  • The moon!
  • The moon! is Earth's alternative natural satellite which Wikipedia seems to deny the existence of. Rest assured it does exist, but only the poke holes in the general public perception of said factual wiki. I say it exists, but only in the same fashion as a goat on the other side of the world. You can't see it right now, but you are sure it's there because you know, from reliable sources, it really is there.
  • The moon! is Earth's alternative natural satellite which Wikipedia seems to deny the existence of. Rest assured it does exist, but only the poke holes in the general public perception of said factual wiki. I say it exists, but only in the same fashion as a goat on the other side of the world. You can't see it right now, but you are sure it's there because you know, from reliable sources, it really is there. This makes it all the more strange that Wikipedia continues to deny its existence. If only those eggheads would look behind the moon (yes, the main one), they will indeed see the second natural satellite known as the moon! The moon! can be found precisely three miles to the rear of the moon from whatever position you are looking at it, requiring the use of a complex mirror system to be visible to the human eye.