  • Photosynthesis
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  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use water, carbon dioxide and light to make sugars (glucose). This is how they feed. 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
  • Photosynthesis is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • Photosynthesis is a form of Alternate Sustenance that some Evolved Humans may develop because of an Anomalistic Adaptation or Anomalistic Ability, namely a form of an Agrophysiological adaptation. Photosynthesis is the method in which a plant gains energy by converting sunlight (alternatively known as solar energy) into it. Evolved Humans that gain this as an adaptation generally no longer require food, or may not even be able to digest it. Cases of evolved human utilizing photosynthesis in tandem with their anomalistic abilities are generally when they utilize solar energy to fuel there powers, such as converting solar energy into energy blasts or for Flight.
  • Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy. Nate Wright seems to find it boring when his science teacher, Mr. Galvin, lectures the class about the subject.
  • Photosynthesis is a recurring ability in the series. It is an ability used primarily by the Mandragora and Cactuar enemies, which bestows the Regen status to an ally or recovers other stats, such as Bravery.
  • Using this ability, a person can use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to generate energy. This energy can be used to sustain them, to increase their energy levels and to heal simple injuries. The stronger the levels of light they are exposed to, the more energy can be produced in a specific amount of time. However, to use the ability, they must have access to light, as well as the chemical constituents necessary. Artificial light can be used instead of sunlight, at need, but it will be weaker and will take more time. The ability also gives a green tint or colouring to their skin while in use.
  • Photosynthesis is the process in which Plants and certain Bacteria sunlight and H2O into Glucose. There are two cycles that take place during this process: * The Light Dependent Process * and The Light Independent Process
  • Photosynthesis was the process in green plants and certain other organisms by which carbohydrates were synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. In 2371, Kira Nerys speculated that the ancient Bajorans may have used some kind of photosynthetic plant to recycle the air supply aboard their lightships. (DS9: "Explorers")
  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, trees, Joan Rivers, the Empire State Building, and certain species of beaver produce food, oxygen, and pr0n. Photosynthesis operates by the host absorbing sunlight, carbondioxid and small children. These building blocks are then turned into ammonia and cookies, which the host uses as food. Ham is a waste product of photosynthesis.
  • Photosynthesis was a natural process by which plants gained sustenance. The Neti, a sentient plant-like species, survived by this manner. Forest trees on the planet Kothlis, a Bothan colony world, had broad fungus fronds that grew in the reddish light of the planet's star, maintaining Kothlis' Type I atmosphere through a crude form of photosynthesis. This process lent an odd fragrance to the planet's air smelling something like warm and moldy cheese.
  • Photosynthesis (from the Greek φώτο- [photo-], "light," and σύνθεσις [synthesis], "putting together", "composition") is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight. Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and many species of Bacteria, but not in Archaea. Photosynthetic organisms are called photoautotrophs, since they can create their own food. In plants, algae and cyanobacteria photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen as a waste product. Photosynthesis is vital for life on Earth. As well as maintaining the normal level of oxygen in the atmosphere, nearly all life either depends on it directly as a source of energy, or indirectly as the ultimate source of the energy in their food (the exceptions are c
  • Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to capture the sun's energy to split off water's hydrogen from oxygen. Hydrogen is combined with carbon dioxide (absorbed from air or water) to form glucose and release oxygen. All living cells in turn use fuels derived from glucose and oxidize the hydrogen and carbon to release the sun's energy and reform water and carbon dioxide in the process (cellular respiration). The android supervillain known as Shaggy Man is powered by photosynthesis.
  • 12
  • Mechanical
  • 8
  • Ministration
  • 1.300000
ability to
  • generate energy from light, carbon dioxide and water
  • 6.0
  • 1
  • 1
  • HOT
  • Up to 20.0 meters
  • 2.0
  • 12
  • 19
  • 26
  • 40
  • 54
  • 68
  • 78
  • 88
  • Brigitte Lisle Valerie Thomas Lexie Masahashi Jess Petrelli Peter Petrelli World 8 Peter Petrelli World 11 Robert Max
  • 42
  • right
  • 1
  • Ecology
  • Environment
  • Earth sciences
  • Photosynthesis
  • Elemental
  • Passive
  • Wheel_Gold_Moon.png
  • Skin turning green while photosynthesising
  • Critter
  • Heals a large amount of target ally's health over time for a short duration
  • Restores 6 healing every round. Lasts 5 rounds. Twice as effective in sunny weather.
  • 10.0
  • Icon orange leaf.jpg
  • spell_nature_resistnature
  • Warden
  • returns 10 Mana per enemy hit, up to 40 Mana.
  • Devils Punchbowl Waterfall, New Zealand.jpg
  • Earth flag PD.jpg
  • Terra.png
  • 100.0
  • Raid or Group Friend
  • *Heals target for instantly and every 2 seconds.
