  • Bandit Golem DF145BS/Trivia
  • Bandit Golem is based primarily on the Golem. Originating from Jewish mythology, golems were sentient creatures constructed of inanimate matter; though it it most well-know as being a humanoid creature made of rock or stone. In other essence, golems have been featured in countless stories and tales and have also been included in the media. Golem is also known to be servants of evil forces. It is basically a creature that is an embodiment of destruction.
  • Bandit Golem is based primarily on the Golem. Originating from Jewish mythology, golems were sentient creatures constructed of inanimate matter; though it it most well-know as being a humanoid creature made of rock or stone. In other essence, golems have been featured in countless stories and tales and have also been included in the media. Golem is also known to be servants of evil forces. It is basically a creature that is an embodiment of destruction.