  • Meta Knight
  • Meta Knight
  • Meta Knight
  • Meta Knight
  • Meta
  • Meta Knight es un personaje de la saga de juegos Kirby, generalmente presentado como uno de los protagonistas.
  • Meta Knight is a major character in the Kirby series, appearing in most of the games, manga, as well as the anime. The intrigue and popularity surrounding Meta Knight within the Kirby fandom largely lies in his shrouded motives and his striking likeness to Kirby himself. Meta Knight is the leader of an army of soldiers known as the Meta-Knights, and captains a large airship called Battleship Halberd which may accompany him into the heat of battle. Although Meta Knight first appeared in Kirby's Adventure in 1993, his true name was not known in North America until Kirby's Avalanche was released in 1995.
  • Meta Knight is one of the guys in the Kirbyverse. He looks likje a blueish Kirby with a mask and a sacred sword and speaks with a spanish accent. He is the strange owner of the Halboat and first appered in Kirby Toast Trouble. He is not really a weirdo, more of a half-weirdo. This article is a . A stub is short, so make it longer. If you do, you get some Fried Chicken!
  • Meta Knight is the lone swordsman and captain of the fabled Halberd that wanders around the Digibutter Forums. He rarely ever speaks out of line, and practices his RP skills while the others talk. His role in the forums is only a member, but he acts like a mod, giving no mercy to those that SPAM and FLAME to much. He is kind and generous, though, in return for only respect. His life is pledged to the protection of the forums, and those that befriend him during his time on the forums. His loyalty and chivalry are not but of his way.
  • Meta Knight is an enigmatic fighter with a mask who appears as a consistent rival to Kirby throughout the series. His origins are shrouded in mystery as are his motives, appearing as an impediment in Kirby's progress in some games but serving as a steadfast ally in others. What has remained constant is his deadly skill with a blade along with a tendency to flee when his mask is broken, revealing a face not unlike Kirby's...
  • Unveiled at E3 2006, Meta Knight (メタナイト, Meta Naito) is a character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Originally from the Kirby universe, Meta Knight joins the brawl as a starter character who wields his short sword Galaxia as he fights. He currently ranks first on the Tier List, in his own SS Tier, due to his large amount of tournament wins and his amazing match-ups. When it comes to neutral stages, no match-up is thought to be a disadvantage for Meta Knight, although some matchups are considered to be even. In addition, some stages are considered to be less effective for him, such as Final Destination.
  • Meta Knight is a warrior of legendary power. He runs around, and kills powerful bad guys, because he is awesome like that. He can slay even the most dangerous villains.
  • Meta Knight (メタナイト Meta Naito?) is a character from the Kirby universe, and is often seen as Kirby's rival or occasionally ally.
  • When King Dedede gave the six peices of the Star Rod to his allies, Meta Knight got a piece. When Kirby came looking for it, Meta Knight sent out his minoins to fight Kirby. After kirby defeated the minions Meta Knight attacked Kirby. Using his sword he was able to injure Kirby. Meta Knight was prepared to kill him when Kirby inhaled him and spat him out. Meta Knight followed Kirby to the Halberd and fought him. Meta Knight stuck Kirby in a cannon and shot him to Dream land, then drove the Halberd to dream land.
  • Meta Knight (Metacaballero en español por el anime, メタナイト Meta Naito en japonés) es un personaje que aparece en los videojuegos de la saga Kirby. Participa como rival de Kirby; mientras que en el anime es su más fiel amigo, sin la máscara tiene bastante parecido a Kirby y además se caracteriza por sus veloces ataques de espada, es muy difícil detenerlo y esquivarlo así que si lo sabes controlar, mejor demuéstralo. * Para más información véase en Kirbypedia.
  • Meta Knight is a mysterious mon knight which wears a mask and a cape, and wields the sword Galaxia. He is a rival to Kirby, and often challenges him to a Sword duel.
  • Meta Knight is the name of the main antihero in the Kirby Series. He was born in Dream Land, and cares dearly about his home. However, if Dream Land makes a mistake, he will not hesitate to use violence to fix that mistake. He always comes across as dark and evil, however, in reality, he is actually a loyal being.
