  • Pastor
  • Pastor
  • Pastor
  • Pastor
  • Pastor war der Handlanger von Sorel Degerlund. Man hätte meinen können, der Bucklige mit den Geschwüren im Gesicht, den steifen Haaren und den breiten O-Beinen sei auch eine von Degerlunds Hybridschöpfungen, doch dieser versicherte, dass Pastor auf natürliche Weise entstanden sei. Pastor war ein ausgezeichneter Armbrustschütze. Mit seiner stählernen Armbrust, die zwei Bolzen gleichzeitig verschießen konnte, begleitete er Degerlund auf seinen Amokläufen in den Tukai-Höhen. Als Degerlund zum Arrest in der Zitadelle verurteilt wurde, blieb Pastor bei ihm. Er versuchte, Geralt zu erschießen, der in die Zitadelle eingedrungen war. Der Werwolf Otto Dussart tötete Pastor, bevor es dazu kommen konnte. Pastor ist ein Nebencharakter im Roman "Zeit des Sturms".
  • Chercher "pastor" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Curing people is good. Vaccinating them is better still. But after having tried out all sorts of remedies on himself, Pastor has built up his immune system to such an extent that he’s now become superhuman. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know which vaccine caused this reaction so it looks like he'll remain the only living case of it.
  • In Peruvian, it is lean pork (loin etc.,) marinated before preparation.
  • thumb|200px|Een pastor aan het werk. Een pastor is iemand die binnen een kerkgemeenschap zorg draagt voor de gelovigen. Het Latijnse woord pastor betekent herder.
  • The Pastor turns up leading a church in East Stoolbend near Roberta Tubbs' apartment in "Grave Danger" as Rallo attends services while staying with his dad. Like the Reverend Jenkins who is another religious figure in Stoolbend, he is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson.
  • A Pastor appeared in a total of 2 episodes over the course of the series. Season 3 Sleuthing with the Enemy
  • A pastor was a title held by a leader in a church. Brin Izisca of the Church of the Force was a pastor.
  • Pastor invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1. * nom de famille
  • A Pastor is a religious leader in a Protestant church or group. Protestants typically believe in the priesthood of all believers. That means any believer can administer the sacraments and the pastor doesn't need to be ordained specially. Pastors usually need training in Theology but a few groups allow untrained people to become pastors. Minister, preacher and reverend are alternative names for a pastor. There is a good and a a bad side to Christianity, see
  • Ein Pastor ist ein Tor (Narr), welcher zu allem und jedem seinen Senf dazugibt. Besonders auf Bibelsenf spezialisiert, können sie in jeder Lebenssituation eine oder mehrere (un)passende Zitate beisteuern. Wenn ein Pastor den Raum betritt, verstummen nicht selten alle Gespräche der anderen Anwesenden, denn sie wissen: "Gleich gibt es wieder Bibelsenf - hoffentlich nicht zu meinem Gesprächsthema". siehe auch: Hochwürgen oder aber: Pastor Schroer siehe nicht: Schweinepriester
  • The Pastor led the choir that Sophie Webster and Sian Powers joined at Weatherfield Fellowship Church. The choir were not a traditional set-up and sang an eclectic repertoire, chivvied on by the pastor who wanted them to do well in the forthcoming heats of a competition. Sophie and Sian’s enthusiasm for the choir though came more from a desire to see each other more after Sally Webster had banned her daughter from seeing her lover, not knowing of their relationship and thinking that Sian was a bad influence on her.
  • The word pastor usually refers to an ordained person within a Christian church. In some countries the term is used in relation to Protestant churches. It can also used in reference to priests and bishops within the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches. The word itself is derived from the Latin word pastor which means shepherd. The term pastor is also related to the role of elder within the New Testament, but is not synonymous with the biblical understanding of minister. In five New Testament passages though, the words are refer to church workers.
  • A pastor is a leader of a local church congregation, given authority by God to act as a shepherd to help his congregation grow into spiritual maturity as believers in Jesus Christ. In the Left Behind series, Vernon Billings was the pastor of New Hope Village Church until the time of the Rapture, after which the role was passed on to Bruce Barnes, who became the spiritual mentor for both the Tribulation Force and the Young Tribulation Force until his death around the time of World War III. Tsion Ben-Judah, a Messianic Jew who came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior during the Tribulation after his extensive research on who the Messiah really is, became the cyber-pastor of an online ministry reaching out to newborn Christians during the Tribulation. Demetrius Demeter was a pastor of
  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7
Portrayed By
  • no
  • 5
  • no
Only appearance
Number of Appearances
  • 11
  • Rare
First Appearance
  • 2010-08-20
  • Pastor
Character Name
  • Pastor
  • -4
Played By
  • Mortal human
  • Rescue
  • 5
Last Appearance
  • 2011-03-14
  • Pastor
  • Church pastor
  • Pastor in San Francisco
  • 2011-03-11
  • Male
  • Pastor war der Handlanger von Sorel Degerlund. Man hätte meinen können, der Bucklige mit den Geschwüren im Gesicht, den steifen Haaren und den breiten O-Beinen sei auch eine von Degerlunds Hybridschöpfungen, doch dieser versicherte, dass Pastor auf natürliche Weise entstanden sei. Pastor war ein ausgezeichneter Armbrustschütze. Mit seiner stählernen Armbrust, die zwei Bolzen gleichzeitig verschießen konnte, begleitete er Degerlund auf seinen Amokläufen in den Tukai-Höhen. Als Degerlund zum Arrest in der Zitadelle verurteilt wurde, blieb Pastor bei ihm. Er versuchte, Geralt zu erschießen, der in die Zitadelle eingedrungen war. Der Werwolf Otto Dussart tötete Pastor, bevor es dazu kommen konnte. Pastor ist ein Nebencharakter im Roman "Zeit des Sturms".
  • Chercher "pastor" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Curing people is good. Vaccinating them is better still. But after having tried out all sorts of remedies on himself, Pastor has built up his immune system to such an extent that he’s now become superhuman. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know which vaccine caused this reaction so it looks like he'll remain the only living case of it.
  • In Peruvian, it is lean pork (loin etc.,) marinated before preparation.
  • thumb|200px|Een pastor aan het werk. Een pastor is iemand die binnen een kerkgemeenschap zorg draagt voor de gelovigen. Het Latijnse woord pastor betekent herder.
  • The Pastor led the choir that Sophie Webster and Sian Powers joined at Weatherfield Fellowship Church. The choir were not a traditional set-up and sang an eclectic repertoire, chivvied on by the pastor who wanted them to do well in the forthcoming heats of a competition. Sophie and Sian’s enthusiasm for the choir though came more from a desire to see each other more after Sally Webster had banned her daughter from seeing her lover, not knowing of their relationship and thinking that Sian was a bad influence on her. Several months later, after Kevin and Sally had discovered and come to a grudging approval of their daughter’s relationship, the Pastor turned up at Sophie’s sixteenth birthday party with a present. The party had got out of hand and the two girls, drunk on cherry vodka, were kissing in full view of the partygoers. The Pastor walked out but turned up next day to try and persuade the girls that their relationship was sinful, reading them a passage from “Romans”. This led to a conflict of interest in the two girls’ minds but when they turned up for the next choir practice, the Pastor made it clear that he couldn’t condone their relationship and so they quit, accusing him of being a bigot. In March 2011, a drunk Sophie went to see her old choir practising. She was very upset and the pastor tried to calm her, but she climbed onto the church roof. As she was about to climb down, she lost her balance and fell. The pastor then phoned for an ambulance. When he later visited her in Weatherfield General, he asked Sophie if she and Sian would like to return to the choir, and they accepted.
  • The Pastor turns up leading a church in East Stoolbend near Roberta Tubbs' apartment in "Grave Danger" as Rallo attends services while staying with his dad. Like the Reverend Jenkins who is another religious figure in Stoolbend, he is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson.
  • The word pastor usually refers to an ordained person within a Christian church. In some countries the term is used in relation to Protestant churches. It can also used in reference to priests and bishops within the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches. The word itself is derived from the Latin word pastor which means shepherd. The term pastor is also related to the role of elder within the New Testament, but is not synonymous with the biblical understanding of minister. Present day usage of the word is rooted in the Bible. The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) uses the Hebrew word רעה (raʿah). It is mentioned 173 times and describes the feeding of sheep, as in Genesis 29:7, or the spiritual feeding of human beings, as in Jeremiah 3:15, "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding" (KJV). In the New Testament, the Greek noun ποιμήν (poimēn) and verb ποιμαινω (poimaino) are usually translated shepherd or to shepherd. The two words are used a total of 29 times in the New Testament, most frequently referring to Jesus. For example, Jesus called himself the "Good Shepherd" in John 10:11. The same words are used in familiar Christmas story (Luke 2) referring to literal shepherds. In five New Testament passages though, the words are refer to church workers. * John 21:16 - Jesus told Peter: "Feed [shepherd] my sheep" (KJV) * Acts 20:17 - the Apostle Paul summons the elders or presbyters of the church in Ephesus to give a last discourse to them; in the process, in Acts 20:28, he tells them that the Holy Spirit has made them bishops, and that their job is to shepherd the flock of God among them. * 1 Corinthians 9:7 - Paul says, of himself and the apostles: "Who feedeth [shepherds] a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?" (KJV) * Ephesians 4:11 - Paul wrote "And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastor(s) and teachers" (KJV) * 1 Peter 5:1-2 - Peter tells the elders among his readers that they are to, "Feed [shepherd] the flock of God which is among you..." (KJV) Arguably from the earliest centuries of Christian history, the church had three orders which were considered divinely ordained: bishops, priests and deacons. Each was only considered authoritative and able to administer the sacraments if one had valid apostolic succession (i.e., traceable lineage of ordinations back to the original bishops, the Apostles themselves). However, Protestant communities since the Reformation generally disregard this practice, or dispute the existence of apostolic succession.
  • A Pastor appeared in a total of 2 episodes over the course of the series. Season 3 Sleuthing with the Enemy
  • A pastor was a title held by a leader in a church. Brin Izisca of the Church of the Force was a pastor.
  • Pastor invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1. * nom de famille
  • A pastor is a leader of a local church congregation, given authority by God to act as a shepherd to help his congregation grow into spiritual maturity as believers in Jesus Christ. In the Left Behind series, Vernon Billings was the pastor of New Hope Village Church until the time of the Rapture, after which the role was passed on to Bruce Barnes, who became the spiritual mentor for both the Tribulation Force and the Young Tribulation Force until his death around the time of World War III. Tsion Ben-Judah, a Messianic Jew who came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior during the Tribulation after his extensive research on who the Messiah really is, became the cyber-pastor of an online ministry reaching out to newborn Christians during the Tribulation. Demetrius Demeter was a pastor of an underground church in Greece who, along with his wife and his congregation, was captured by the Global Community forces and sentenced to death for refusing to take the Mark of the Beast during the midpoint of the Tribulation. Gustaf Zuckermandel, Jr., best known as "Little Zeke", became an assistant pastor for an underground church in Wisconsin for a time when his services as a master of disguise and forger of identities was not needed. He later became the head of the For The Undecided ministry in Albania while becoming a farmer during the Millennial Kingdom. Enoch Dumas became the de facto pastor of The Place when the original people who ran the program were taken in the Rapture.
  • A Pastor is a religious leader in a Protestant church or group. Protestants typically believe in the priesthood of all believers. That means any believer can administer the sacraments and the pastor doesn't need to be ordained specially. Pastors usually need training in Theology but a few groups allow untrained people to become pastors. Minister, preacher and reverend are alternative names for a pastor. There is a good and a a bad side to Christianity, see
  • Ein Pastor ist ein Tor (Narr), welcher zu allem und jedem seinen Senf dazugibt. Besonders auf Bibelsenf spezialisiert, können sie in jeder Lebenssituation eine oder mehrere (un)passende Zitate beisteuern. Wenn ein Pastor den Raum betritt, verstummen nicht selten alle Gespräche der anderen Anwesenden, denn sie wissen: "Gleich gibt es wieder Bibelsenf - hoffentlich nicht zu meinem Gesprächsthema". siehe auch: Hochwürgen oder aber: Pastor Schroer siehe nicht: Schweinepriester
is Occupation of
is Positions of
is also appearing of