  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: One of the Guys: The Green Dream
  • Tommy jumped as the school bell rang. He let out a groan, rubbing his eyes as they burned and slowly got to his feet. His muscles protested as he slowly made his way to the front of the room. Between football practice, saving the world, and lack of sleep, I'm surprised I can still function properly, he thought as he slowly walked over to Miss Appleby to get some graded homework from her. He groaned as he left the room, forgetting that he had the assignment to do. "I guess," Tommy replied, raking his fingers through his hair. Where am I going to find the time to work on it, though? "Dragonzord!"
  • Tommy jumped as the school bell rang. He let out a groan, rubbing his eyes as they burned and slowly got to his feet. His muscles protested as he slowly made his way to the front of the room. Between football practice, saving the world, and lack of sleep, I'm surprised I can still function properly, he thought as he slowly walked over to Miss Appleby to get some graded homework from her. He groaned as he left the room, forgetting that he had the assignment to do. "What's up…Tom-my?" Zack slowly asked as he walked up to him, his backpack on one shoulder. He paused in trying to stuff a handful of papers into his backpack and peered at him. "No offense, but you look awful." "I feel awful," Tommy replied with a small shrug, letting out a sigh. "Anyway, I also just got reminded that I have a 500 word essay on what I like due Friday, and I haven't even started on it yet." "Hey, don't sweat it, bro," Zack stated as he hurried after his friend in green. "I can proofread your essay before you turn it in if it helps." He shrugged into her backpack, sliding his hands into his jeans pockets and turned his hat backwards on his head. "Only 500 words, huh? That shouldn't take long." "I guess," Tommy replied, raking his fingers through his hair. Where am I going to find the time to work on it, though? Zack chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Why don't you write about martial arts or about Kim!" He elbowed Tommy in the side, giving him a teasing grin. "You go on and on about that on a daily basis anyway." Tommy gave a weak grin in reply. "What's going on, man? You haven't been your normal self lately." "It's nothing," Tommy replied with a shake of his head. "It just seems like everything is happening at one time, y'know?" He let out a heavy sigh. "Like there's not enough time in the day to do everything." "Don't worry, bro, I get what you mean," Zack said, clapping Tommy on the back. "But, it gets better. I'll catch up with you later, though. I've gotta get to PE." "Alright, I'll see you at lunch," Tommy said to Zack's back as he hurried down the hallway. If I can even stay awake that long. He slowly made his way over to his locker and started exchanging his books for his next few classes. He jumped when he felt a tap on his arm. Tommy turned and saw Kimberly standing behind him, giving him a curious look. "Oh, Kim. Hi." He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Sorry." "Are you alright?" Kimberly asked, brushing her hair behind her ears. "Um, you kinda seemed…off today during football practice this morning. And I was in a hurry to finish some homework so I wasn't able to ask how you were doing." She chewed on her bottom lip. "So…how are you doing?" I must've really been messing up if everyone's noticed that I haven't been working real hard during practice, Tommy thought as he rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, it's that dream I told you about," Tommy replied. "Oh," Kimberly said in a low voice. She looked around before leaning closer to him. "The one where you lose your powers?" "Yeah, I've had it three nights in a row now," Tommy replied and Kimberly seemed to deflate a little bit in front of him as a look of compassion crossed her face. That action alone made him feel a little bit better. "I just can't shake it, Kim." He let out a deep breath and said the one thing he was worried to say out loud, "I'm beginning to think that it's a message that I'm at the end of my power cycle." Kimberly immediately started shaking her head. He could see the fear and uneasiness in her eyes as she tried to put on a look of confidence. "Alright, just…just try and stay positive, ok?" she asked, placing a hand on his forearm. "We don't know that for sure. It could just be that…a-a dream, right?" "Yeah," Tommy replied with a nod. "Anyway, you wouldn't happen to have the history notes from yesterday do you?" "Yeah, it's right here," Kimberly replied, looking over the notebooks in her arms before handing him one from the middle of the small stack in her arms. "You going to the library?" Tommy nodded. "I'm going to copy over your notes and see if I can get started on this essay I