativo di Draco Malfoy datogli da i suoi compagni della classe di latino. Si dilettò anche nello sport del Quidditch, dove totalizzò duecento abbattimenti e zero punti segnati. Per colpa di uno scandalo tra lui ed una celebrità locale, lascia la scuola il quinto anno per tornare in Germania ad arruolarsi nella Luftwaffe: durante il periodo d'addestramento venne abbattuto diverse volte da uno stormo di albatros, che si era inimicato qualche sera prima per colpa di una rissa nel bar della caserma. Terminò l'addestramento con con il titolo di "Recluta con maggiore probabilità di morire nel tentativo di entrare nella cabina di pilotaggio". La sua prima missione fu quella di recapitare un pacco pieno di liquirizie ad Hermann Göring, al momento comandante della Lufwaffe. Ma commise il madornale errore di abbattere il canarino di Göring, che shockato dall'accaduto lo spedì a combattere sul fronte orientale.
  • Erich Alfred Hartmann (19 April 1922 – 20 September 1993), nicknamed "Bubi" by his comrades and "The Black Devil" by his Soviet adversaries, was a German fighter pilot during World War II and is the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare. He flew 1,404 combat missions and participated in aerial combat on 825 separate occasions. He claimed, and was credited with, shooting down 352 Allied aircraft—the destruction of each termed an "aerial victory"—while serving with the Luftwaffe. During the course of his career, Hartmann was forced to crash-land his damaged fighter 14 times due to damage received from parts of enemy aircraft he had just shot down or mechanical failure. Hartmann was never shot down or forced to land due to enemy fire. Hartmann, a pre-war glider pilot, joined the Luftwaffe in 1940 and completed his fighter pilot training in 1942. He was posted to Jagdgeschwader 52 (JG 52) on the Eastern front and was fortunate to be placed under the supervision of some of the Luftwaffe's most experienced fighter pilots. Under their guidance, Hartmann steadily developed his tactics, which earned him the coveted Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten (Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds) on 25 August 1944 for claiming 301 aerial victories. At the time of its presentation to Hartmann, this was Germany's highest military decoration. Hartmann scored his 352nd and last aerial victory on 8 May 1945. Along with the remainder of JG 52, he surrendered to United States Army forces and were turned over to the Red Army. In an attempt to pressure him into service with the Soviet-friendly East German Volksarmee, he was convicted of false war crimes, a conviction posthumously voided by a Russian court as a malicious prosecution. Hartmann was sentenced to 25 years of hard labour and spent 10 years in various Soviet prison camps and gulags until he was released in 1955. In 1956, Hartmann joined the newly established West German Luftwaffe in the Bundeswehr, and became the first Geschwaderkommodore of Jagdgeschwader 71 "Richthofen". Hartmann resigned early from the Bundeswehr in 1970, largely due to his opposition to the F-104 Starfighter deployment in the Luftwaffe and the resulting clashes with his superiors over this issue. In his later years, after his military career had ended, he became a civilian flight instructor. He died of natural causes on 20 September 1993.
  • Erich Hartmann (1922-1993) was a fighter pilot who served under Germany during World War II. Hartmann is the most successful fighter ace in history, credited with some 352 Allied air kills.
  • Erich Hartmann (エーリッヒ・ハルトマン Ērihhi Harutoman?) is a fictional character appearing in Mobile Suit Gundam: Big Picture Book of Strategy and Tactics - One Year's War Complete Record.
  • Erich Alfred "Bubi" Hartmann was een Duitse oorlogsvlieger uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Erich Hartmann is de meest succesvolle gevechtspiloot aller tijden. Tijdens zijn carrière schoot Hartmann 352 gevechtsvliegtuigen neer, een ongeëvenaard record. Hij vloog tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog verkenningsvluchten boven Rusland en de Oekraïne. Later, in de laatste maanden van de oorlog, voerde hij jachtvluchten uit op Amerikaanse bommenwerpers die Duitse steden en fabrieken bombardeerden. Hartmann werd onderscheiden met het "ridderkruis met eikenbladen, zwaarden en diamanten" van het IJzeren Kruis, de hoogste Duitse onderscheiding. Hartmann behaalde met zijn toestel extreem veel overwinningen, al moet gezegd worden dat Hartmann het moest opnemen tegen technisch zwakke en slecht bewapende Russische bommenwerpers. Toestellen die gevlogen werden door nauwelijks opgeleide piloten. Hoewel Hartmann met 352 toestellen de meeste overwinningen boekte, wordt hij daarom niet gezien als de beste jachtpiloot. Dat is volgens velen Hans Joachim Marseille met 158 overwinningen.