  • Sandra 'Grave-Caller' Mellodee
  • This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. Sandra Alison Mellodee, Other-wise known as 'The Grave-Caller" for the songs she sings while in graveyards that seem to soothe the furious spirits of the dead., is the Wife of Andrew Mellodee and Mother of the ,now adult, young girl, Felicia Fortunately for Sandra shortly after being fully taken over by the curse, a group of worgen hunter-redeemers had arrived and subdued her but during that time before she was captured, Andrew and Felicia ,both feral, were fighting with Andrew Defending her mate from his daughter.
  • This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. Sandra Alison Mellodee, Other-wise known as 'The Grave-Caller" for the songs she sings while in graveyards that seem to soothe the furious spirits of the dead., is the Wife of Andrew Mellodee and Mother of the ,now adult, young girl, Felicia Felicia is not, despite repeated attacks by a feral Mellodee, a worgen. She chalks it up to the fact that despite his feralness they were still married, they were still partners, her daughter insists that it was purely luck as, rather than herself, her daughter was the one to be infected with the worgen. Fortunately for Sandra shortly after being fully taken over by the curse, a group of worgen hunter-redeemers had arrived and subdued her but during that time before she was captured, Andrew and Felicia ,both feral, were fighting with Andrew Defending her mate from his daughter.