have," he replied as he took the notebook from her. He gave her a brief smile and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks, Kim. I'll see you later." "Ok," Kimberly replied with a smile. "Remember, just stay positive." Right, stay positive, Tommy slowly nodded as he gave Kimberly a small wave before making his way to the library. Easier said than done. Kimberly watched him leave, letting out a big breath of air, blowing her bangs out of her face. In the Youth Center, that afternoon, Billy and Trini sat at the group's usual table. Melody was also sitting with them, but she had her work apron on, and was balancing the handle to a mop against her thigh. Billy was holding a small, square, blue device in his hands, and antenna sticking out of the end. "And it's capable of scrambling electronic signals up to twenty feet away," Billy was explaining to the two girls as he spun a dial on one end of the device. Red dots flashed on a small black section on the device. "Now if I could just build a bigger one, it could help us against Lord Zedd." "Wow, that's terrific, Billy," Trini said with a smile as she leaned closer to get a better look. "No offense, Billy, but I don't think Lord Zedd uses electronic symbols," Melody replied as she too, leaned forward to get a better look at the device. "He seems to be all power if you ask me." She then leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms over her head as Billy gave her a curious look. "Now, if you could somehow get some of his powers and stick it in that device to somehow, y'know, use it back against him, let us have control of things, then I think you have something that could really help us." Billy's eyes widened. "What?" "You've just given me a morphenominal idea," Billy replied as he grabbed his backpack. He quickly unzipped it and pulled out a pen and a notebook. Flipping through the pages, which were filled with equations and lots of symbols that Melody couldn't decipher, he found a blank one and started scribbling on it. "I think this is the answer I've been looking for." Melody exchanged curious glances with Trini. "Glad I could help, but what are you talking about?" she asked Billy. "I'll explain later, but I'm going to need your help with it," Billy replied looking up at her as Tommy and Kimberly walked over to their table. Melody gave him a worried look. "Don't worry." He then turned to his two friends. "Hey, guys. What's up?" "Homework," Tommy replied as Kimberly dropped into the last empty chair at the table in between Trini and Melody, dropping her backpack to the floor. "I've got to write a 500 word essay on what interest's me." "What or who?" Melody asked with a grin, elbowing Kimberly in the side, who laughed a little bit. "Ha, ha, very funny," Tommy said with a small eye roll. "Zack said the same thing earlier." "What are you gonna write about?" Billy asked, peering up at Tommy with curiosity. "Mythology," Tommy replied with a smile. "I've always been interested in Greek gods and stuff. I thought it was pretty cool." "Are you sure we're going to find the secret identity of the Power Rangers with that thing?" "Here comes trouble," Trini commented as Bulk and Skull made their way into the Youth Center dressed in long trench coats and dark hats. She folded her hands on the table and arched an eyebrow when she spotted a device in Bulk's hand, something at the top was spinning around and around. This should be interesting. "Of course we are, you dolt!" Bulk snapped in reply to Skull's question. "I got this from the spy shop, man. It measures high energy levels like a, like a radar detector." Bulk started pressing buttons on the device in his hands as Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Melody looked at each other, their eyes wide."The Power Rangers have got to be loaded with energy. And this thing is going to help us find 'em." Bulk and Skull let out shocked gasps when their device started beeping and the antenna like attachment at the top started spinning faster and faster. "Bulkie, it's beeping like crazy!" Skull said with a wide smile. "The Power Rangers have gotta be around here somewhere." Billy glanced down at the device in his hand and jabbed his thumb into the large red button sitting on top of it. He slowly moved it to his right and pressed the button again. "Gather around, everyone!" Bulk shouted. Immediately, everyone moved closer to the outburst, wondering what was going on. Jason and Zack stopped in the middle of their sparring session and made their way over. "We're about to find out who the Power Rangers really are!" Billy pressed his lips tightly together, trying not to smile as Bulk and Skull's device started flashing faster and faster, the spinning attachment rotating faster with each step they took towards—" "Ernie?" the two of them asked in unison, disappointment and