  • Have the Working Rat drill a peephole into the Big Rat's lair
  • From: [[]] He's handy with an augur. Methodical, precise. Afraid of things that go bump. He'll report what he can. His priority is avoiding the Big Rat, however. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A precise diary
  • pretty good odds.
Failure title
  • Gone before they look
Failure description
  • 'Hear anything? Not this time. They were looking towards the wall! They might have seen the hole at any moment!'
From Card/Storylet title
  • Investigating the Big Rat
Rare Success description
  • The Working Rat's news is limited but reliable. It is also[…] a little interesting. The Big Rat has named two or three of his confederates. He has dropped hints of traffic with Unterzee zailors. He has expressed concern about a shipment of beeswax.
Rare Success title
  • Plans
Success description
  • The Working Rat's news is limited but reliable. The Big Rat's meals, nap times, and conferences with lesser minions are recorded in minute writing - and detail. He eats quantities of candles.[…]
Success Instructions
  • When your Having Rodentine Minions Investigate... is at least 5, return to your Lodgings, opposite the Face, for the next step... or continue to increase the Serenity of the Face for safety.
Rare Success Instructions
  • When your Having Rodentine Minions Investigate... is at least 5, return to your Lodgings, opposite the Face, for the next step... or continue to increase the Serenity of the Face for safety.
  • He's handy with an augur. Methodical, precise. Afraid of things that go bump. He'll report what he can. His priority is avoiding the Big Rat, however.
  • From: [[]] He's handy with an augur. Methodical, precise. Afraid of things that go bump. He'll report what he can. His priority is avoiding the Big Rat, however. [Find the rest of the story at ]