  • Meta Knight started out life on the Planet Korn, as all star Warriors do. He also hates anything that is just so absolutely cute that you wanna hug to death, which is why he doesn't like Kirby all that much, even calling him out on a few occasions. However, he was also very, very good-looking at the time. He became a pimp, having many women at his side. However, at some point, his family stopped caring about him and he became very sad.
  • Meta Knight was a playable character in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. He acts as Kirby's clone, focusing more on melee attacks. He was later removed from the game due to the removal of the clone system.
  • Meta Knight (メタナイト, Meta Naito) is a mysterious swordsman who hides his face in a metallic mask. He is Kirby's main rival in many Kirby games. Within the McLeodGaming media, Meta Knight is featured in the flash fangame, Super Smash Flash and its sequel, Super Smash Flash 2.
  • Meta Knight is an anti-villain from the Kirby franchise and is the leader of a group called the Meta-Knights (Sword Knight, Blade Knight, Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Trident Knight, Mace Knight, Captain Vul and Sailor Waddle Dee). Though he was the primary antagonist of Revenge of Meta Knight in Kirby Superstar, in which he attempts to put an end to the lazy lifestyle of the inhabitants of Dreamland, with the Halberd, he is otherwise either absent or is helping Kirby. His one role as an antagonist stems from good intentions, calling into question his role as a villain.
  • Sir Meta Knight (llamado así de forma más frecuente en el anime) o solo Meta Knight es un guerrero estelar al igual que Kirby y Galacta Knight. Es uno de los principales personajes de la saga Kirby, ha aparecido en varios de los juegos de la serie y en los capítulos del anime, al igual que Kirby fue creado por Masahiro Sakurai. Debutó en el juego Kirby's Adventure y hasta ahora, su última aparición ha sido en Kirby: Planet Robobot.
  • His debut in Smash was Super Smash Bros. Brawl, where he was an unstoppable and overpowered bitch, and is a current S rank. But in Smash 4, he was severely nerfed because Daddy Sakurai thought he was a god. So, he decided to give Meta Knight a valuable violent lesson about being unstoppable.
  • Meta Knight ist ein Charakter aus dem Hause Hal HAL Laboratory, Inc.
  • Meta Knight, also known as Sir Meta Knight, is a fictional character in Nintendo's Kirby franchise. He holds somewhat of a neutral status; at times, he is an ally of Kirby, and at other times, he is an enemy. However, he usually fights Kirby only for his honor and not for any malicious purpose, and he also sometimes fights Kirby when under the influence of spiritual possession. Whenever he does fight Kirby, he always gives his counterpart a sword to even the odds. It is shown under his mask that Meta Knight resembles Kirby, except for yellow eyes and blue skin. His intentions are often unknown, but what is known is that he is the leader of the Meta-Knights, an army of unique soldiers, and owns a large battleship called the Halberd which often accompanies him into the heat of battle. Though
  • Meta Knight is one of the best characters to come from the Kirby series. He is best known as Kirby's arch-rival, but still manages to play fair. When the time comes for Kirby to go one on one with Meta Knight, Meta tosses Kirby a sword to even the odds. Along with the Kirby games, Meta Knight appears as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • "Cet article concerne seulement la biographie de Meta Knight à travers les jeux vidéos de la série Mario ou ayant un lien avec elle. Pour en savoir plus, nous vous recommandons le Wiki Kirby". <default>Meta Knight <a href="/mediawiki/Fichier:Mario_casquette.png" title="Fichier:Mario casquette.png">35px|link=Catégorie:Personnages</a> </default> Informations Phrase fétiche Première apparition Dernière apparition Sexe Espèce Forme alternative Créé par Doublé par
  • Meta Knight is a major character in the Kirby series appearing in most of the games, manga, as well as the anime. The intrigue and popularity surrounding Meta Knight within the Kirby fandom largely lies in his shrouded motives and his striking likeness to Kirby himself. Due to Meta Knight's way of doing things and his oft-hidden intentions, the relationship between Kirby and Meta Knight is unpredictable in nature, and range from anywhere between being bitter rivals to being steadfast allies to one another and can change at a moment's notice. He respects a code of honor, and always offers Kirby a sword whenever he fights against him. Meta Knight is a playable character in many spinoffs, and is presented in many of the newer games as a "friend or foe" character. Meta Knight is a fictional ch
  • Meta Knight (メタナイト, Meta Naito) is a character in the Kirby series of games. He is a mysterious masked swordsman who wields a sword known as Galaxia (or "Master" as it is called in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror). He appears to be of the same species as Kirby, though this is not known for certain.