disbelief evident in their voices. Ernie turned around, from where he was clearing a table, and let out a loud "Hiya!" before adopting a fighting stance as everyone burst out laughing. Bulk's face turned bright red in embarrassment. "I hope you guys didn't spend a lot of money on that thing," Jason commented, crossing his arms over his chest. Bulk muttered something under his breath as he stormed out of the Youth Center with Skull scurrying after him. The group standing around them broke up whispering and laughing. "Guys, that was a close call," Kimberly said in a low voice. "Not really," Jaeger commented, making his way over to them, slipping underneath chairs and tables. He jumped up into Melody's lap and she hugged him to her chest. "Did you have something to do with that?" Melody asked her guardian as she ran her fingers through his fur. Jaeger purred and arched his back into her hand and nodded, whiskers twitching. "What did you do?" "You heard them, they were talking about the Power Rangers having lots of energy, which you do," Jaeger replied licking at a forepaw and rubbing it over his face. "So, I just transferred some energy into Ernie. He won't notice anything though." He pointed at Billy's device with his tail. "Cool device, Billy." "Thanks," Billy said with a proud smile, reaching out to scratch Jaeger between his ears. "Now, at least I know it works." "Nice going, Billy," Trini said with a smile, raising her hand to slap him a high five. "That was really quick thinking. Now they're really confused." "Looks like Bulk and Skull aren't going to give up on this idea anytime soon," Zack said with a shake of his head. "We're all going to have to be extra careful." "Oh, I gotta run guys," Tommy suddenly said as he glanced at the clock on the wall. "I've gotta hit the library before it closes." He bumped Jason's fist with his own. "I'll call you later, Kim." "Bye, Tommy," Kimberly replied with a wave. "Try and get a lot of work done." Tommy nodded before hurrying out of the Youth Center. "Guys, I'm really worried about him. You remember that dream I told you he had?" "The one where he loses his powers?" Jason asked, resting his hands on the table. "What about it?" "He's had it three days in a row, now," Kimberly replied, brushing her hair away from her face. "I don't think he's getting enough sleep. He thinks that his dreams are warning him that he's going to lose his powers soon." "Maybe he's just thinking too much about it," Zack suggested. "It's probably just a dream." "That's what I think," Kimberly replied, resting her chin in her hands. "Yes, while it could be just a dream, it could be precognition," Billy explained, "Y'know, the ability to see the future." "Wait, so you're saying that Tommy is psychic?" Melody asked, putting up a hand, stopping Billy before he could explain even more. "He's able to see the future in his dreams?" Zack let out a low whistle. "I'm not saying that exactly," Billy replied with a shake of his head. "But, if his dreams are trying to give him a message, it would explain why he's been acquiring them three days in a row." "Maybe he shouldn't be alone," Jaeger suddenly spoke up. "I'm sure he'll be fine," Kimberly said with a quick shake of her head. "Tommy's strong, he can handle things by himself. I'm just worried he won't get any work done." "The sooner he gets it done, the sooner he can try and get some sleep," Jason suggested, scratching at his chin. "Coach was really upset with him this morning. With this dream and being a Ranger, I think it's finally catching up to him." Ok, I just gotta get to the library and get home, Tommy thought as he made his way through Angel Grove Park. He kicked at a rock and let out a heavy sigh. You've just got to get your mind off of this, Tommy. Nothing's going to happen to you. He suddenly stopped walking and looked up when he heard the familiar noises Putties made and saw them flipping towards him. Spoke too soon. Tommy quickly reacted and started to defend himself against the Puties. He used his backpack as a shield, blocking a Putty's high kick, stopping it in its tracks. Tommy quickly knocked it off its feet with a judo sweep, before throwing his backpack to another Putty, that caught it in confusion. Tommy jumped into the air, kicking it repeatedly on the chest plate, knocking it back into a tree. He grabbed his backpack back as the Putty broke apart in front of him. "Nice try," Tommy muttered, moving to slip his backpack back onto his back. But, he wasn't able to as he was suddenly grabbed by Putties on either side of him. "Let go!" He struggled to break free from the tight grip of the Putties, but it was no use. He was transported with the Putties into a dark, damp cave. Where am I? "Welcome to the Dark Chamber, Green Ranger," Goldar said, a pleased smile stretched across his face as he walked up to Tommy