  • Huralok
  • The Huraloks were a race of reptiloids native to the planet Djurmo. Known for their vicious nature and their incredible longevity, Huraloks chose to remain separated from the rest of the galaxy. Interestingly, Huraloks hated each other as much as theu hated other races, and only came together to mate and decide on laws. They were known for their ability to pursue a grudge for decades until it was resolved, and preferred to manipulate other beings rather than dealing with them in a straightforward manner. The average Huralok was distinguished by its black-striped scales and triangular head, and stood about 1.5 meters in height. The hands and feet of a Huralok were tipped with thick claws that could be used to manipulate objects or tear into flesh. It was not uncommon for an individual Hural
  • Huraloks were sapient reptilians indigenous to Djurmo. They were known to be a vicious species that held long grudges with other beings and even their own. Huraloks were extremely long-lived, living to as old as the mid 300s. Holodramas of the Imperial Navy combating Huralok pirates were very popular.
  • Huralok
  • Red
  • 1.5
  • Red
  • Triangular heads, thick claws, black-striped scales
  • Black
  • The Huraloks were a race of reptiloids native to the planet Djurmo. Known for their vicious nature and their incredible longevity, Huraloks chose to remain separated from the rest of the galaxy. Interestingly, Huraloks hated each other as much as theu hated other races, and only came together to mate and decide on laws. They were known for their ability to pursue a grudge for decades until it was resolved, and preferred to manipulate other beings rather than dealing with them in a straightforward manner. The average Huralok was distinguished by its black-striped scales and triangular head, and stood about 1.5 meters in height. The hands and feet of a Huralok were tipped with thick claws that could be used to manipulate objects or tear into flesh. It was not uncommon for an individual Huralok to live for three centuries or more. During the height of the New Order, Huralok pirates regularly harassed Imperial convoys, and the long-running struggle between them became the fodder of many holodramas.
  • Huraloks were sapient reptilians indigenous to Djurmo. They were known to be a vicious species that held long grudges with other beings and even their own. Huraloks were extremely long-lived, living to as old as the mid 300s. Their general demeanor was that of hatred, greed, deception, and manipulation. Very few had any good traits to them at all. Huraloks despised each other to the degree that only in times of immediate danger to their species would they mate. Most of the time, Huraloks would keep to themselves and order minions of theirs to commit their dirty deeds for them. On rare occasions, they would travel the galaxy as soldiers or self-serving scoundrels. Huraloks could become Force-sensitive, however they would never end up joining the Jedi Order due to a lack of dedication and selflessness. Holodramas of the Imperial Navy combating Huralok pirates were very popular.
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