  • Sir Meta Knight o sólo Meta Knight es un guerrero estelar al igual que Kirby. Controla la espada Galaxia, es uno de los principales protagonistas de la saga Kirby, ha aparecido en casi todos los juegos de la serie y en los capítulos del anime, fue creado por Masahiro Sakurai. Debutó en el juego Kirby's Adventure y hasta ahora, su última aparición ha sido en Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition. Algunos dicen que en el episodio La última Pesadilla de Kirby: Right Back at Ya! se desvela que es el hermano de Kirby.
  • Neutral
  • Meta Knight
  • Masculin
  • Inconnue
Primera aparición
  • 210
  • Desconocida, probablemente pertenece a la especie de Kirby.
  • His mask destroyed
  • The Knights, Kirby y Rey Dedede
English Voice
  • Al ser espadachín, utiliza una espada para combatir a sus enemigos y tiene dos alas que le permiten volar.
  • Meta Knight
type of hero
  • Warrior, Knight
última Aparición
  • 220
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U
type of villain
  • Dark Knight, Rival
  • 1800.0
Letzter Auftritt
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
jap name
  • メタナイト
  • Kirby
  • Masahiro Sakurai
  • Meta Knight's basic appearance
  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Eric Newsome
  • Atsushi Kisaichi ,
  • Eric Stuart ,
  • Gerardo Reyero ,
  • Super Smash Flash
  • Super Smash Flash 2
  • Become the most powerful warrior in the galaxy.
  • Protect Dreamland from evil
  • Meta Knight
  • SSBB
  • Yellow
Full Name
  • Meta Knight
  • Kirby
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • Flying
  • Swordsmanship
  • Flight
  • Combat skills
  • Swordfighting
  • Dimensional Cape
  • Sword
  • SS
First Appearance
  • ''[[w:c:kirby:Kirby's Adventure
  • Star Warrior, Kirby's guide
  • strongest man
  • Blue
  • N/A
  • Meta Knight
  • Meta E. Knight
  • Sir Meta Knight
  • Character
  • 200
  • Genius
  • 50
  • dbkwik:resource/FONica7Rv4axJ33LQksLXQ==
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn screenshot
  • Kirby Air Ride artwork
  • Kirby's Return to Dream Land artwork
  • Kirby: Right Back at Ya! screenshot
  • Kirby 25th Anniversary website artwork
  • Meta Knight as he appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U
  • Artwork from [[w:c:kirby:Kirby:_Planet_Robobot
  • Meta Knight in his latest appearance
  • Meta Knight, wielding his sword, Sacred Sword
  • No
  • 1
  • To rule the world
  • Eric Newsome
  • Meta Knight
  • Air Ride ; Free Run
  • Meta Knight
  • Meta Knight
  • Derivation / meaning of English name
  • None
  • Training.
  • Dueling Kirby
  • Reading .
  • Batamon
  • Puffball
  • Kirby's species
  • Kirby's race
  • Unknown, but resembles that of Kirby's species
  • Unknown; resembles Kirby's species
  • 54321
  • None-Guy
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • Battleship Halberd
  • Kirby-Spiele
  • 300
  • Metaknight_aniversario.png
  • Swordsmen
  • Leader of the Meta-Knights
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • 170
  • Meta Knight
  • Male
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • You have much yet to learn.
  • Defeated by Sword Kirby
  • Masculino
  • Masculino.