as he struggled to break free. Tommy's eyes widened. Dark Chamber? Is that like the Dark Dimension? He clenched his teeth. I have to get out of here. I can't let Zedd's plan work. "What do you want, Goldilocks?" "I want whatever Lord Zedd wants," Goldar replied, teeth bared, red eyes flashing. "And that's you!" He threw his head back and let out a loud laugh as he watched Tommy struggle. He held out his hand and in a flash of red light, Zedd's Z-Staff appeared in his hand. "Your mind will be controlled by Lord Zedd. "No way, Goldar!" Tommy snapped, pulling as hard as he could against the Putties. First Rita, and now Zedd? I can't let this happen. I have to break free. "Oh yes," Goldar drawled out. "You'll then return to your friends and have them call on the Sword of Power and then bring it back to me." "Never!" Tommy growled. "I'll never turn against my friends again, Goldar." Goldar let out another loud laugh. "Oh, yes you will, Tommy!" He raised the staff and dark redenergy shot out of the staff and hit Tommy straight in the chest. Tommy's chest burned as the energy hit him. He sank to his knees as his head started to pound. His vision shifted as he groaned with pain. His knees buckled underneath him and he dropped to the ground. His vision turned red at the corners. He felt the Putties' hands slide off his arms as his hands curled into fists. Slowly, Tommy pushed himself up to his knees, feeling anger, hated, and evil flowing through his veins. "I will obey you," he muttered, his eyes glowing red. He got to his feet and added, "I will obey your every command." "Seems like old times, doesn't it, Green Ranger?" Goldar taunted as Zedd's staff disappeared from his hand. "Your mind is no longer your own." Yes, jus like old times. Those Rangers are going to pay for what they've done to my mistress, Tommy thought, his lip curling at the thought. "What's this?" Goldar spotted Tommy's fallen backpack and picked up his mythology book, tilting his head to the side as he glanced at the picture of a goat. This might just be the monster that Lord Zedd needs. He scratched his chin in thought. "What a powerful warrior this creature will make. I submit this picture for your approval, Lord Zedd." The picture glowed a bright red before Robogoat stood in front of Goldar, letting out loud Baaa's every now and then. "I am Robogoat! Ready to butt heads with the Power Rangers!" Robogoat shouted. "Gad to see a plan under your direction is going well for once," Scorpina announced her presence with a slow clap as she made her way over to Goldar. Her lips were curled into a sneer. "It'll only make it better for me." "What are you doing here?" Goldar growled. "Zedd has given me orders as well," Scorpina replied, rolling her neck. "We all know Zedd would be more powerful with the Sword of Darkness, but how much more powerful wold he be with the Sword of Power and the Sword of Darkness." "The Sword of Darkness was destroyed, Scorpina," Goldar replied with an eye roll. "We've been over this before." "Yes, and we've also agreed that any sword Lord Zedd could create would be more powerful than the Green Ranger's old sword," Scorpina replied. "The plan is to break the Rangers apart, yes? Well, I've been ordered to get the precious Purple Ranger all on her own and to steal some of her powers for Lord Zedd." Goldar growled before turning back to Tommy. "Go, Green Ranger!" Goldar snapped. "Go and ge the Sword of Power." Tommy smirked. The Power Rangers are no match against the likes of evil. "Alright, let's go play some basketball," Melody said clapping her hands together as she came out of the back of the Youth Center after her shift that day. She slipped her backpack onto her shoulders. "My brothers are waiting in the park and we'll take all of you guys on." "You're on," Zack said as he looped an arm around her shoulders. "Get ready to lose, Porter." He caught Jason's eye and quickly removed his arm. "We'll just see about that, Taylor," Melody replied, stealing the hat from atop of his head, putting it on her own. She let out a heavy sigh when she heard their communicators go off. "I knew that was going to happen," Kimberly said with a sigh as they all quickly migrated into a corner. "We read you, Zordon," Jason said into his communicator, making sure his voice was low. "Lord Zedd has created a powerful new monster called, Robogoat," Zordon replied in his deep voice. "Prepare to teleport to the Command Center for a briefing." "Alright, I'm telling my brothers we're going to be late," Melody replied, quickly pulling out of her cell phone. Her thumbs flew over the buttons on her phone before she jabbed the SEND button. "Hey, guys," Tommy said as he walked over to his friends. "Hey, man, you're just in time," Zack said slapping Tommy on the shoulder. "Zedd's at it again." "We're teleporting," Jason said into his communicator, seconds before they were transported in columns of light in their respective color. As soon as they landed, they turns towards the viewing globe. "Guys, check this out," Trini said, tapping Jason on the shoulder, motioning to the image on the screen. "Ew," Kimberly's nose wrinkled. "What is that thing?" "That is Robogoat," Zordon explained, "And he draws his powers from various mythical and mechanical sources. You must stop him before he reaches Angel Grove." "You can count me in," Tommy said as he stepped closer to the viewing globe, eyes glowing. "No, Tommy, you have to conserve your powers," Kimberly said in a quiet voice, placing a hand on his shoulder.Maybe this is what he's dreaming about. Maybe this will be the last fight. She looked over at Jason, silently asking him for help. He cleared his throat. "Kim's right, we may need you for a bigger battle, later on," he added. Kimberly smiled and mouthed 'Thank You' to him and he gave a short nod in reply. "I don't know," Melody said with a slight shake of her head, biting her thumbnail. "This monster sounds really powerful. We may need to be together as a full team." She nodded over at Jaeger who was sitting on top of a computer console. "With Jaeger, it might be enough power." "Wait a minute," Tommy said under his breath before turning around to face their mentor. "Zordon, what if we summon the Sword of Power? Maybe that would give me an extra boost of power to sustain during the fight." "Hm, it just might work," Billy said with a nod. "It's worth a try, Rangers," Zordon replied. The Rangers exchanged looks of hesitation before moving to stand in a circle. "Sword of Power," they recited in unison, stacking their hands on top of each others. In a flash of light the Sword of Power appeared in Tommy's hand. Tommy swung the sword at the Rangers, letting out an evil laugh. Kimberly let out a shriek of surprise as everyone ducked out of the way. "Hey, man," Zack cried in surprise, pulling Kimberly back towards him. "What are you doing?" "Tommy?" Kimberly asked, her voice shaking. "Your hours are numbered, Power Rangers," Tommy said, looking each Ranger in the eye, pointing the tip of the sword at their throats. He glanced at Melody and smirked. Killing two birds with one stone. He then suddenly reached out, grabbing her arm and pulling her to him, before the two of them disappeared in a flash of red light. "Mel!" Jaeger let out a yowl of surprise. He spat, eyes narrowing into slits, hair standing on end. "Why'd he take her" "I have no idea," Jason replied, anger on his face. What do you want this time, Zedd? What does Mel have to do with any of it? Meanwhile, Tommy transported back to the Dark Chamber, an evil grin stretched across his face. He had Melody in a headlock as she struggled to get out of his grip. "Oh, shut up," he muttered, roughly pushing her away from him. "God, I don't know how Jase even likes you." "What are you doing, Tommy?" Melody asked, massaging her throat as she gasped for air. She turned towards Goldar as he started to laugh. Scorpina stepped up beside Goldar and Melody quickly looked around, searching for a way to escape. "He's doing whatever he's asked, Purple Ranger," Goldar growled. "Welcome to the Dark Chamber." "Such a pity you have to work for Zordon," Scorpina growled, stalking over to her. Melody glared at Scorpina as she slowly started to walk circles around her. "What with your great power, you'd help Lord Zedd rule the galaxy." Her hand suddenly shot out, grabbing onto Melody's neck with one hand, the other slapping down over Melody's mouth. "Scream and I swear I'll make this hurt more than you want it to." Scorpina's hand glowed a dark red color as she placed her hand on Melody's chest. Melody started to glow dark red as well and Scorpina started pushing her hand into Melody's chest. A cry of pain came out of her mouth and Scorpina slapped the hand that was holding Melody by her neck over her mouth to keep her quiet. "Sorry," Scorpina snarled insincerely, her eyes flashing with delight at the pain she was causing the girl. Her lips curled into a bright smile as she pulled her hand back, holding onto a dark purple orb. "Perfect; that's all I need." She roughly pushed Melody away from her, before turning to Goldar giving a thumbs up with her free hand. "Excellent," Goldar cried. "Now, hand the Sword of Power over." Tommy turned around and came face to face with Robogoat. He silently handed the sword over to the monster. Melody watched on, breathing heavily, hands on her knees, feeling tired, eyes wide. As soon as Tommy let go of the sword, his whole body flashed red, and his vision cleared. He rubbed at his eyes and looked around in confusion. "You're now free," Goldar growled. "Yes, free to be destroyed," Robogoat agreed as Tommy shook his head. "Starting with you, Green Ranger." "No!" Tommy