  • RAW
  • Raw
  • Raw
  • RAW
  • RAW
  • RAW originated from TWWF (Tropical World Wrestling Federation), Which was developed in 1980 by Alexander Zanyan and Greg Mercer.During its Early development ECW's owner promised Zanyan to support the wrestling company by Greg fighting Raven. Then later in 1995 RAW became a wrestling company supported by ECW. MORE COMING SOON
  • City of Junon Polis : (5603,5034)
  • RAW means "rules as written" - an interpretation of the rules given by a strict reading of the text itself.
  • A RAW file is a simple 8-bit graphic file format in which there is no header information and consists of an unformatted series of one-byte indexed values that point to a color table in an ACT file. It uses a 1:1 pixel-to-color scale. That is, there are just as many bytes as there are pixels. It is the main image format used in Monster Truck Madness.
  • "Raw" is the eighth episode of Season Five of Californication
  • Decision expected by FIFA on Iraq 05/25/08 Soccer's ruling body could make a decision Tuesday on whether Australia's World Cup qualifier against Iraq in Brisbane on Sunday will go ahead.
  • RAW (rules as written) Dungeons & Dragons is an informal term for interpreting published rules as literally as possible, while adopting no house rules. In contrast to RAI (rules as intended), which attempts to discern the developer intent underlying the rules, RAW avoids modifications to the rules except in cases of literal ambiguity.
  • RAW éum dos 3 programas na WWE. O seu campião é o Jonh Cena que é o WWE world champion.
  • "Raw" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. It was released on November 1, 2005.
  • Raw (2008) is a 6-minute documentary directed by Shelly Roby.
  • RAW is an uncompressed headerless bitmap image file format used in Carnivores, Carnivores 2, Carnivores Ice Age, and Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter. The images are grayscale, with one byte per pixel, but vary in size between games.
  • RAW (англ. Rules Аs Written, «по букве правил») — подход к толкованию правил, при котором участники игры соглашаются строго следовать букве правил, приведенной в их источнике, и отказываются домысливать их в любой форме. При этом участники считают, что если какой-то эффект, возможность или объект игрового мира не описаны в правилах явно, они не существуют.
  • CHDK supports two raw formats: DNG and "CHDK Raw". * DNG is open industry standard, and is compatible with many standard image processing programs. To shoot DNG, you must first use 'create badpixel.bin' in the raw menu. See the CHDK User manual for more information. * "CHDK raw" is not in any standard format. Technically it's not a format at all, it's just a dump of the camera sensor. This means that different models raws are in different formats, and programs which support CHDK raw need to be updated for new models. Some programs which do support CHDK raws from many models are listed in Software#RAW_related.
  • La primera edición de RAW, fue transmitida el 10 de marzo de 2008, para crear ambiente para el PPV WrestleMania XXIV, durante esa semana también ingresaron los programas de ECW y SmackDown!. Dicha edición contó con luchas como Umaga vs. John Cena, Randy Orton vs. Kevin Nash y Goldberg vs. Cryme Tyme en un Handicap Match. Desde dicha edición, cada semana se ha realizado una edición de RAW, preferentemente los días lunes, aunque algunas ediciones especiales tomaron lugar en otros días de la semana.
  • Raw Like nearly everyone in Tin Man, Raw, played by Raoul Trujillo, is based on a character from The Wizard of Oz: in this case, the Cowardly Lion. Similarly to the others, he serves the same plot function while being a much different individual. Fictional biography Eventually Raw conquers his demons and becomes a brave individual, defending a pre-pubescent Viewer from the sadistic Alchemist whom he overpowers and apparently kills. He plays an integral in the final battle to destroy Azkadellia's Machine at the climax of the series.
  • Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street The Prime Minister's Office at 10 Downing Street, London, UK has set the standard for Governments all over the world with an innovative approach to digital communications. Its core offering is a website built on the open source wordpress platform which features a bespoke video player and array of social media tools. The team pioneered the ePetitions system in which 7 million British people have taken part; launched 'Ask the PM' in which Gordon Brown answers video questions from YouTube users; and Mr. Brown became the first Head of Government in Europe to embrace 'Twitter'. The website receives an average of 2 million unique users each month and it's most popular ePetition was signed by 1.8 million people.
  • Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: ------- RAW Originaltitel: --------- RAW Produktionsland: ------- USA Produktionsjahr(e): ----- seit 1993 Produzent: -------------Vince McMahon Episodenlänge:----- etwa 120 Minuten Originalsprache: ------- Englisch (AE) Titellied: ------ "To Be Loved" von Papa Roach Genre: -- Wrestling, Sport - Unterhaltung Erstausstrahlung: -- 11. Januar 1993 (USA)auf USA Network Seit dem 21. Januar 2008 wird die Show auf USA Network in HD übertragen.
  • Raw is the sixth episode of the seventh season of Law and Order: SVU. A six-year-old boy dies in a school shooting and two other children are severely injured. Despite multiple and unreliable descriptions by both kids and adults, one of the injured boys identifies a troubled student named Johnny Mayhew, who is found to be innocent, mainly because the gun is a pistol rather than the high-powered rifle used in the killing spree. As kids are returned to school, one terrified little girl is noticed by the detectives. Doctor Huang questions her and she eventually reveals that she was being molested by a man named Mr. Buggesi, whose name she mispronounced as "Mr. Bug Eyes," and threatened to shoot her with a gun that was as tall as she was. As Cragen and Stabler go to his apartment in order to q
  • RAW Heat
  • TBA
  • 5
  • 7
  • Strain
  • "Sleep Tight"
  • November
  • Dana Lewis.jpg
  • Raw
  • SVU
  • 6
  • 7008
  • 7
  • 2005
  • 1
  • Name
  • Monday Night Warzone,Friday Night Anarchy and Saturday Night Fever
  • Raw
  • Alexander Zanyan
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
  • Deceased
  • Royal Awesomeness Wrestling
  • Jhaemi Wilkens A3
  • RAW
  • Raw
  • 2012-03-04
  • Monday Night Warzone,Friday Night Anarchy and Saturday Night Fever
Key people
  • Jason Roland
  • Jackson King
  • Greg Mercer
  • Alexander Zanyan
Episode list
  • Episode Chronology
  • Raw
  • Gonna Be a Fight Tonight by Danko Jones
  • Sanford, North Carolina
  • Independent
  • ECW
  • 56
  • SVU
  • Hardcore Anime Wrestling or HAW
  • Jonathan Zayn
  • 1980
  • RAW is an uncompressed headerless bitmap image file format used in Carnivores, Carnivores 2, Carnivores Ice Age, and Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter. The images are grayscale, with one byte per pixel, but vary in size between games. * In Carnivores, Carnivores 2, and Carnivores Ice Age, the images are used to denote the clickable areas in menus. The unclickable regions have a value of 0x00 (null), with each clickable area having a value incremented by one from the previous area (so, for example, the first area has a value of 0x01, the second a value of 0x02, and so forth). Each image is 400x300 pixels in size and each file is 120,000 bytes long. The files are located in \HUNTDAT\MENU. * In Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter, the images are used for cloud shadow maps. Each image is 128x128 pixels in size and each file is 16,384 bytes (16 kibibytes) in size. The files are located in extures\sky.
