  • Damas
  • Damas
  • Damas
  • Damas was a support character in Jak 3. He was the king of Spargus and later revealed to be the long-lost father of Jak, whom he knew by his birth name, Mar. He was once the ruler of Haven City while in the House of Mar before he was betrayed and usurped by Baron Praxis and subsequently banished to the Wasteland, where he either founded or joined Spargus and eventually became its ruler.
  • Damas est une ville de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • A castellan (and/or a villainous knight) who engaged his younger brother, Sir Ontzlake (Hontzlake), in a land dispute, but avoided personal combat because he lacked confidence in his own fighting skill. He asked every knight who passed his castle to fight as his champion, but none would do so, so he threw all who refused into prison.
  • Damas es un jua de table stratejial entre du juores ci alterna move un peso en dirije diagonal. Cada juor ave pesos de un color, blanca or negra, e con se pesos el atenta prende la pesos de se competor par salta supra la otra pesos. La pesos supra cual es saltada debe es sutraeda. Si un juor pote prende pesos, donce el debe prende pesos. Donce, un competor intelijente pote dona un peso prendable per crea la situa ce se competor, pos prende la peso, va perde plu pesos cual el ia prende. Ave multe otra varias de damas, relatada a varia nasiones.
  • Damas (ダマス Damas) is the Boss of Chapter 1: Dawn of Destiny in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. Damas is the ruthless leader of a rogue bandit group from Bolm Mountain, a mountain apparently close to Pherae. He leads an attack on Castle Pherae in the first chapter of the game after learning that most of Pherae's military is away, involved in the growing conflict with Bern.
  • 5
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • 13
  • 1955
Nom Original
  • Damascus
  • 0
  • 1
  • 18
  • 6
  • 8
  • 100
  • IIIe millénaire avant J.-C.
  • Deceased
  • 18
  • 11
  • 5
  • Balthazar Picsou à Damas.
Voice Actor
  • Damas
  • 4
  • 6
  • N/A
  • La pierre philosophale
  • Chapter 1: Dawn of Destiny
  • 28
  • 35
  • 0
  • 1
  • Male
  • A castellan (and/or a villainous knight) who engaged his younger brother, Sir Ontzlake (Hontzlake), in a land dispute, but avoided personal combat because he lacked confidence in his own fighting skill. He asked every knight who passed his castle to fight as his champion, but none would do so, so he threw all who refused into prison. He eventually made an alliance with Morgan le Fay, who transported Arthur to Damas’s dungeon. Damas secured Arthur’s promise to champion him against Ontzlake. Meanwhile, Morgan arranged for her lover Sir Accalon of Gaul (Accolon), with Excalibur, to fight at Ontzlake’s champion. With the assistance of Ninniane or Nimue, Arthur defeated Accalon and exposed Morgan’s scheme. The Vulgate Lancelot says that Damas was reconciled with his brother, but in Malory’s version Arthur orders Damas to yield all his lands to Ontzlake, and to repay all the imprisoned knights. Arthur commanded that Ontzlake should hold the manor from Damas for the yearly fee of a palfrey, "for that will become [Sir Damas] better to ride on than upon a courser" - Damas had no business riding into battle on a warhorse, like an honorable knight. A knight named Damas was killed during Lancelot's rescue of Guenevere from the stake. It might have been a different Damas, or it might be that Ontzlake's brother reformed and joined Arthur's court. Malory also mentions at least one and possibly two knights names Darras - and old knight with five sons who gives Tristram lodging after the tournament at the Castle of Maidens, and a knight of the Round Table who appears at the attempt to heal Sir Urre - and the names Damas and Darras may have been easy to confuse.
  • Damas was a support character in Jak 3. He was the king of Spargus and later revealed to be the long-lost father of Jak, whom he knew by his birth name, Mar. He was once the ruler of Haven City while in the House of Mar before he was betrayed and usurped by Baron Praxis and subsequently banished to the Wasteland, where he either founded or joined Spargus and eventually became its ruler.
  • Damas (ダマス Damas) is the Boss of Chapter 1: Dawn of Destiny in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. Damas is the ruthless leader of a rogue bandit group from Bolm Mountain, a mountain apparently close to Pherae. He leads an attack on Castle Pherae in the first chapter of the game after learning that most of Pherae's military is away, involved in the growing conflict with Bern. The Bandits begin raiding villages near Castle Pherae before laying waste to the Castle. However, just as they begin, Roy and company approach from the southwest. A battle ensues, and after putting up a decent fight the bandits are defeated and Damas is killed at the gate of Castle Pherae.
  • Damas est une ville de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Damas es un jua de table stratejial entre du juores ci alterna move un peso en dirije diagonal. Cada juor ave pesos de un color, blanca or negra, e con se pesos el atenta prende la pesos de se competor par salta supra la otra pesos. La pesos supra cual es saltada debe es sutraeda. Si un juor pote prende pesos, donce el debe prende pesos. Donce, un competor intelijente pote dona un peso prendable per crea la situa ce se competor, pos prende la peso, va perde plu pesos cual el ia prende. Si un peso ariva a la cuadretas plu distante, el deveni un dama. La dama pote move como la bispo en xeces: sur multe cuadretas diagonal si desireda. El pote prende otra pesos en esta modo ance. La table de damas orijinal (draughts en engles) ave dimensiones de 10 x 10 cuadretas, ma la varia engles (English draughts o American checkers en engles) ave dimensiones de 8 x 8 cuadretas. En damas engles, la dama move como un peso comun, ma pote move e prende a retro ance. Ave multe otra varias de damas, relatada a varia nasiones.
is Capitale of
is Boss Name of
is Lieu of
is assigned by of
is Localisation of
is Residents of
is Villes of
is Link of
is Family of
is Décès of
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