shouted, starting forward, going to grab Robogoat, but he disappeared before he could lay a hand on him. Tommy whirled around, eyes narrowed into a glare, teeth clenched, and then he noticed Melody. He hurried over to her and grabbed her arm pulling her into a standing position. What have I done? "You ok?" "Yeah, don't worry about me," Melody replied with a nod as they face Goldar and Scorpina. "Lord Zedd will be pleased," Scorpina announced, giving a finger wave before she, too, disappeared from the cave, leaving Goldar behind. "Go on, Green Ranger, use the last of your powers," Goldar taunted Tommy before he let out loud laughs. Tommy set his jaw before quietly looking over at Melody who nodded. They both reached for their morphers. "It's Morphin' Time!" they shouted in unison. "Dragonzord!" "Dark Lion!" "Alpha, do you have a lock on Tommy yet?" Zordon asked as the Rangers paced back and forth behind Alpha. "And Mel," Jaeger added, his tail twitching back and forth. His eyes were glowing purple and now and then he would let out a loud hiss. "Normally, I'd be able to see where she is, but they're in a place I can't reach." "I can't believe this is happening," Kimberly said, running her fingers through her hair. "Not again." "Calm down, Kim," Trini said in her quiet voice, putting her hand on Kimberly's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's not going to do any good if we freak out. There's got to be a logical explanation for this." She then gave her friend a hug. "Everything will be fine don't worry." "I've found them!" Alpha cried. "They're out by the mountains." The Rangers hurried over to the viewing globe and Kimberly gasped when she saw the picture: Tommy was morphed lying on his side. Melody was leaning over him a worried look on her face. Their suits, and patches of Melody's face, were covered in dirt. "Tommy's out of Lord Zedd's trance, but his powers are failing. He needs your help, Rangers." "It's Morphin Time!" Jason shouted as the Rangers grabbed their morphers, holding them up to the sky. "Mastadon!" "Pterodactyl!" "Triceratops!" "Saber-Toothed Tiger!" "Tyrannosaurus!" As soon as they were morphed, they were teleported to the mountains, and raced to face Robogoat, who was waiting for them. "Ah, Rangers," he called, holding onto his read staff. "I was wondering what was taking you so long." "He's got the sword," Zack cried. Before the Rangers could move, Robogoat thrust the sword high into the air and red lightning shot off the end, hitting the ground around the rangers. The ground exploded, knocking them off their feet. "Man, what a punch," Jason groaned, shaking his head to clear his vision before he slowly pushed himself up to his feet. "Alright Rangers, attack position." "Why don't we do this one by one?" Robogoat asked, slowly stalking towards the Rangers. "You'll be first, Red Ranger. And the rest of you can wait down below!" Robogoat stuck the tip of the sword into the ground, and it split open, under the Rangers' feet. Kimberly, Billy, Zack, Trini, and Jaeger fell down into the crack as Jason quickly rolled out of the way. "Hold on!" Jason shouted, lunging forward, reaching for Trini's hand, but she dropped too quickly for im to catch her. He let out a low growl and turned back towards Robogoat, glaring fiercely. "Bring them back!" "No, once I have your powers, Lord Zedd will be unstoppable," Robogoat replied. "No way, Robogoat, even one Ranger can take you out," Jason replied, his hands curling into fists at his sides. "Why don't you ask the Green and Purple Rangers how easy it was," Robogoat taunted, swinging the Power Sword in Jason's face. "You are next, Red Ranger." Jason set his jaw as he called on his Power Sword. "Bring it on, Robogoat," he replied before charging forward. He slashed at Robgoat's chest as he rushed past and then quickly turned to continue fighting against Robogoat. He was surprised at how skilled Zedd's monster was in swordfighting but didn't give up. Soon, he was slashed across the chest, and fell back onto the ground, grabbing his chest in pain. Robogoat rushed over to him, swinging his sword down in an arc to hit Jason while he was down, but he grabbed his sword and quickly scrambled to his feet, blocking the Sword of Power with his own weapon. "Give it up, Robogoat," Jason said with a grunt as he pushed hard on his sword, trying to push the Sword of Power away from him. "Even with the Sword of Power you can't win." Jason pushed down hard on the Sword of Power and there was a small explosion before it started to smoke. Jason was able to knock the sword out of Robogoat's hands, and it transformed into a stick. "No," Robogoat gasped. "Where did it go?" "Zordon teleported it back to the Command Center where it belongs," Jason replied slowly walking towards Zedd's monster. "Now, I'm going to teach you not to