  • Nintendo
  • Meta knight.png
  • 200
  • 300
  • Tiene la forma de una esfera de color azul. Lleva puesta una máscara plateada, una capa azul, guantes blancos y zapatos de color púrpura.
Nombre Japonés
  • メタナイト
  • Eric Newsome
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Atsushi Kisaichi
JAP Voice
  • Meta
  • Meta Knight (メタナイト, Meta Naito) is a character in the Kirby series of games. He is a mysterious masked swordsman who wields a sword known as Galaxia (or "Master" as it is called in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror). He appears to be of the same species as Kirby, though this is not known for certain. Meta Knight is the leader of a group of knights known as the Meta-Knights (note the hyphen) which includes Axe Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, and Javelin Knight . He first appeared in Kirby's Adventure, though his name was not known until Kirby's Avalanche for the SNES. His mysterious nature has lead him playing more of a "friend or foe" role and less of an actual playable character throughout the Kirby series.
  • Meta Knight es un personaje de la saga de juegos Kirby, generalmente presentado como uno de los protagonistas.
  • Meta Knight is a major character in the Kirby series, appearing in most of the games, manga, as well as the anime. The intrigue and popularity surrounding Meta Knight within the Kirby fandom largely lies in his shrouded motives and his striking likeness to Kirby himself. Meta Knight is the leader of an army of soldiers known as the Meta-Knights, and captains a large airship called Battleship Halberd which may accompany him into the heat of battle. Although Meta Knight first appeared in Kirby's Adventure in 1993, his true name was not known in North America until Kirby's Avalanche was released in 1995.
  • "Cet article concerne seulement la biographie de Meta Knight à travers les jeux vidéos de la série Mario ou ayant un lien avec elle. Pour en savoir plus, nous vous recommandons le Wiki Kirby". <default>Meta Knight <a href="/mediawiki/Fichier:Mario_casquette.png" title="Fichier:Mario casquette.png">35px|link=Catégorie:Personnages</a> </default> Informations Phrase fétiche Première apparition Dernière apparition Sexe Espèce Forme alternative Créé par Doublé par Meta Knight (Japonais : メタナイ, soit Meta Naito) est un personnage de la série Kirby apparu pour la première fois dans Kirby's Adventure mais surtout dans Super Smash Bros. Brawl sorti en 2008 sur Wii. C'est à la base un rival (ou parfois un ami) de Kirby. Dans le jeu, c'est le rival. C'est un personnage qui rejoint la bataille avec une épée nommée : "Galaxia". Dans Super Smash Bros. Brawl, il est aussi extrêmement rapide, d'où on la retrouve lorsqu'il se bat. Meta Knight est d'ailleurs dans la bataille du jeu Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U sur Wii U et Nintendo 3DS.
  • Meta Knight is one of the guys in the Kirbyverse. He looks likje a blueish Kirby with a mask and a sacred sword and speaks with a spanish accent. He is the strange owner of the Halboat and first appered in Kirby Toast Trouble. He is not really a weirdo, more of a half-weirdo. This article is a . A stub is short, so make it longer. If you do, you get some Fried Chicken!
  • Meta Knight is the lone swordsman and captain of the fabled Halberd that wanders around the Digibutter Forums. He rarely ever speaks out of line, and practices his RP skills while the others talk. His role in the forums is only a member, but he acts like a mod, giving no mercy to those that SPAM and FLAME to much. He is kind and generous, though, in return for only respect. His life is pledged to the protection of the forums, and those that befriend him during his time on the forums. His loyalty and chivalry are not but of his way.
  • Meta Knight, also known as Sir Meta Knight, is a fictional character in Nintendo's Kirby franchise. He holds somewhat of a neutral status; at times, he is an ally of Kirby, and at other times, he is an enemy. However, he usually fights Kirby only for his honor and not for any malicious purpose, and he also sometimes fights Kirby when under the influence of spiritual possession. Whenever he does fight Kirby, he always gives his counterpart a sword to even the odds. It is shown under his mask that Meta Knight resembles Kirby, except for yellow eyes and blue skin. His intentions are often unknown, but what is known is that he is the leader of the Meta-Knights, an army of unique soldiers, and owns a large battleship called the Halberd which often accompanies him into the heat of battle. Though Meta Knight first appeared in Kirby's Adventure his name was not known in the U.S. until Kirby's Avalanche was released in 1995. His mysterious nature has led to him playing more of a playable character and less of a "friend or foe" character throughout the series.
