  • Harry Willis
  • During the rise of Victorian Tourism in Europe, the Ardeche region felt left out, as it had little in the way of spectacular scenery to attract visitors and so continued to remain poor. A local Mayor decided he would create an attraction and hit upon the idea of building a spectacular Gorge. He hired the services of a British Engineer, one harry Willis, who designed not only a spectacular Gorge, but one that would not run dry in the hot summers by re-using the water by way of designing the river to be round.
  • During the rise of Victorian Tourism in Europe, the Ardeche region felt left out, as it had little in the way of spectacular scenery to attract visitors and so continued to remain poor. A local Mayor decided he would create an attraction and hit upon the idea of building a spectacular Gorge. He hired the services of a British Engineer, one harry Willis, who designed not only a spectacular Gorge, but one that would not run dry in the hot summers by re-using the water by way of designing the river to be round. Harry brought in a team of Irish constructor workers who worked relentlessly blowing the gorge out of the plateau with dynamite. Progress was going well until love got on the way: Harry's wife, Madeline lived with him whilst he built the gorge. Harry worshipped her, and when he heard that she had been unfaithful with one of his workers, he blew himself up with Dynamite at a site which is now close to Gaud bivi site. A white cross on the right bank still marks the site of Harry's grave. Sadly Harry had taken his life in vain as Madeline had not betrayed him. Heart broken by the loss of Harry, she took herself to the rim of the Gorge and threw herself. Her body was smashed on a rock in the middle of the river. This is now know as Madeline Rock , in the middle of Madeline rapid.