mess with the Power Rangers. I want my friends back." "They're right here, Ranger," Robogoat replied, swinging his red staff at Jason as he ran towards them. "Come and get them." Jason and Robogoat got into another one onone fight, but without the Sword of Power, Jason easily had the upper hand in this fight. "Give them up!" Jason shouted, slashing Robogoat across the chest two times. Robogoat fell hard onto the ground and gasped, clutching at its chest. Robogoat's chest plate glowed a bright white before orbs of blue, yellow, pink, black, and purple shot out, and turned into Jason's friends. They all screamed as they hit the ground. "Finally," Trini gasped as she pushed herself to her feet. "I guess Jason got us out of those energy bubbles." "Power Rangers, regroup," Jason said as he ran over to his friends. "Are you guys ok?" "Yeah, we're fine," Kimberly replied, helping Billy to his feet. "Thanks for getting us out of there, Jase." "No problem," Jason replied, clapping Zack on the back as he looked his team mates over. "We've gotta ram this goat and find Tommy." He stumbled as the ground started to shake violently as a column of fire shot up into the air. He grit his teeth as he looked up and saw Robogoat growing bigger. "Alright guys, we need Thunder Megazord Power, now!" "Mastadon-Lion Thunderzord Power!" "Pterodactyl-Firebird Thunderzord Power!" "Triceratops-Unicorn Thunderzord Power!" "Saber-Toothed Tiger-Gryffin Thunderzord Power "Tyrannosaurus-Red Dragon Thunderzord Power!" The Rangers quickly combined their zords and took on Robogoat. Robogoat ran towards the Rangers, staff pointed towards them. The Thunder Megazord was hit hard in the chest, and they stumbled back a few steps before landing a well aimed punch into the area between the bottom of Robogoat's neck and the top of its chest. The wind rushed out of Robogoat's lungs as he stumbled back, dropping his staff, gasping for air. "Thunder Saber, now!" the Rangers called and the Thunder Megazord pulled its sword out of its sheath, pointing it at Robogoat. "That's still not match for the Staff of Destruction," Robogoat boasted as he pushed the sword away from his nose. His eyes widened when the Thunder Megazord raised its sword and he held his staff out in front of him, to try and defend himself. He gasped as the sword easily cut through the staff, breaking it in two. Robogoat dropped the pieces in shock. "Look what you've done!" he shouted. "Well, maybe you'll get a load of this!" Robogoat held up his hands and red, blue, and yellow energy shot out of his fingers, hitting he Thunder Megazord in the chest. Sparks started flying off of the Megazord as the Rangers were knocked around inside. "Zordon, do you have a lock on Tommy?" Jason asked, desperately trying to keep control. "We need his help, now." He grunted as Zack slammed into his side, knocking him over into Billy, who hit the wall of the Megazord. "Pull it together guys." He and everyone else screamed as the Megazord fell to the ground with a loud crash. Robogoat let out a loud laugh as he watched the Megazord fall. "You're finished Rangers." "Not if I can help it," Jaeger replied, a growl rumbling in his throat. His eyes glowed a brilliant purple and in a flash of light, he was standing on the ground outside of the Megazord. Jaeger burst into purple flames and seconds later, a full grown, black and purple, lion stood in his place. Shiny black wings unfolded from his back and he let out a loud roar before he took off into the air. "I'll keep him distracted." "Directional systems' sluggish, but not down," Jason reported as he pulled hard on the control stick in his hands, willing the Megazord to get back up. "Billy, check it out." "Uh, hold on," Billy replied, struggling to keep himself balanced. He pressed a series of buttons around him. "That should do it." "All systems fully online," Jason announced, turning to slap Billy a high five. "Way to go." He then rightened the Megazord, in time to see Robogoat swipe at Jaeger with a large hand, knocking him out of the air. He regained his composure before he hit the ground and flapped his wings hard, climbing higher up into the air. "Let's show him what we're made of." "Ready when you are," Jaeger replied, circling the Megazord. "Uh oh," Robogoat cried, skidding to a stop when he saw the Thunder Megazord hold its sword up into the air. "You don't scare me." The blade of the Thunder Megazord glowed a bright yellow as it charged up. The Megazord swung the sword down across Robogoat's chest. Jaeger opened his mouth wide, a giant ball of purple and black energy forming in his mouth before he released the pent up energy. A large purple and black orb shot out of Jaeger's mouth and streaked across the sky before slamming into Robogoat's stomach. Robogoat let out a loud yell as it stumbled and staggered around before falling to