  • Meta Knight is an enigmatic fighter with a mask who appears as a consistent rival to Kirby throughout the series. His origins are shrouded in mystery as are his motives, appearing as an impediment in Kirby's progress in some games but serving as a steadfast ally in others. What has remained constant is his deadly skill with a blade along with a tendency to flee when his mask is broken, revealing a face not unlike Kirby's...
  • Meta Knight is one of the best characters to come from the Kirby series. He is best known as Kirby's arch-rival, but still manages to play fair. When the time comes for Kirby to go one on one with Meta Knight, Meta tosses Kirby a sword to even the odds. Along with the Kirby games, Meta Knight appears as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Mainly due to his Brawl appearance, Meta Knight got into the Summer 2007 Contest. In his first match, Meta Knight finished second place, beating out Princess Peach and CATS, heading to round two with Sephiroth. In the second round, Meta Knight and Wario lost to Sephiroth and Fox McCloud. MK returned to the Summer 2008 Contest, but he and The Dog lost to L-Block and Ryu.
  • Unveiled at E3 2006, Meta Knight (メタナイト, Meta Naito) is a character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Originally from the Kirby universe, Meta Knight joins the brawl as a starter character who wields his short sword Galaxia as he fights. He currently ranks first on the Tier List, in his own SS Tier, due to his large amount of tournament wins and his amazing match-ups. When it comes to neutral stages, no match-up is thought to be a disadvantage for Meta Knight, although some matchups are considered to be even. In addition, some stages are considered to be less effective for him, such as Final Destination.
  • Meta Knight is a warrior of legendary power. He runs around, and kills powerful bad guys, because he is awesome like that. He can slay even the most dangerous villains.
  • Meta Knight (メタナイト Meta Naito?) is a character from the Kirby universe, and is often seen as Kirby's rival or occasionally ally.
  • When King Dedede gave the six peices of the Star Rod to his allies, Meta Knight got a piece. When Kirby came looking for it, Meta Knight sent out his minoins to fight Kirby. After kirby defeated the minions Meta Knight attacked Kirby. Using his sword he was able to injure Kirby. Meta Knight was prepared to kill him when Kirby inhaled him and spat him out. Meta Knight followed Kirby to the Halberd and fought him. Meta Knight stuck Kirby in a cannon and shot him to Dream land, then drove the Halberd to dream land.
  • Meta Knight (Metacaballero en español por el anime, メタナイト Meta Naito en japonés) es un personaje que aparece en los videojuegos de la saga Kirby. Participa como rival de Kirby; mientras que en el anime es su más fiel amigo, sin la máscara tiene bastante parecido a Kirby y además se caracteriza por sus veloces ataques de espada, es muy difícil detenerlo y esquivarlo así que si lo sabes controlar, mejor demuéstralo. * Para más información véase en Kirbypedia.
  • Sir Meta Knight o sólo Meta Knight es un guerrero estelar al igual que Kirby. Controla la espada Galaxia, es uno de los principales protagonistas de la saga Kirby, ha aparecido en casi todos los juegos de la serie y en los capítulos del anime, fue creado por Masahiro Sakurai. Debutó en el juego Kirby's Adventure y hasta ahora, su última aparición ha sido en Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition. En. algunos juegos de Kirby se puede ver que al vencer a Meta Knight se rompe su máscara y se ve su verdadero rostro, que revela que es de la misma especie que Kirby. Muchos creen que sus ojos son amarillos, pero en realidad son blancos debido a que así se ve sin su máscara. Algunos dicen que en el episodio La última Pesadilla de Kirby: Right Back at Ya! se desvela que es el hermano de Kirby.