  • RAW (англ. Rules Аs Written, «по букве правил») — подход к толкованию правил, при котором участники игры соглашаются строго следовать букве правил, приведенной в их источнике, и отказываются домысливать их в любой форме. При этом участники считают, что если какой-то эффект, возможность или объект игрового мира не описаны в правилах явно, они не существуют. Данный подход позволяет во многом сократить число конфликтов игроков и мастера из-за различного толкования правил, а также установить последнюю инстанцию в любом споре из-за их трактовки. Очевидным недостатком данного подхода является большое число противоречий с привычными игрокам реалиями, часто сильно препятствующие вживанию в роль, а также абсурдные с точки зрения стороннего наблюдателя «парадоксы RAW» — следствия непроработанных или неявно прописанных мест в правилах. Пример «парадокса RAW»: в системе D&D 3.5 имеется магический предмет кольцо невидимости, который при применении делает своего хозяина невидимым на некоторый срок (как правило, на 3 минуты). Прямого указания на то, что невидимость проходит, если хозяин снимает кольцо с пальца, в описании эффекта нет, поэтому при игре по RAW возможна ситуация, когда несколько персонажей пользуются одним кольцом, передавая его друг другу. Хотя фраза "the wearer can benefit from invisibility, as the spell" может расцениваться как точное указание на носителя кольца, ибо дословно фраза переводится так: "этот носитель [кольца] может извлечь преимущества невидимости, как от такого заклинания". В силу подобных эффектов игра по «чистому RAW» является довольно редким явлением и используется в большей мере в тех условиях, когда игромеханическая однозначность оказывается важнее глубокого вживания в роль или логики мира (например, когда игра фокусируется на соревновательной части между персонажами игроков). RAW противопоставляется RAI (Rules as Intended, то есть правила, как они подразумеваются, или «по духу правил»), когда за участниками игры остается право домысливать не указанные явно в правилах моменты (при этом высшей инстанцией в случае разницы толкований, как правило, является мастер игры), а также подходам, при которых участникам игры (как правило, мастеру) разрешается в какой-то мере игнорировать прописанные правила (золотое правило).
  • Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: ------- RAW Originaltitel: --------- RAW Produktionsland: ------- USA Produktionsjahr(e): ----- seit 1993 Produzent: -------------Vince McMahon Episodenlänge:----- etwa 120 Minuten Originalsprache: ------- Englisch (AE) Titellied: ------ "To Be Loved" von Papa Roach Genre: -- Wrestling, Sport - Unterhaltung Erstausstrahlung: -- 11. Januar 1993 (USA)auf USA Network RAW ist eine zweistündige Wrestling-Show von World Wrestling Entertainment mit eigenem Roster. Sie wird traditionell wöchentlich Montag abends gesendet. In den USA wird die Sendung seit dem 3. Oktober 2005, nach fünfjährigem Gastspiel bei dem Sender Spike TV, auf USA Network ausgestrahlt. In Kanada läuft die Sendung ebenfalls live auf The Score und in Großbritannien auf Sky Sports. In Deutschland wird mit drei Tagen Verzögerung eine einstündige Zusammenfassung von RAW auf Premiere Sport Portal gesendet. Seit dem 21. Januar 2008 wird die Show auf USA Network in HD übertragen. Aufgrund einiger Vorfälle, bei denen derbe Schimpfworte während der Live-Ausstrahlung den Unmut des Senders erregten, wurde eine zeitliche Versetzung von drei Sekunden beschlossen, so dass künftig bei Bedarf Schimpfwörter und ähnliches im Fernsehen zensiert werden können.
  • RAW originated from TWWF (Tropical World Wrestling Federation), Which was developed in 1980 by Alexander Zanyan and Greg Mercer.During its Early development ECW's owner promised Zanyan to support the wrestling company by Greg fighting Raven. Then later in 1995 RAW became a wrestling company supported by ECW. MORE COMING SOON
  • City of Junon Polis : (5603,5034)
  • La primera edición de RAW, fue transmitida el 10 de marzo de 2008, para crear ambiente para el PPV WrestleMania XXIV, durante esa semana también ingresaron los programas de ECW y SmackDown!. Dicha edición contó con luchas como Umaga vs. John Cena, Randy Orton vs. Kevin Nash y Goldberg vs. Cryme Tyme en un Handicap Match. Desde dicha edición, cada semana se ha realizado una edición de RAW, preferentemente los días lunes, aunque algunas ediciones especiales tomaron lugar en otros días de la semana. Las ediciones especiales de WrestleMania Rematch y WWE Draft, tuvieron una duración de 3 horas, y fueron las de mayor sintonía en la historia de la compañía. Dichas ediciones tuvieron lugar el 25 de marzo y el 9 de junio de 2008, respectivamente. Inicialmente, la gran mayoría de las leyendas, junto con el Million Dollar Championship, eran parte del staff de RAW, pero desde el 22 de mayo de 2008, debido al ingreso de The Legends Show, todo fue traspasado a la nueva marca.
  • RAW means "rules as written" - an interpretation of the rules given by a strict reading of the text itself.