the ground, exploding. On the moon, Lord Zedd let out a loud yell of frustration, slamming his fist down onto the arm rest of his chair. His skin started glowing a bright red. "Curses to you, you meddling Power Rangers, for destroying my precious Robogoat." He got out of his seat and stalked over to Godlar who seemed to cower under his fierce gaze. Zedd silently looked Goldar up and down, tapping his long metallic finger nails against the handle of his Z-Staff. "And you cost me the Sword of Power!" "I'm sorry I've failed you, Master," Goldar replied, bowing his head. "Argh, I don't know why I don't clip your wings you overgrown monkey!" Zedd snapped, before walking away from him and over to Squat and Baboo. "And you two! You two are just as useless, I should clip your ears and throw them in the trash like Rita!" "We didn't do anything," Baboo replied in a shaky voice, holding tightly onto Squatt. "Yeah, we're innocent," Squatt added, knees shaking. "Well, all is not lost, underlings," Zedd replied in a calmer tone, making his way over to the banister that overlooked the moon and the Earth. "Though we've held the Sword of Power for a short time, the Green Ranger's powers are now a very short story indeed. And the final chapter…the final chapter is still being written!" "And once more, we have a little bit of the Purple Ranger's special powers," Scorpina said in a nasaly tone as her lip curled, looking over at the dark purple orb that sat in the corner of the room, hovering over a metal device, as if on display. "We can create our own Sword of Darkness .We can use the powers for anything we want. We'll be unstoppable." "It seems to me that Scorpina is the only one I can rely on," Zedd grumbled. "But, my Lord, you have also directed her into securing the Pearl of Arialla and she still hasn't done so," Goldar protested. "Quiet!" Zedd shouted at him and he immediately clammed up. "That's not as important right now as she has successfully completed one of my tasks. It'll only be a matter of time until the whole galaxy is mine!" Kimberly, Tommy, Melody (Jaeger was sitting in her lap), and Jason were sitting on the steps in Angel Grove High before school started the next day. None of them had said anything, and yet they all had the same thought on their minds: Tommy and his failing powers. They didn't know what they could say about it. Tommy was worried that he was coming to an end, and the other three were worried that they wouldn't be able to say anything to make him feel better. "So, uh, how'd your essay turn out?" Kimberly asked, gently bumping his shoulder with her own as she sat to his right. "Pretty good," Tommy replied clasping his hands together. He gave Melody, who was sitting to his left, a small smile. "Mel proof-read it for me and she thought it was good." Melody smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "Although, between you and me, I think I'm done with short stories for a while." He let out a small laugh and Kimberly joined in. "No doubt," Jason stated with a smile, chuckling. Tommy was the first to stop laughing and adopted a somber look. "I'm at the end, guys," he suddenly stated, spinning his communicator around his wrist. What am I going to do? I can't stop being a Ranger. Not again. It was horrible. "Tommy, don't say that," Kimberly said, reaching out to grab his wrist. She rested her chin on his shoulder and let out a breath of air. "You weren't out there, Kim," Melody replied, pulling her knees up to her chest. "He couldn't even call the Dragonzord." She snorted. "I wasn't much help either." Tommy patted her on the back and she gave a brief smile. "I think what you've been feeling about your dreams is something to pay attention to." "My powers are almost gone, that's what they've been trying to tell me," Tommy said, his voice filled with frustration. "It's what I've been feeling all along. I don't…I don't feel right." He ran his hands over his face. "I feel like…like how I felt before I came a Ranger, y'know? It's a sign." "Man, you've been through it before," Jason pointed out to him. "You came back strong." "You can do it again," Jaeger spoke up for the first time. "It's not like you to give up." "Not this time," Tommy said shaking his head. "I'm not giving up. It's different. This time it's for good." Kimberly bit on her bottom lip, clearly upset. "I just…it's supposed to happen, I guess." He let out a heavy sigh. "Lord Zedd's had it in for me since the beginning, and he's closing in." Kimberly silently took Tommy's hand, wedging her fingers between his, and rested her head on his shoulder. Tommy placed a kiss to the top of her head as Melody gently squeezed his knee and Jason placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We never gave up on you before, Tommy," Jason said in a low voice. "And we're not going to give up on you now. Ever."