  • Meta Knight is a mysterious mon knight which wears a mask and a cape, and wields the sword Galaxia. He is a rival to Kirby, and often challenges him to a Sword duel.
  • Meta Knight is the name of the main antihero in the Kirby Series. He was born in Dream Land, and cares dearly about his home. However, if Dream Land makes a mistake, he will not hesitate to use violence to fix that mistake. He always comes across as dark and evil, however, in reality, he is actually a loyal being.
  • Meta Knight started out life on the Planet Korn, as all star Warriors do. He also hates anything that is just so absolutely cute that you wanna hug to death, which is why he doesn't like Kirby all that much, even calling him out on a few occasions. However, he was also very, very good-looking at the time. He became a pimp, having many women at his side. However, at some point, his family stopped caring about him and he became very sad.
  • Meta Knight was a playable character in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. He acts as Kirby's clone, focusing more on melee attacks. He was later removed from the game due to the removal of the clone system.
  • Meta Knight is a major character in the Kirby series appearing in most of the games, manga, as well as the anime. The intrigue and popularity surrounding Meta Knight within the Kirby fandom largely lies in his shrouded motives and his striking likeness to Kirby himself. Due to Meta Knight's way of doing things and his oft-hidden intentions, the relationship between Kirby and Meta Knight is unpredictable in nature, and range from anywhere between being bitter rivals to being steadfast allies to one another and can change at a moment's notice. He respects a code of honor, and always offers Kirby a sword whenever he fights against him. Meta Knight is a playable character in many spinoffs, and is presented in many of the newer games as a "friend or foe" character. Meta Knight is a fictional character in Nintendo's Kirby video game series created by Masahiro Sakurai and developed by HAL Laboratory. Meta Knight first appeared in the 1993 video game Kirby's Adventure. The character also appears in several merchandising, Kirby comic books, in the 2001 anime series, and in Super Smash Bros. series. In the series, Meta Knight is a mysterious nature knight; this has led to him playing more of a "friend or foe" role and less of an actual playable character throughout the Kirby series. Meta Knight received mostly very positive critical reception since his introduction, being described as a "cool" character and called a "badass"; he became a popular character among fans, and a reviewer also noted him as more popular than the series' primary antagonist King Dedede.
  • Meta Knight (メタナイト, Meta Naito) is a mysterious swordsman who hides his face in a metallic mask. He is Kirby's main rival in many Kirby games. Within the McLeodGaming media, Meta Knight is featured in the flash fangame, Super Smash Flash and its sequel, Super Smash Flash 2.
  • Meta Knight is an anti-villain from the Kirby franchise and is the leader of a group called the Meta-Knights (Sword Knight, Blade Knight, Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Trident Knight, Mace Knight, Captain Vul and Sailor Waddle Dee). Though he was the primary antagonist of Revenge of Meta Knight in Kirby Superstar, in which he attempts to put an end to the lazy lifestyle of the inhabitants of Dreamland, with the Halberd, he is otherwise either absent or is helping Kirby. His one role as an antagonist stems from good intentions, calling into question his role as a villain.
  • Sir Meta Knight (llamado así de forma más frecuente en el anime) o solo Meta Knight es un guerrero estelar al igual que Kirby y Galacta Knight. Es uno de los principales personajes de la saga Kirby, ha aparecido en varios de los juegos de la serie y en los capítulos del anime, al igual que Kirby fue creado por Masahiro Sakurai. Debutó en el juego Kirby's Adventure y hasta ahora, su última aparición ha sido en Kirby: Planet Robobot.
  • His debut in Smash was Super Smash Bros. Brawl, where he was an unstoppable and overpowered bitch, and is a current S rank. But in Smash 4, he was severely nerfed because Daddy Sakurai thought he was a god. So, he decided to give Meta Knight a valuable violent lesson about being unstoppable.
  • Meta Knight ist ein Charakter aus dem Hause Hal HAL Laboratory, Inc.
is Alineacion of
is Enemigos of
is Boss of
is Afiliación of
is Characters of
is Affiliation of
is Jefes of
is User of
is wikipage disambiguates of