  • A RAW file is a simple 8-bit graphic file format in which there is no header information and consists of an unformatted series of one-byte indexed values that point to a color table in an ACT file. It uses a 1:1 pixel-to-color scale. That is, there are just as many bytes as there are pixels. It is the main image format used in Monster Truck Madness.
  • "Raw" is the eighth episode of Season Five of Californication
  • CHDK supports two raw formats: DNG and "CHDK Raw". * DNG is open industry standard, and is compatible with many standard image processing programs. To shoot DNG, you must first use 'create badpixel.bin' in the raw menu. See the CHDK User manual for more information. * "CHDK raw" is not in any standard format. Technically it's not a format at all, it's just a dump of the camera sensor. This means that different models raws are in different formats, and programs which support CHDK raw need to be updated for new models. Some programs which do support CHDK raws from many models are listed in Software#RAW_related. Note It is important to understand that the file extension is not the same as the file format. CHDK raws and DNGs are frequently saved with a .CRW or .CR2 extension, but they are NOT in Canon formats that typically use these extensions. In windows, file extensions may be hidden, and the "file type" display by windows is in fact the extension, not the format of the data inside the file. More good discussion about raw processing may be found in the CHDK RAW subforum
  • Decision expected by FIFA on Iraq 05/25/08 Soccer's ruling body could make a decision Tuesday on whether Australia's World Cup qualifier against Iraq in Brisbane on Sunday will go ahead.
  • RAW (rules as written) Dungeons & Dragons is an informal term for interpreting published rules as literally as possible, while adopting no house rules. In contrast to RAI (rules as intended), which attempts to discern the developer intent underlying the rules, RAW avoids modifications to the rules except in cases of literal ambiguity.
  • RAW éum dos 3 programas na WWE. O seu campião é o Jonh Cena que é o WWE world champion.
  • Raw Like nearly everyone in Tin Man, Raw, played by Raoul Trujillo, is based on a character from The Wizard of Oz: in this case, the Cowardly Lion. Similarly to the others, he serves the same plot function while being a much different individual. Fictional biography In Tin Man Raw is a Viewer, one of a psychic race of empaths who are part lion, part human. When introduced, he is the captive of the Papé, a hunter race. DG rescues him and he joins her quest, along with tormented former law enforcer Cain (Wyatt Cain), the movie's eponymous Tin Man, and Glitch (Ambrose), the former Chief Advisor to the Royal Family, who is as brainless as the original Scarecrow. DG and her companions are told that they need to find the Emerald before Azkadellia in order to save the OZ. Raw tells DG that the Emerald is guarded by the "Grey Gale." To find the Emerald, then, they must first find the Grey Gale. Raw has a clear sense of right and wrong; however, he is easily frightened and intimidated, and finds himself to be a coward in the face of violence. He justifies this self-image with the fact that, however reluctantly, he told Azkadellia the whereabouts of the Emerald while under torture. As with his counterpart, one of his main objectives over the course of the series is to gain courage and confidence. While he accompanies DG and the others, he grows to care very much about them, and risks his life on a number of occasions to save them. Eventually Raw conquers his demons and becomes a brave individual, defending a pre-pubescent Viewer from the sadistic Alchemist whom he overpowers and apparently kills. He plays an integral in the final battle to destroy Azkadellia's Machine at the climax of the series.
  • "Raw" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. It was released on November 1, 2005.
