  • Deadly Game
  • The Game Show Appearance from Hell. The characters are forced to compete in a dangerous contest where assault, battery, and even murder are either encouraged or actually the objective of the game. Tends to lend itself better to film than television, since a filmmaker can kill off characters with impunity. A post-modern take on the Deadly Game is to frame it as Reality TV, à la Survivor. Examples of Deadly Game include:
  • The Game Show Appearance from Hell. The characters are forced to compete in a dangerous contest where assault, battery, and even murder are either encouraged or actually the objective of the game. Tends to lend itself better to film than television, since a filmmaker can kill off characters with impunity. It's common for these stories to take place Twenty Minutes Into the Future, and under a corrupt government, in order to Hand Wave the fact that they're basically murdering people for sport. Usually, the game is televised to legions of bloodthirsty people, thus raising the question: Who are the real murderers? The contestants fighting for survival, or the spectators cheering them on? A post-modern take on the Deadly Game is to frame it as Reality TV, à la Survivor. A type of Public Execution. May contain a Duel to the Death or a Forced Prize Fight. Hunting the Most Dangerous Game is related, but generally lacks the "contest" element, and usually doesn't contain quite so much social commentary. A Blood Sport is a Deadly Game version of a modern spectator sport. Usually has a crew of Condemned Contestants. For an ancient counterpart, see Gladiator Games. Examples of Deadly Game include: