  • Whip Hand
  • Whip Hand
  • Whip Hand was a Lancer-class frigate that was initially operated by the Galactic Empire before it was captured. Later put to use by the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Whip Hand participated in a battle in 28 ABY against Yuuzhan Vong forces in the Obroa-skai system before being assigned to guard the crippled cruiser Far Thunder as it made its way to the planet Kashyyyk. However, both ships were ambushed by enemy coralskippers, and, despite managing to repel the starfighters with the help of two New Republic squadrons, Whip Hand was forced to destroy the crippled Far Thunder to prevent the enemy from acquiring it.
  • La Whip Hand era una vieja fragata clase Lancer comisionada originalmente por el Imperio Galáctico y que después pasó al servicio de la Nueva República. Después de la Segunda Batalla de Obroa-skai durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong la Whip Hand fue encagrada de escoltar al crucero clase Republic Far Thunder para que lo repararan. Sin embargo, las dos naves fueron atacadas por sesenta yorik-ets, y el capitán de la Far Thunder, incapaz de defenderse adecuadamente, envió una señal de auxilio, que respondieron Jaina Solo y el capitán Ijix Harona. Los yuuzhan vong fueron rechazados, pero la Whip Hand tuvo que destruir a la Far Thunder porque había sufrido daños irreparables.
  • 250.0
  • *Galactic Empire *New Republic
  • Anti-starfighter vessel
  • Whip Hand
  • Whip Hand
  • Whip Hand
  • Whip Hand
  • *Second Battle of Obroa-skai *Battle over Far Thunder
  • Whip Hand
  • Whip Hand was a Lancer-class frigate that was initially operated by the Galactic Empire before it was captured. Later put to use by the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Whip Hand participated in a battle in 28 ABY against Yuuzhan Vong forces in the Obroa-skai system before being assigned to guard the crippled cruiser Far Thunder as it made its way to the planet Kashyyyk. However, both ships were ambushed by enemy coralskippers, and, despite managing to repel the starfighters with the help of two New Republic squadrons, Whip Hand was forced to destroy the crippled Far Thunder to prevent the enemy from acquiring it.
  • La Whip Hand era una vieja fragata clase Lancer comisionada originalmente por el Imperio Galáctico y que después pasó al servicio de la Nueva República. Después de la Segunda Batalla de Obroa-skai durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong la Whip Hand fue encagrada de escoltar al crucero clase Republic Far Thunder para que lo repararan. Sin embargo, las dos naves fueron atacadas por sesenta yorik-ets, y el capitán de la Far Thunder, incapaz de defenderse adecuadamente, envió una señal de auxilio, que respondieron Jaina Solo y el capitán Ijix Harona. Los yuuzhan vong fueron rechazados, pero la Whip Hand tuvo que destruir a la Far Thunder porque había sufrido daños irreparables.
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