  • Raw is the sixth episode of the seventh season of Law and Order: SVU. A six-year-old boy dies in a school shooting and two other children are severely injured. Despite multiple and unreliable descriptions by both kids and adults, one of the injured boys identifies a troubled student named Johnny Mayhew, who is found to be innocent, mainly because the gun is a pistol rather than the high-powered rifle used in the killing spree. As kids are returned to school, one terrified little girl is noticed by the detectives. Doctor Huang questions her and she eventually reveals that she was being molested by a man named Mr. Buggesi, whose name she mispronounced as "Mr. Bug Eyes," and threatened to shoot her with a gun that was as tall as she was. As Cragen and Stabler go to his apartment in order to question him they find the girl's uncle savagely beating him to a pulp. Both are arrested on the spot, but the only gun found is a realistic-looking toy rifle. Despite being found to have no connection with the shooting, Buggesi has warrants for sexual abuse in Florida, and will still be extradited as soon as he recovers from his injuries. Meanwhile, Munch traces the gun used from South Dakota to a gun shop on Staten Island named Gun Ho. Stabler and Munch find that it's being managed by a young boy named Kyle Ackerman. A commotion in the basement during the investigation leads the detectives to find a woman named Star Morrison and that the gun shop is also a base of operations for a white supremacist group led by his father Brian Ackerman. Munch and Tutuola both face hatred and prejudice from the major suspects in the case, but their investigation soon takes them from former Rikers inmate Brannon Lee Redding the man who pulled the trigger back to the gun shop owner, who makes no bones about his hatred of anyone who isn't white. By comparison, the sniper is even more of an obnoxious bigot. Eventually it is revealed that the group are terrorists, not just white supremacists. Kyle and another member of the group end up opening fire on the courtroom, killing the sniper, the judge, and a court officer, and wounding Stabler and Munch and another officer and before Stabler takes out the adult shooter. Kyle goes to kill Stabler, but is killed from behind by Star, who reveals herself to actually be an undercover FBI agent, named Dan Lewis, who later reveals to Munch that she infiltrated the group months before and worked her way to the top. She apologizes to Munch and Fin for the racial slurs and behaviors she used against them as that was part of her cover, too and not her real personality and both men forgive her. Later, Agent Lewis visits Benson with the news that thanks to her undercover efforts, the FBI was able to bring down the group, doing so before they could bomb an unknown location. Lewis also reveals shocking evidence she uncovered during the bust: the adoptive parents of the murdered child hired the group to kill him for the money they'd get off life-insurance policies taken out on the child. The deal consisted in giving the group one third of the money in return for the killing. Lewis and Benson confront the parents, who confess and are arrested for first-degree murder.
  • Raw (2008) is a 6-minute documentary directed by Shelly Roby.
  • Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street The Prime Minister's Office at 10 Downing Street, London, UK has set the standard for Governments all over the world with an innovative approach to digital communications. Its core offering is a website built on the open source wordpress platform which features a bespoke video player and array of social media tools. The team pioneered the ePetitions system in which 7 million British people have taken part; launched 'Ask the PM' in which Gordon Brown answers video questions from YouTube users; and Mr. Brown became the first Head of Government in Europe to embrace 'Twitter'. The website receives an average of 2 million unique users each month and it's most popular ePetition was signed by 1.8 million people. Barack Obama US Presidential nominee in 2008, Barack Obama, D, has taken the basic organizing theory he learned in Chicago and combined it with an Internet campaign to create an exquisite organization. The main difference is the semi-autonomous "cell" organizing. This approach has allowed him to: raise hundreds of millions of dollars online through millions of donors. He has raised more money and mobilized more people than any campaign in history. His campaign has raised about $350 million to date from 1.7 million donors, mostly in contributions of $200 or less. Brave New Films/ Foundation In order to strengthen democratic values through public participation, BNF uses media to teach, promote and instill advocacy and activism of social justice issues. The goal is to spark debate and discussion among an informed citizenry. It is only with information that people can affect change. Their shorts have been viewed over 22 million times. There is a pressing need for strong narratives and storytelling throughout the progressive movement. Brave New Films started out doing long form documentaries like OutFoxed, and Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. During 2007, they launched campaigns around specific issues using bloggers, press, a website, a large coalition of groups and short video pieces to bring attention to the issues, take action and cause change. Each video piece contains a specific 'action ask' at the end which is something the viewer is asked to accomplish to help make a difference. Their latest video about John McCain got 1m views in 3 days. MTV's Choose or Lose With the theme 'Amp Your Voice,' MTV's Choose or Lose has shared the power of its platforms by giving millions of young voters the tools to self-publish and self-organize around the election issues they care about most. The campaign has tapped into the explosion in social networks & new media technologies to not only enable young voters to interact with each other around their election issues, but also provide more direct access to the candidates that impact their lives. The campaign has included the groundbreaking MTV/MySpace Presidential Dialogue Series, which allowed young people the first-ever, real- time interactive dialogue with presidential candidates; Super Tuesday coverage: the first-ever, live, mobile-to- web broadcasts by Street Team '08, a cadre of youth- focused citizen journalists armed with video-equipped mobile phones;, a multi-media community where young people post their own video, audio, photos, and blog about the issues that matter most to them. David All, David All Group David All is the founder of, the Republican counter to the Democrats' More than 55 candidates use the platform on his website and they all raised over $1M in their first election cycle. Because of David's work, Congressman Jack Kingston of GA was named the 2006 Golden Dot Award for Online Politician of the Year by IDPI. He coordinated the Open House Project (increasing government transparency), and had it endorsed by John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi in an op-ed in The Hill. In 2007, he started, a group blog focusing like a laser on the intersection of Republican politics and technology. C & E named him among their '08 class of Rising Stars. mySociety mySociety deserves recognition because it runs some of the best known and best used democracy websites in the world whilst being a tiny underfunded open source NGO run from people's homes across the UK. As well as running the often copied, with 2 million unique users last year, which continues to set the standard for what a political transparency website should be like across the globe, mySociety also helps people with tangible problems like getting potholes fixed at - 7000+ real world problems like grafitti and dumped trash have been confirmed fixed so far. mySociety also leads the field in building challenging, truly interactive sites for the executive branch - mySociety's petitions site for 10 Downing Street has over 8m signatures from around 10% of the entire UK population, perhaps the largest non-partisan democracy website ever built. And all by a tiny NGO with a handful of staff and some awesome volunteers. Sunlight Foundation In just two years, Sunlight Foundation has developed, assembled and funded an array of web-based databases and tools to help investigative reporters, bloggers, politics junkies and ordinary citizens to better illuminate the interplay of money, lobbying, influence and government in Washington to a degree never before possible. The creation of these databases and the technologies applied to them that free the data from their silos has created an unprecedented demand for more: more information, more transparency, and more easy-to-use tools. Sunlight is a catalyst that enables the public to better understand, monitor and hold members of Congress accountable; help investigative reporters do the research necessary to inform the public; help bloggers and citizens interested in following and shaping politics to more easily inform themselves (and their readers and social networks); and push and pull Congress and Washington into a much more expansive and transparent relationship with the public. In January, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems launched the Persian-language site The site provides unbiased news and information for an Iranian audience with the aim of increasing civic awareness and encouraging civic participation. To that end, was one of the only unique sites providing comprehensive coverage and analysis of Iran's Parliamentary elections in March 2008. Despite a hard-line approach by the Iranian government on online publications (censorship is common and many sites get filtered) Mardomak has successfully proven that by being unbiased and fair, and by providing information, paired with cutting edge online features and technology, there is still room to promote civic engagement and political dialogue in Iran. Groundbreaking features (in the Iranian context) that utilizes include: widgets, interactive photo albums, interactive maps, online polls, and political scorecards for elected officials. eGovernment Resource Centre The eGovernment Resource Centre has been aggregating the world's eGovernment strategies, eDemocracy initiatives, ICT policies, website standards, government information and communications technology (ICT) and government website best practices and standards for more than ten years. Published by the Victorian Government in Australia, it contains summaries of more than 11,000 external resources and 1450 articles. It is the foremost repository for everything eGovernment in the world. The site attracts more than 20,000 visitors each month and provides a weekly newsletter and RSS news feeds to its readership. Members are able to bookmark their favorite resources, rate and review content. Avaaz Launched in January 2007, Avaaz is a global web movement with over 3.3 million members. They use the internet and technology to bring people powered politics to international decision-making. The core of Aveez's model of organizing is our email list, operated in 13 languages. Online accomplishments include the following: $2m raised online and smuggled in to the Burmese monks and other aid organizations after the cyclone, after a previous fundraiser to break the communications blackout and rebuild the democracy movement; 1.65 million signature petition for dialogue between China and the Dalai Lama, and a 2000-person human chain handshake from the Dalai Lama to the Chinese Embassy in London; Winning the YouTube Best Political Video award, beating Obama Girl etc, with millions of views for "Stop the Clash of Civilizations"; and taking down the Finnish prime minister's email address. techPresident TechPresident, a daily blog and email digest of how the candidates are using the web and how the web is using them, was launched in February 2007. covers the gamut of online campaign activities: from campaign websites, online advertising and email lists to video postings on YouTube and who's got the fastest growing group of friends on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. TechPresident's "Daily Digest" email newsletter has become a must-read for the leading journalists, bloggers and activists. TechPresident led the online discussion of how the Obama campaign was taking advantage of social media tools and will be leading the charge in understanding how the campaign tools will be used in governance. Helium Helium is elevating citizen journalism and political issues through its partnerships with nonprofit organizations and news institutions, and through innovative awards series. Helium is currently partnered with over 65 organizations that include the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, Center for Responsive Politics, Sunshine Week, National Press Club, the Knight Center for International Media and more. Helium Debate is a vehicle for civil discourse online. It invites organizations to bring their debate topics to Helium where citizens can debate issues in a fair and civil environment. Anyone can state their opinion by writing a compelling article - there is no flaming or commenting allowed. The Helium Journalism Awards is an opportunity for citizens to report on national and global issues and gain recognition and reward. The Pulitzer Center pioneered the program at Helium. Oscar Swartz, Bahnhof Oscar Swartz, Swedish IT entrepreneur, founder of pioneer Internet provider Bahnhof, blogger and libertarian debater, is a well known critic of the "surveillance society", in Sweden. This surveillance society is often called "The Bodstram Society" and "The Ask Society", after the former and present Swedish Ministers of Justice, socialist and conservative respectively, who have championed far- reaching legislation concerning digital surveillance. Together with a number of other bloggers, he managed to form the "blog quake": in June 2008, the resistance against the Lex Orwell, due to pass in parliament quietly during the Euro Soccer Cup and Swedish Midsummer celebrations, managed to spill over into traditional mass media just days before. The government was almost defeated with MPs breaking party lines. In the weeks following the decision, the MPs that passed the law received 6.6 million e-mails from angry citizens, and thousands marched in demonstrations all over the country. Pambazuka News Pambazuka News, with a readership of 500,000, is produced by a pan-African community of over 1,000 citizens - academics, social activists, women's organizations, writers, artists, poets, bloggers, and commentators who together produce insightful and thoughtful analyses that make it the most innovative and influential sites for social justice in Africa. Pambazuka publishes podcasts, videos and books; supports African women and marginalized groups to develop blogs, radio programs, podcasts and mobile phone technologies to enable them to give voice to their experiences; and enables CSO's to monitor the African Union. Its growth reflects a commitment to fostering a community of African citizens who hold their governments to account. Be it the recent Kenya electoral crisis, the xenophobic killings in South Africa, the electoral violence in Zimbabwe, or the growing influence of China in Africa, Pambazuka has become the source of authentic voices of Africa's social analysts and activists. Adgeordnetenwatch Gregor Hackmack and Boris Hekele founded in order to improve communication between German voters and their members of parliament. This unique website has been extremely successful. Any citizen can ask questions about current political issues; politicians of all parties and ranks are addressed and usually answer fairly soon. Within 18 months there have been 20,000 questions and almost 17,000 answers. All this can be read free of costs by anybody. This project helps both sides: politicians learn more about the electorate's problems and worries, and the public knows better where their MPs stand. The media also have discovered as a perfect information tool. The non-profit website generates 200,000 visits and 2.5 million page impressions per month. It is financed by private donors and non-profit organizations. There is no state or party influence or money involved. Yoani Sánchez, Generación Y Blog Yoani is one of the most influential people in the world according to TIME. The 32-year-old Cuban philology graduate has attracted a considerable readership by writing about her daily life in Cuba and describing economic hardships and political constraints in her blog. She is not a politician, she is only a woman who dreams and wants to share her dreams and millions of people are joining to these dreams. Freedom for Cuba and the Cubans. She has criticized Cuba's new leader, Raul Castro for his vague promises of change and minimal steps to improve the standard of living of Cubans. Sánchez, whose critical "Generación Y" blog received 1.2 million monthly hits has denounced several boycotts to her page. Michael Bassik, MSHC Partners "Michael Bassik, head of Internet Strategy for MSHC Partners, has been a major influence on a generation of internet and politics. One of the first online political consultants, he was named a "Top 50 Politico to Watch" by The Politico and received the first-ever joint award for Excellence in Digital Media from Yahoo! and the American Association of Political Consultants earlier this year. Under his leadership, MSHC Partners has won more interactive Pollie Awards than any firm in the country. David Kralik, American Solutions David Kralik, Director of Internet Strategy for American Solutions for Winning the Future (ASWF), is changing the world of Internet and Politics by realizing that the web is not just another tool, but an entirely different culture, a new way of viewing the world. Through his work with Newt Gingrich, Kralik has bridged the gap between the network-based 21st Century world of the Valley and the hierarchical-centric world of Washington, DC, and is at the center of a critical effort to move beyond gridlock to solutions. One of the solutions that highlight how David harnesses new tools and strategies of the Internet is the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition effort that recently passed 1M signatures. This petition shows the power of the Internet to bring together many voices into a singular chorus so as to effect real change. This same definition could be applied to democracy itself. Randy Paynter, Care2 Ten years ago Randy Paynter had the foresight to started Care2. It now has over 9 million members who help create change for social and environmental good in small and large ways. It can be as simple as removing chemicals used in the home to signing a petition to stop global warming. The reason for recognition is that this effort of enabling people to take small steps and create change has been a personal mission for Randy for some time. He has stuck with it when it wasn't popular, forging his vision ahead, and has stayed true to the original goals now that it is. Care2 has made real contributions to many environmental and social causes and has rallied individuals to take action. Randy is always looking for ways to improve the opportunities that people have to contribute and to connect for a purpose or cause. He strives for the ultimate experience of creating a destination that makes it easy to make a difference. HuffPost's OffTheBus HuffPost's OffTheBus (OTB) is a citizen-powered and - produced presidential campaign news site sponsored by the Huffington Post and NewAssignment.Net. Its citizen journalists have broken some of the biggest stories of the presidential campaign season in the United States, and set new precedents for reporting in the digital age. New York Magazine credited OTB with creating the genre of citizen journalism. By combining the best traditions of legacy journalism with the democratic technology of the Web, by applying professional standards and techniques to citizen-based reporting, OTB has developed and refined a collaborative methodology for producing unique news stories beyond the scope of a traditional reporter or news organization. Since it launched in mid-summer of 2007, OffTheBus has quickly grown to more than 9,000 contributors. Cuidad Politico Cuidad Politico,"City Policy", is an independent, Latin American focused political science portal devoted to developing the discipline both theoretically and in practice. The portal supports the academic political science community providing an exchange and communication mean for all interested, creating a network among academic institutions, civil society and politics through a scientific support on various subjects and providing links, data bases and events calendars. Students, journalists, politicians, scholars and civil servants debate write articles and post papers on the home page. A rich number of links to research institutes, universities, political science associations are provided, as well as to South American newspapers online. The Social Liberal Party of Denmark The Social Liberal Party of Denmark made the first open political community in Denmark. Launched on the 26th of September 2007, it became the first Danish attempt to take the knowledge from the American campaigns and use it to 1) revitalize the party structure, making it easy to participate for everyone 2) open up the party debates to anyone interested in the subject (closed party member- debates are otherwise the rule in Denmark) 3) give everyone with an interest in the party the resources needed to contribute in the election campaign. Brussels based freelance journalist Brigitte Alfter and her network of investigative journalists throughout Europe are about to change European farm policies with their web-initiative Using the freedom of information law, they have forced European governments to release detailed data on who gets what from Europe's Common Agricultural Policy. All 27 EU countries will disclose data revealing details of some $100 billion given in subsidies by the Euro- taxpayer every year to farmers, food companies, industrial regeneration schemes and the fishing industry. Argentina Elections This site vitally contributed to the discussion of the presidential elections in Argentina in last October 2007. The site included interviews with candidates, academics, electoral experts and journalists. Also, it allowed people to leave comments in the posted articles enriching the discussion. It provided an electoral guide that answered almost all doubts regarding the elections and included the electoral platforms and biographies of all 14 candidates. EUObserver EUObserver is an online news service dedicated to providing news on the European Union. It is the only European newsmedia embracing updates from all over Europe as well as leading news from the EU capital Brussels. A classic combination of news and comments provide a unique meeting place for all who are interested in the most important political developments on our continent.
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