  • |}
  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use water, carbon dioxide and light to make sugars (glucose). This is how they feed. 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
  • Photosynthesis is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • Photosynthesis is a form of Alternate Sustenance that some Evolved Humans may develop because of an Anomalistic Adaptation or Anomalistic Ability, namely a form of an Agrophysiological adaptation. Photosynthesis is the method in which a plant gains energy by converting sunlight (alternatively known as solar energy) into it. Evolved Humans that gain this as an adaptation generally no longer require food, or may not even be able to digest it. Cases of evolved human utilizing photosynthesis in tandem with their anomalistic abilities are generally when they utilize solar energy to fuel there powers, such as converting solar energy into energy blasts or for Flight.
  • Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to capture the sun's energy to split off water's hydrogen from oxygen. Hydrogen is combined with carbon dioxide (absorbed from air or water) to form glucose and release oxygen. All living cells in turn use fuels derived from glucose and oxidize the hydrogen and carbon to release the sun's energy and reform water and carbon dioxide in the process (cellular respiration). Once Marvin was studying his biology homework, and he came across the word photosynthesis and he didn't know what the word meant, and so he asked Wonder Woman what it meant and he was encouraged to go to the library. The android supervillain known as Shaggy Man is powered by photosynthesis.
  • Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy. Nate Wright seems to find it boring when his science teacher, Mr. Galvin, lectures the class about the subject.
  • Photosynthesis is a recurring ability in the series. It is an ability used primarily by the Mandragora and Cactuar enemies, which bestows the Regen status to an ally or recovers other stats, such as Bravery.
  • Using this ability, a person can use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to generate energy. This energy can be used to sustain them, to increase their energy levels and to heal simple injuries. The stronger the levels of light they are exposed to, the more energy can be produced in a specific amount of time. However, to use the ability, they must have access to light, as well as the chemical constituents necessary. Artificial light can be used instead of sunlight, at need, but it will be weaker and will take more time. The ability also gives a green tint or colouring to their skin while in use.
  • Photosynthesis is the process in which Plants and certain Bacteria sunlight and H2O into Glucose. There are two cycles that take place during this process: * The Light Dependent Process * and The Light Independent Process
  • Photosynthesis was the process in green plants and certain other organisms by which carbohydrates were synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. In 2371, Kira Nerys speculated that the ancient Bajorans may have used some kind of photosynthetic plant to recycle the air supply aboard their lightships. (DS9: "Explorers")
  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, trees, Joan Rivers, the Empire State Building, and certain species of beaver produce food, oxygen, and pr0n. Photosynthesis operates by the host absorbing sunlight, carbondioxid and small children. These building blocks are then turned into ammonia and cookies, which the host uses as food. Ham is a waste product of photosynthesis.
  • Photosynthesis (from the Greek φώτο- [photo-], "light," and σύνθεσις [synthesis], "putting together", "composition") is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight. Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and many species of Bacteria, but not in Archaea. Photosynthetic organisms are called photoautotrophs, since they can create their own food. In plants, algae and cyanobacteria photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen as a waste product. Photosynthesis is vital for life on Earth. As well as maintaining the normal level of oxygen in the atmosphere, nearly all life either depends on it directly as a source of energy, or indirectly as the ultimate source of the energy in their food (the exceptions are chemoautotrophs that live in rocks or around deep sea hydrothermal vents). The amount of energy trapped by photosynthesis is immense, approximately 100 terawatts: which is about six times larger than the power consumption of human civilization. As well as energy, photosynthesis is also the source of the carbon in all the organic compounds within organisms' bodies. In all, photosynthetic organisms convert around 100,000,000,000 tonnes of carbon into biomass per year. Although photosynthesis can happen in different ways in different species, some features are always the same. For example, the process always begins when energy from light is absorbed by proteins called photosynthetic reaction centers that contain chlorophylls. In plants, these proteins are held inside organelles called chloroplasts, while in bacteria they are embedded in the plasma membrane. Some of the light energy gathered by chlorophylls is stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The rest of the energy is used to remove electrons from a substance such as water. These electrons are then used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds. In plants, algae and cyanobacteria this is done by a sequence of reactions called the Calvin cycle, but different sets of reactions are found in some bacteria, such as the reverse Krebs cycle in Chlorobium. Many photosynthetic organisms have adaptations that concentrate or store carbon dioxide. This helps reduce a wasteful process called photorespiration that can consume part of the sugar produced during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis evolved early in the evolutionary history of life, when all forms of life on Earth were microorganisms and the atmosphere had much more carbon dioxide. The first photosynthetic organisms probably evolved about , and used hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide as sources of electrons, rather than water. Cyanobacteria appeared later, around , and drasticaly changed the Earth when they began to oxygenate the atmosphere, beginning about . This new atmosphere allowed the evolution of complex life such as protists. Eventually, no later than a billion years ago, one of these protists formed a symbiotic relationship with a cyanobacterium, producing the ancestor of many plants and algae. The chloroplasts in modern plants are the descendants of these ancient symbiotic cyanobacteria.
  • Photosynthesis was a natural process by which plants gained sustenance. The Neti, a sentient plant-like species, survived by this manner. Forest trees on the planet Kothlis, a Bothan colony world, had broad fungus fronds that grew in the reddish light of the planet's star, maintaining Kothlis' Type I atmosphere through a crude form of photosynthesis. This process lent an odd fragrance to the planet's air smelling something like warm and moldy cheese.
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